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非谓语动词专练 1.(2014 安徽) 32While waiting for the opportunity to get_ (promote) , Henry did his best to perform his duty. 2.(2014 北京) 25. Last night, there were millions of people _(watch) the opening ceremony live on TV . 【举一反三】 The lecture, _(start) at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. 3.(2014 北京) 28. There are still many problems _ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. A. solving B. solved C. being solved D.to be solved 【举一反三】 We've had a good start, but next, more work needs _(do) to achieve the final success. 4.(2014 北京卷) 35.The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without _. A. recognizing B. being recognized C. having recognized D. having been recognized 5.(2014 大纲卷) 23. Toady there are more airplanes _ (carry) more people than ever before in the skies. 6.(2014 福建) 27. _ (spent) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age. 7(2014 福建卷) 30. For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying_(connect). 8. (2014湖南卷)23._(understand)your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions. 类似:What made little Tony so unhappy and cry in his room? _ (allow) to go hiking with his brother. 9.(2014 湖南卷) 27. There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, _(stare)at the night sky. 类似:_(know) how to work out the difficult physics problem ,he asked the teacher for help . 10. (2014 湖南卷)35. _ (free)ourselves from the physical and mental tensions ,we each need deep thought and inner quietness. 11.(2014 江苏卷) 29. His lecture_(give), a lively question-and-answer session followed. 【举一反三】 Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some_(have) a life span of around 20 years. 13.(2014 江西卷) 31. _(spent) nearly all our money , we couldnt afford to stay at a hotel . 【举一反三】 _(tell) many times, he still repeated the same mistake. 14.(江西) 34.He is thought _(act)foolishly .Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job . 【举一反三】 A ship loaded with expensive goods was reported _ into the sea with its oil _ . A. to sink ; given out B. to have sunk ; run out C. having sunk ; used up D. to have sunk ; run out of 16.(2014 山东卷) 6. There is a note pinned to the door_(say) when the shop will open again. 16.(2014 山东卷) 9. Its standard practice for a company like this one_ (employ)a security officer. 17.(2014 陕西卷) 12. Its quite hot today. Do you feel like _(go) for a swim? 18. (2014陕西卷)20. _ the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times. A. Working out B. Worked out C. To work out D. Work out 19.(2014 四川卷) 5. The manager was satisfied to see many new products _ (develop)after great effort. 【举一反三】 The specialist _ (refer to ) at the meeting will give us a lecture next week . 20.(2014 四川卷) 7. I hope to take the computer course. Good idea. _(find out) more about it, visit this website. 21. (2014天津卷)5. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _ it didnt fit A. to find B. found C. finding D. having found 【举一反三】 George returned after the war, only _(tell)that his wife had left him. 22.(2014 天津卷) 7. Clearly and thoughtfully_(write), the book inspires confidence in students. * _(open)in 1955, Disneyland in California is regarded by many as the riginal fun park. 23.Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _(appoint) to guard her. A professor _(do) research on physics. 24.重庆 The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras _(return) to our shop for quality problems. 25.(重庆)11.Group activities will be organized after class _ (help)children develop team spirit. 26.【2015· 湖南】30.When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile, she stood rooted to the ground, _( wonder) whether to stay or leave. 27.【2015· 北京】21._(catch)the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early. 28.【2015· 北京】23.The park was full of people,_(enjoy)themselves in the sunshine. 28.Don t let the water _(run)while you are brushing your teeth. 29.He turned around and caught a _(put) his hand into the pocket of a passenger. 30.After his trip abroad, Richard Johnson returned home, _(exhaust) 31.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _(seat)as the plane was making a landing. 32.The flowers _(smell) sweet in the botanic garde


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