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高中英语 ModuleDeveloping and Developed Countries Period Two Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修

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高中英语 ModuleDeveloping and Developed Countries Period Two Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修

Period Two ,Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner,课前预习 基础落实,课堂讲义 核心突破,当堂达标 检测巩固,栏目索引,.单词检测 1. adj. 无家可归的 2. n. 慈善团体 3. adj. 拥挤的n. 人群 4. n. 类似;相似adj. 相似的adv. 同样地,类似地 5. adj. 不幸的;遗憾的(反义词) adj. 幸运的,词语识记,课前预习 基础落实,答案,homeless,charity,crowded,crowd,similarity,similar,similarly,unfortunate,fortunate,答案,6. n. 位置;所在地vt. 位于 7. n. 交通工具 8. adj. 工业的n. 工业 9. adj. 受到污染的 10. adj. 漂亮的;整洁的;时髦的 11. n. 娱乐 12. n. 交换vt. 交换v. 改变,变化,location,locate,transport,industrial,industry,polluted,smart,entertainment,exchange,change,答案,.短语检测 1. 尤其是 2. 愿意做 3. 与有关;与有联系 4. 靠近;接近,in particular,be willing to do.,be connected with,be close to,答案,.课文阅读理解 1.Which of the following is NOT a similarity between Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France? A.They both have universities and industries. B.They are both medium­sized towns in Europe. C.Tourism isnt important to them. D.They are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside. 答案 C,1,2,3,4,5,课文预读,答案,2.Town twinning is . A.a new thought B.less popular now C.an agreement between towns or cities D.an agreement between two countries,1,2,3,4,5,C,答案,3.Where did the visitors of town twinning agreements live when they visited the others of town twinning agreements? A.In the hotels. B.In the schools. C.In the theatres. D.In the private homes. 答案 D,1,2,3,4,5,4.Town twinning is most useful for . A.business men B.students C.foreigners D.teachers,答案,1,2,3,4,5,B,5.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A.There is usually a party for you when you visit your town twinning agreement friends. B.In order to practice your English,you must live with a foreign family for one or two weeks. C.The town twinning agreement cities are the same in everything. D.In the town twinning agreements,one city must visit the other once a year. 答案 A,1,2,3,4,5,答案,返回,答案,.课文阅读填空,medium­sized,industries,Tourism,close,visit,Agreements,exchanges,improve,crowded,语境感悟,课堂讲义 核心突破,重点单词,(1)The bus is so crowded that I even cant find stand room. 公交车上太挤了,我甚至找不到站的地方。 (2)The computer room was crowded with students. 微机室里挤满了学生。 (3)He gathered a large crowd of people round him. 他在自己四周聚集了一大群人。,归纳拓展,(1)crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded with.挤满了 (2)crowd n.人群;v.群集;挤满;堆 a crowd of 一群;一堆 crowds of 成群的,答案,即时跟踪 完成句子 (1)Liu Qians act made (人群) burst into laughter. (2)After making my way through (一大群人),I finally found a subway line that was operating. (3)The restaurant is popular in our area.It _(总是挤满顾客) at meal time.(2016·全国),the crowd,a crowd of/crowds of people,is always crowded with,customers,similarity,语境感悟,(1)Although there are some similarities between the two cities,there are a lot of differences too. 这两个城市虽有一些相似之处,但也有许多不同之处。 (2)The two bikes are similar in colour. 这两辆自行车颜色差不多。 (3)My opinions on the matter are similar to Marys. 我对这件事的见解和玛丽差不多。,归纳拓展,(1)similarity n.类似,相似 (2)similar adj.相似的,类似的 be similar in在方面相似 be similar to和类似 (3)similarly adv.相似地,答案,即时跟踪 (1)用similar的正确形式填空 Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ,our minds are developed by learning. The between the two reports suggests that they were written by one person. (2)完成句子 我的教学风格和其他大部分老师的教学风格相类似。 My teaching style that of most other teachers. 他们性格相似。 They character.,Similarly,similarity,is similar to,are similar in,unfortunate,语境感悟,(1)The kind couple adopted the unfortunate girl after the earthquake. 地震之后,这对善良的夫妇收养了这个不幸的女孩。 (2)I was unfortunate enough to lose my keys. 我把钥匙丢了, 真倒霉。 (3)It is unfortunate that you missed the meeting. 真可惜, 你没参加这次会议。 (4)He unfortunately passed away last year due to his cancer,but he left a deep impression on me.(2015·江苏) 由于癌症,他于去年不幸去世,但他给我留下了深刻的印象。,归纳拓展,(1)unfortunate adj.不幸的;遗憾的 be unfortunate to do sth.做某事很倒霉 It is unfortunate that.不幸的是;可惜的是 (2)unfortunately adv.不幸的是;遗憾的是 (3)fortunately adv.幸运地;交好运地 (4)fortunate adj.幸运的,吉祥的 (5)fortune n.运气;命运,即时跟踪 (1)用fortunate的正确形式填空 A truck knocked into a car at a crossroad. ,no one was injured. I am enough to have a very supportive family. Its that your father cant come to your graduation party. (2)单句改错 Several middle-­aged passengers fell into the sea. Fortunately,none of them could swim.,答案,Fortunately,fortunate,unfortunate,Unfortunately,exchange,语境感悟,(1)(教材P19)There are visits and exchanges between schools,theatre groups and sports teams. 学校、剧团和体育队之间经常有相互的参观和交流。 (2)They have promised to build the high speed railway for the country in exchange for the oil in the area. 他们已经答应为这个国家修建高速铁路以换取那个地区的石油资源。 (3)He exchanged phone numbers with the girl that night. 那天晚上他与那个女孩互留了电话号码。 (4)He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one.他把黑夹克换成了蓝夹克。,


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