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留学生写作网(www.pnstudy.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心 留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务 美国 essay 写作-西班牙建筑的宗教文化 Throughout the history of architecture, we have never seen an independent “Spanish style“ among various classical architectural styles. But Spain's history is unique, different ethnic groups for thousands of years left on this land of religious and cultural heritage, in Spain, several religious culture mutual infiltration and fusion, the Spain formed the mysterious and pluralistic architectural culture. Through the introduction and analysis of several typical buildings in Spain and the combination of the historical background and religious culture of the architecture, this paper presents the readers with the religious culture of Spanish architecture. Hugo, the great French writer, once said, “there is no important thought of man that cannot be written on stone by the art of architecture.“ As a country with a strong religious tradition, Spain enjoys worldwide reputation for its architectural art. And we as Spanish professional students, in the study of two years of Spanish culture, we recognize the charm of Spanish culture, which caused our great attention is Spain's architectural culture, the Spanish construction has its own style, but this is the characteristic of it. Spain's history and the geography position is very unique, behind its ancient architecture development and its history, religion must be linked together, this paper is intended to explore the Spanish construction of religious culture. Islam and its architectural features. Islam is one of the world's religions, along with Buddhism and Christianity, it is called the world's three major religions. In the 7th century, Mohammed, a mecca, first rose on the Arabian peninsula, meaning “obedience“ and “peace“. People who believe in Islam are collectively called “muslims“. In the 8th century, the moors who invaded Spain built a fortress in what is now the square of saint Nicholas, marking the beginning of the era when the moors ruled granada. A.D. 1002 to 1031, the decline of cordoba caliphs kingdom caused many independent Muslim countries, including the qi dynasty established the kingdom of granada, reed of the dynasty ruled from 1010 to 1090. Under the regime, granada developed and maintained the caliphate's artistic achievements. The alhambra palace is located in a small hill in granada surrounded by a winding, undulating redstone wall, also known as the red castle. The palace of alhambra was built by the ruler of the nasir dynasty, Mohammed I. Although it has been repaired several times, it still has a very typical islamic architectural style. There are four main atrium in the palace of alhambra: the myrtle atrium, the lions atrium, the dahala atrium and Halley atrium. The “embassy hall“ in the palace of alhambra is the most famous, located in myrtle palace. It is the largest and most luxurious hall in the palace, where Sudan meets foreign guests. The intricate patterns on the walls are based on natural elements such as shells, flowers and stars. Islamic architecture has 留学生写作网(www.pnstudy.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心 留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务 a unique tradition of decorative patterns. Legend has it that during his lifetime, the prophet muhammad believed that painting portraits was an act of the devil. Just like this, the decoration patterns of mosque buildings are not allowed to use animal patterns, but only the patterns of plants or words. In this magnificent elegant Arab palace, these used as decorative art design is roughly can be divided into three types: one is flowers and plants pattern, give priority to with flower, leaf, column, winding out numerous design, pattern regularly and pay attention to symmetry. Two is geometric figure, have circular, ripple shape, polygon to wait, or single use or a few kinds apply to. There is also a pattern of flowers and plants in the collection pattern, which is also very standard. The third is to make lace decoration with Arabic numerals, which is different from the rules and symmetry of plant figures and collective figures. Curved alphabetic strokes can not only be arranged neatly, but also be rich in change, giving people a sense of movement. Therefore, the decorative pattern is not only a fine work of Arabic calligraphy, but also a fine work of lace pattern art. Several of the great stylistic features of islamic gardens are perfectly embodied in the alhambra palace. In this unique architectural complex integrating castle, residence and king city, people can see that islamic art and architecture are exquisite, rich and subtle to the extreme. Christianity is a monotheistic religion that believes in the core values of Jesus Christ, the Lord god and the holy spirit. There are three kinds of Christian architecture: Roman, Byzantine and gothic. The religious architecture is one of the world's largest gothic church, gothic spire is the feature of high, in the design using cross arch, fly coupons, slender columns, combined wi


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