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新视野大学英语一Unit 1 Text B

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新视野大学英语一Unit 1 Text B

Reading Skills,Text Study,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Idea Sharing,Finding out Word Meanings,Decide Your Choice,I. Finding out Word Meanings,In how many ways can you guess the meanings of new words?,Reading Skills,1. By definition (定义),The harbor (港口) is protected by a jetty a wall built out into the water.,防波堤,Reading Skills,2. By helping words: that is, meaning, such as, or, likewise.,Jane is indecisive, that is, she cant make up her mind.,unable to make decisions or choices 优柔寡断,Reading Skills,3. By the opposite of the word,Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time.,unwilling to talk about what you feel 有保留的;沉默的,Reading Skills,lintel,q,4. By your own experience,The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.,a piece of wood across the top of a door 门楣,Reading Skills,5. By sentences before or after the sentence,having great determination or firmness 坚定的,果断的 being alone and away from other people 孤独,I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I wont give it up easily. After spending three weeks in the woods, Henry was tired of solitude.,q,Reading Skills,6. By examples,Select any of these periodicals: Times, Newsweek or Readers Digest.,a magazine which comes out at regular times期刊,杂志,q,Reading Skills,oversee = over + seelandmark = land + mark throughout = through + outsetback = set + back,Any more?,7. By word part clues,A. Compound words,download, runaway motorcycle, feedback .,Reading Skills,B. Prefixes and Suffixes,Reading Skills,Reading Skills,misprint,unfit,rewrite,peacemaker,illogical,mislead,restless,acceptable,dishonest,Guess what it means,?,Reading Skills,II. Decide Your Choice,1. The more you expose yourself to new words, the more words youll learn by seeing how theyre used.A. put yourself in contact withB. show yourself up toC. reveal yourself to,Reading Skills,2. Whether youre still in school or you head up a corporation(公司), the better command you have of words, the better chance you have of saying exactly what you mean and of under-standing what others mean.,Reading Skills,A. are at the front of B. are in charge of C. work for,3. Learning the roots of words allows us to pick up whole families of new words at a time.A. collect B. improveC. learn D. receive,4. Aristophanes said, “By words, the mind is excited and the spirit elated.”A. filled with joy B. cleanedC. lifted D. cleaned up,Reading Skills,5. Should you use your new words on friends? Careful it depends on the situation. You know when a word sounds natural and when it sounds stuffy.A. rude B. impoliteC. unpleasant D. too formal,Reading Skills,Discuss and Rearrange the Qualities,Put the Qualities into Chinese,1. Be open-minded about sharing life, work, and learning experiences as part of online learning. 2. Be able to communicate through writing. 3. Be willing to “speak up” if problems arise. 4. Take the program seriously. 5. Make critical thinking and decision part of online learning. 6. Be able to think ideas through before replying. 7. Keep up with the progress of the course.,I. Put the Qualities into Chinese,Text Study,Text Study,II. Discuss Each Quality and Rearrange the Lists in Order of Importance,Text Study,Focus Study,Active Expressions,I. Active Expressions,1. While regular schools still exist, the virtual classroom plays an important role in todays learning community. 2. Be open-minded about sharing life, work, andleaning experiences as part of online learning. 3. Take the program seriously.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,1.人们开始认识到计算机在我们生活中起到了越来越重要的作用。 2.这是一次成功的讨论,每个人都敞开心扉,各抒己见。 3.他太把结果当回事了。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Keys,1. People have come to understand that computers are playing a more and more important role in our life. 2. This was a successful discussion, everybody was open-minded about offering their opinions. 3. He took the result too seriously.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. While regular schools still exist, the virtual classroom plays an important role in todays learning community.,While, At the same time as Although (used to show contrast),II. Focus Study,Examples,Notes to the TextFocus Study,While I was listening to the radio, other roommates were playing computer games.English is used all over the world while Turkish (土尔其语) is spoken by only a small number of people.While she is a likable girl, she can be very difficult to work with.,与同时,用来表示对比或相反的情况,=although 尽管,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,1. 她在看电视的时候我正在为考试复习。 2. 我倒喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但不喜欢它的样式。 3. 虽然我了解你的意思,但我还是不能同意(你)。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Keys,1. She watched the TV while I was preparing for the exam. 2. While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its style. 3. While I understand your viewpoint, I dont agree with you.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,


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