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Unit3-part5(City Life Styles),东西湖实验小学:陈龙,Joy Tuo,Mi Baba,Salty doughnuts,Bean pan,Twisted crullers,Soup buns,Hot and Dry noodles,Joy Tuo,Mi Baba,Salty doughnuts,Bean pan,Twisted crullers,Soup buns,Hot and Dry noodles,Sydney,Hello everyone, Im Linda Alice. Im very glad to tell you. Im already in Grade 6 this year and I am 12 years old. I like my class. In our class there are 23 pupils: 11 boys and 12 girls. I have a colorful life in Sydney. I get up at seven. I like eating hamburgers for breakfast. I go to school at quarter past eight by school bus. Our school starts at nine. I have three interesting classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Our school ends at three. After school I go swimming with my friends. My school life is great fun. At the weekend I like listening to music in Sydney Opera House with my parents. I also like riding a horse on Bondi Beach. Can you write an email and tell me about your daily life. Yours Linda,1.When does she get up? 2.What does Linda like eating for breakfast?3.How many classes are there in the morning?4.How is Lindas school life?,Hello everyone, Im Linda Alice. Im very glad to tell you. Im already in Grade 6 this year and I am 12 years old. I like my class. In our class there are 23 pupils: 11 boys and 12 girls. I have a colorful life in Sydney. I get up at seven. I like eating hamburgers for breakfast. I go to school at quarter past eight by school bus. Our school starts at nine. I have three interesting classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Our school ends at three. After school I go swimming with my friends. My school life is great fun. At the weekend I like listening to music in Sydney Opera House with my parents. I also like riding a horse on Bondi Beach. Can you write an email and tell me about your daily life. Yours Linda,1.When does she get up? 2.What does Linda like eating for breakfast?3.How many classes are there in the morning?4.How is Lindas school life?,I like riding a bike in East Lake park.,I like shopping in Jianghan Road.,I like swimming across the Yangtze River.,I like watching a horse race in Wuhan East Horse city.,I like riding a bike in East Lake park.,I like shopping in Jianghan Road.,I like swimming across the Yangtze River.,I like watching a horse race in Wuhan East Horse city.,I like riding a bike in East Lake park.,I like shopping in Jianghan Road.,I like swimming across the Yangtze River.,I like watching a horse race in Wuhan East Horse city., I ,Hi Linda, Im _. Im very happy to hear from you. Im in Grade _ and Im _ years old now. I love my class. In our class there are _ pupils: _ boys and_ girls. I have a colorful life in _ . I get up at _. I like _ for breakfast. I go to school at _. School starts at _. I have _ classes in the morning and _ in the afternoon. School ends at _. After school I _. My school life is great fun. At the weekend I like _ . I like _ . _ . Best wishes Yours _,Life styles differ in different cities. We need to understand and tolerate each other.,Email address: 451898064qq.com,Homework: Send the email to “Linda”.,Thank you!,


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