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1,冠词定义,冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词,另一种是不定冠词,还有一种是零冠词。,2,3,冠词,不定冠词:a 、an,定冠词:the,零冠词:不用冠词,4,不定冠词a/an,不定冠词a (an)与数词one 同源,是“一个“的意思。 a用于辅音音素前,一般读作e, an则用于元音音素前,一般读做en,5,含义,1. a/an 用于单数可数名词前。 a book a boy a man a bird a dog an hour an interesting book a big dog a dangerous aminal 2. 表示类别:这种用法是指某人或某物属于某一种类,或者指某一种类的人或物中的任何一个或一件,或者指某一种类的人或物,但不具体说明是何人或何物。 例如:That is a pen, not a pencil. 那是钢笔而不是铅笔。(指属于某一种类) Give him a pear, please! 请给他一个梨。(指某一种类中的任何一个) There is one cat under the chair.椅子下边有一只猫。(强调数量),6,3. 和 one 的区别: a/an 表示类别和种类 one 强调数量 a bus (表示是一辆公交车 而不是一辆小汽车 也不是火车) one bus (强调是一辆车 而不是两辆或三辆) There is a cat under the chair. 椅子下面有一只猫。 (强调种类) There is one cat under the chair.椅子下边有一只猫。 (强调数量) 4. 表示基本单位,作“每一”讲。 例如:three times a day, 10 yuan a kilo six class a day thirty miles an hour等。,7,5.表示“一个“,意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。 A Mr. Ling is waiting for you. 6.泛指某一类人或事物中的一个或一类。 A knife is a tool for cutting with. Mr. Smith is an engineer. 7. 用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”。 I have read the books twice, but I want to read a third time.8. 词组或成语。 a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try / keep an eye on / all of a sudden,8,不定冠词a 、an 1、泛指某一类人或事物中的一个或一类。 如: An elephant is much heavier than a horse.His father is a taxi driver. 2、 3、a / an 的区别a 用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前,an 用在元音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前。 特殊词:a usual boy ; a useful book ; a university ; a one leg dog an honest boy ; an hour ; an honor an “a , e , i , o , f, h , l , m , n , r , s , x ”,9,Exercise I have _ apple. He has _orange . This is _ egg. Jim is _ honest boy and he is _university student . 4. Do you have _ computer ? 5. There is _ car in front of the house.English is _ useful language.He is _ unhappy boy.My father will come back in _ hour .There is _ beautiful flower.There is _ “u” and _ “s” in the word “use”Please take _ seat and have _ rest,an an,an,an a,a,a,a,an,an,a,a ana a,10,定冠词the,定冠词的用法 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有“那(这)个“的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。,11,定冠词 the的用法 1. 第二次提到(上文提到过的人或事)This is an apple. The apple is mine. 2. 特指双方都明白的人或物 The boy in red is my brother. 3. 用在独一无二的名词前 the sun 太阳 / the moon 月亮 / the earth 地球 4. 用在最高级前the youngest / the most beautiful 5. 用在序数词前 the first / the second / the third / the fourth 6. 用在西洋乐器前play the piano / the guitar 7. 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人(The +姓的复数)The Smiths / the Greens smith 一家 / 格林一家 8. 用在方位名词前 或习惯用法in the south / on the right / in the day / in the end,12,用在惯用语中:in the dayin the morning (afternoon evening)the day after tomorrow the day before yesterdaythe next morning in the sky (water,field,country) in the dark, in the rainin the distancein the middle (of)in the end, on the wholeby the waygo to the theatre,13,特指双熟悉 上文已提及 世上独无二 序数最高级 某些专有名 习语和乐器,14,_ earth goes round _ sun. Jim is _ tallest and _ most interesting 3. _man over there is my teacher. 4. There is _ orange on the table . _ orange is mine . 5. I live on _ twelfth floor. 6. _ Great Wall is _oldest building. 7. I have _aunt . _ aunt is _ doctor. 8. In this exam ,he is _ second. Jim is _ boy . He is _ American boy. _Yellow River is one of _ longest rivers.Beijing is in _ north of China,The the,the the,The,an the,the,The the,an the a,the,a an,The the the,15,零冠词(不用冠词) 1、在专有名词(国名,城市名,人名, 路名)前不用冠词。Beijing is a beautiful city. 2、表泛指的不可数名词或名词复数前不用冠词。Snow is white and beautiful 3、在球类运动,棋类和学科名词前不用冠词。Mr zhang likes playing football and chess. 4、在季节,月份,星期,节日和三餐饭前不用冠词。Today is Childrens Day .All the students have lunch at school. 但中国的传统节日前一般加“the”The Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节 The Spring Festival 春节 5、在称呼语或表示头衔的职位名词前不用冠词。Mr Wang is from Australia 6、名词前有“this , that , those , these , my ,your ,some ”等词修饰时不用冠词。This is my Chinese book .,16,7、 固定搭配at first at last at noon at home首先 最后 在中午 在家on foot in bed in hospital go to school步行 躺在床上 住院 上学1. Do you like playing _ soccer ? 2. I usually have _ milk for _breakfast 3. We will go to the park on _ Monday . 4. My uncle lives in _America now . 5. Leaves turn yellow in _ autumn. 6. We can go swimming on _Sunday in _summer. 7. March 8th is _ Womens Day. 8. His father is ill in _ hospital .,/ / /,17,1.This is _ orange , _ orange is orange 2.English is _useful language. 3.My brother is _usual boy but _ honest boy. 4. He is holding _umbrella. 5. _man in red is his father. Hes at _dinner 6. Who is _ strongest and _ most friendly? 7._girl over there is _ university student. 8. I have _ cat . _ cats name is Mimi. 9. Monday is _ second day of a week. 10 _ sun is bigger than_ moon 11. I like playing _ basketball and _ piano. 12. He was born in _ May. 13. I saw _ old man pass by and _old man looked sad.,


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