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高中英语 UnitThe Million Pound Bank Note Period Three Grammar & Writing课件 新人教版必修

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高中英语 UnitThe Million Pound Bank Note Period Three Grammar & Writing课件 新人教版必修

Period Three ,Grammar,Speaking & Writing,语法专题 名词性从句宾语从句和表语从句,交际导航 口语积累运用,栏目索引,写作专题 如何写英文戏剧,语法精析,语法专题,一、名词性从句 1.名词性从句 名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。这些从句在复合句中相当于名词,在句中分别作主语、宾语、表语和同位语。,名词性从句宾语从句和表语从句,2.名词性从句的连接词及其在句中的功能,What you have belongs to me.(主语从句) Its unwise to give your child whatever he wants.(宾语从句) Thats why she didnt say a word.(表语从句) This is the fact that he got the license card.(同位语从句),二、宾语从句,在复合句中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句。常见的宾语从句有及物动词宾语从句、介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句三类。 1.宾语从句的连接词 连接代词:who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever,whichever等。 连接副词:when,where,how,why等。 从属连词:that,whether,if等。,2.及物动词后的宾语从句 Could you tell me where the booking office is? 你能不能告诉我售票处在什么地方? She decided that she was going to be a nurse. 她曾决定将来成为一名护士。 3.介词后的宾语从句 一般情况下介词后只能用wh­-类连接词引导的宾语从句,但but,except,besides等后可接that引导的宾语从句。 We are talking about what well do next. 我们正在讨论下一步做什么。,4.形容词后的宾语从句 sure,certain,glad,pleased,happy,afraid,surprised,satisfied,sorry等表示情感的形容词后可接宾语从句。 Im not sure whether theyll agree to such a plan. 我不确定他们是否同意这样一个计划。,5.学习宾语从句应注意以下几点 (1)宾语从句的时态必须与主句呼应。 如果主句中谓语动词是现在时态或将来时态,那么从句中谓语动词不受主句中谓语动词时态的影响,可以根据需要使用任何时态。 Tell me where you went on holiday. 告诉我你假期去哪里了。(从句是一般过去时) 如果主句谓语动词是过去时态,那么从句中的时态一般为表示过去的某种时态(如过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时)。 He said that he had been to New York. 他说他曾去过纽约。(从句是过去完成时),在insist,demand,order,suggest,propose,advise,desire等表示要求、命令、建议、坚持等意义的动词后that引导的宾语从句的谓语动词要用“should动词原形”,should可以省略,表示虚拟。 He suggested I (should) get up early to take the train to London. 他建议我早起以便赶上去伦敦的火车。 如果宾语从句表示的是客观事实、自然现象或真理时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时。 She said that her father is twenty-­eight years older than her. 她说她父亲比她大二十八岁。,(2)it作形式宾语 it不仅可作形式主语,还可作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在句末。这种用法通常出现在以下两种情况中: 动词find,consider,think,feel,believe,make等后有宾语补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语后置。 I have made it clear that I will not accept this job. 我已表明我不会接受这份工作的。 有些动词(短语),如enjoy,love,like,hate,appreciate,take,hide,see to,insist on,depend on,rely on等带宾语从句时,习惯上在从句前加形式宾语it。 I hate it when people ask me for money. 我不喜欢别人向我借钱。,(3)宾语从句中的否定转移 当主句谓语动词是think,consider,suppose,believe,expect,guess,imagine等表示“认为,相信,猜测等”的动词,主语是第一人称的一般现在时的句子时,习惯上把从句的否定词放在主句谓语前,但意义上否定的仍然是从句。 I dont think he can finish the work on time. 我认为他无法按时完成工作。 (4)动词后有两个或两个以上由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省略,其余的that一般都不能省略。 I believe (that) youve done your best and that things will improve. 我相信你已经尽力了,一切都会好起来的。,(5)主句谓语和宾语从句之间有插入语时,宾语从句前的that不能省略。 He announced,believe it or not,that he would never forgive her. 他宣布,信不信由你,他绝不会原谅她。,疑难解析,whether和if引导宾语从句的区别:,即时跟踪1,答案,(1)单句语法填空,The doctor suggested that the operation (do) immediately. Why dont you bring to his attention that youre too ill to work on? She was worried about she passed the exam.,(should) be done,it,whether,(2)单句改错 George said that he would come to school to see me the next day,but he hadnt. I hate when people speak with mouthful food. Our teacher told us that light traveled faster than sound. (3)翻译句子 我想我八点前赶不到这儿。,didnt, it,travels,I dont suppose that I shall be here until eight oclock.,答案,三、表语从句 在复合句中作表语的从句叫表语从句。表语从句位于主句中的连系动词之后。引导表语从句的连接词主要有:连接代词 who,whom,whose,what,which;连接副词when,where,how,why及从属连词that,whether,as if,because等。 1.that引导的表语从句 that仅起连接作用,无实际意义,在句中不作任何成分,通常不能省略。这种从句往往对主句主语的内容起进一步解释的作用。 其基本结构为“主语系动词that从句”。 The trouble is that we are short of funds. 困难是我们缺乏资金。,2.wh­-疑问词引导的表语从句 (1)连接代词what,which,who,whom,whose除在句子中起连接作用外,还可在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语,且各有各的词义。 Xiao Li is no longer what he used to be. 小李不再是以前的样子了。(what在从句中作表语) (2)连接副词when,where,how,why除在句中起连接作用外,在从句中还充当时间、地点、方式或原因状语,本身具有词义。 That is why he caught a cold yesterday. 那就是为什么他昨天得了感冒。(原因状语),(3)whether引导的表语从句 连接词whether起连接作用,意为“是否”,在句中不作任何成分。 The problem is whether it is true. 问题是这是否是真的。,3.从属连词as if,as though,because,as等引导的表语从句 because引导表语从句通常只用于“This/That/It is/was because.”结构中。as if/though引导的表语从句常置于系动词look,seem,sound,be,become等后面,常用虚拟语气,也可用陈述语气。 It is because he is too careless. 那是因为他太粗心了。 It looks as if it is going to snow. 看起来天要下雪。,4.主语是表示建议、命令、要求、计划(suggestion,advice,order,request,proposal,plan)等的名词时,表语从句应该用虚拟语气,即should后接动词原形,should可以省略。 My suggestion is that we (should) go and help him. 我的建议是我们应该去帮助他。,5.学习表语从句应注意以下几点 (1)当主语是the reason,the result或why引导的主语从句时,常用that引导表语从句,不用because。 The reason why I didnt come is that I was ill yesterday. 我昨天没来是因为我生病了。 Why we decided to put off the football match was that the weather was too bad. 我们之所以决定推迟这场足球赛是因为天气太糟糕了。 (2)在引导表语从句时,whether不能用if替换。 His first question was whether Mr.Smith had arrived. 他的第一个问题是史密斯先生到了没有。,即时跟踪2,答案,用适当的连接词填空 (1)Im wondering you are always late for class. (2)I am not sure or not he is willing to help me. (3)My parents are very kind to me and always let me do I think I should do. (4)The trouble is I lost the key to my room. (5)All this was over twenty years ago,but it is it were only yesterday.,why,whether,what,that,as if,.单句语法填空 1.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is one can be entirely free from dust.(2016·北京) 2.As natural architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.(2015·全国) 3.A ship in harbor is safe,but thats not ships are built for. (2015·安徽),


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