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留学生写作网(www.pnstudy.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务英文 essay 写作-人力资源的新发展Knowledge economy is knowledge-based economy. In the tide of globalization and modernization, high-quality knowledge-based talents has become the main body of market competition, determines an enterprise's core competitiveness and the success or failure, the modern human resources management brings out the new formats. Our country is a human resource power, has a wealth of human resources, but because of the lack of knowledge workers, and human resources development and management of the backward, to a certain extent hindered the internationalization, marketization of enterprise development. Therefore, we must strengthen the research on human resources in the era of knowledge economy and promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.Information technology, the rapid development of computer network technology, communication technology, make we are in an era of intelligence, along with the deepening of the research and development of artificial intelligence, the enterprise to get sustainable development of the power, we must focus on development of intelligent talent, develop an Internet thinking, new talents with insight, judgment and creativity.Innovation is the most distinctive feature of our times. From the central and local governments, from large state-owned enterprises to small and medium-sized high- tech enterprises, there is a growing demand for innovative talents. Enterprises are well aware that in the era of knowledge economy, the use of knowledge is the use of resources and capital. If we want to get rid of the single technology and production mode, we must take knowledge as the main driving force of production and create core technology, all of which cannot be separated from innovative talents.Human resource management of enterprises has many requirements for talents, that is, we usually talk about compound talents, including scientific and technological skills, management skills, cultural quality, moral quality and so on. In the era of knowledge economy, the multidisciplinary cross and fusion of requiring more proficient in one aspect, a certain ability of senior talent in many aspects, so as to face the complex and changeable market situation, can is the enterprise management in perfect order, promote the healthy development of the enterprise.This is a collaborative era, to some extent, the modern age when human beings have already said goodbye to self-sufficiency, people to achieve development, must through the collaboration and social relationships, for their daily needs. The nature of the business is the same, is a modern enterprise supply chain system, personal ability and wisdom alone is unable to complete a full product, must through the team cooperation, team work spirit, brainstorming, helping each other, we have power of common, they can better to complete a job, can produce a better product.留学生写作网(www.pnstudy.com)-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务Most knowledge-based talents are employees with college degrees or above. They have read books for more than ten or twenty years, and paid a high price. R cost and money cost, obtained a socially recognized education and experience, and also have a high market competitiveness, so there are naturally high requirements for remuneration. This requires enterprises to have a scientific compensation and welfare system and meet their requirements in five social insurance and one housing fund, tourism, catering and other aspects.Knowledge talents are not limited to high demands on salary. They want to achieve some achievements through what they have learned and worked hard to gain recognition from enterprises and society and realize their value. Going to enterprises must pay attention to the “men, material“, respect for their personal value, provide growth and rising channel, inspire them to strive hard, to realize their dreams, to promote the development of the enterprise.In the era of knowledge economy, the person who has mastered the core talents will master the core technologies and contacts. Enterprise to become bigger and stronger, must start from the introduction and training of core talents, at the same time of strengthening the people-oriented management, strengthen risk control talent, build a harmonious business environment, make people get more sense of security and access.The implementation of dynamic management, i.e., all-around and whole-process management, is conducive to timely finding and solving problems. First of all, we should adhere to the overall management, which means that we should not only manage employees as a whole horizontally, but also strengthen the development and management of knowledge talents vertically. Secondly, we should adhere to a problem-oriented approach in human resource management and keep adjusting management concepts and methods while accu


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