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Emcee:Everyone audience good morning, today is 2011 on nov. 30. Wednesday .Welcome to the news broadcast program. Today's main content: Next, please listen to the detailed content A: Audience friends, everybody, now I came to Beijing institute of spacecraft. After these three years of hard work, Chinese manufacturing out of the world the first frame time travels the spacecraft. Now we four journalists would be in ship no. 1 through to 2030. Please expect we connect to the future,see you.Emcee:Thank you!Later on we will bring you 2030 years of tracking report. Today's Iphone 4 s listed in Hong Kong, apple in China raised an upsurge onceagain,Let us see a reporter morris reports. B: Audiences. Now I am located in Hong Kong, today Iphone 4 s sold here, see behind me was a sea of people! All of them is to buy Iphone 4 s. Excuse me: why are you'll buy Iphone 4 s? I see your hand has Iphone 4! 1: Electronic product update speed fast! 4 s function more advanced, I want to catch the trend to just go.2:This is the last jobs one works, I want to buy a as a souvenir! Don't know the future is someone able to go beyond him 3:Many friends all let me help buy it?B:Seems everyone rob to buy, And it is to should be booked in advance good just have the option.So apple's profits can Innovation high this year and ! Emcee: Now our four journalists have arrived in 2030 years. We look at the world of 2030. A, Can you hear me? A: Yes! Now I was too excited. Emcee: What happened?A:audiences, Now I'm in the United States in 2030, Today is a new presidential election day, The scene was crowded with American citizens, Let's follow the lens to understand the situation! excuse me: A new President who is it? Why is a Asian faces B :she, you don't know? Wow, Are you Chinese? A: yes, I am a Chinese! B :Our President's Chinese, too, when she is that the highest support candidates, I do support her, and now she was elected,this is enjoy popular confidenceA :but she not American! It also doesn't matter? B: of course! What does it matter, as long as she has the ability to let us live a better life, she can be our President. Since the financial crisis after the outbreak of the second time, our country has not what situation better. Later, she the leadership of the Chinese enterprise to give us a chance to work more, make our unemployment rate dropped, and solved the problem of food and clothing some people. We all believe that she was chosen can give us more benefits. A:oh, the President is popular! Obama is the first black President, in the 20 years later, the Chinese also when as President of the United States. This explains what? According to information, after the new President takes office, the first thing is to visit China. Next we attachment second reporter B:Everybody! I'm XXX .Right now I'm in the 90th miss world the global finals. Look, the beauty like bright star of tomorrow on the stage. Who will finally crown? Let's wait and see !Now, Champion was born, this is the lucky girl from China!A: Next we will interview the new birth miss world. Congratulations, miss XXX. 1:Thank you, thank you to support me. A: do you think you on what advantagegain the champion? Or tell us something you experience B :well, everyone is unique, and I think in the game to relax, to nice about every game, do not give oneself too great pressure. Also insist, although the game is hard, but the persistence is victory! A: now you as miss world, do you think you can take on this mission? B:yes, I will try to do the best. I'll try my best to help the people in need of help. Let the world fill with love and peace. Next we will attachment a reporter A: This is XXX. Now I am located in the New York city the Manhattan district a the airport. Park here with a variety of aircraft, and it is worth. These are private plane, is the people here travel of transportation. Manhattan close to Wall Street, and this is the big monopolies and financial institutions are located. So, the people here are very rich. For them the time is money, and can't waste the time in traffic jams. The consumption of private plane is very expensive. General aviation airport is very limited, and down costs and the plane landing fees are relatively high, a private plane with machine and keep machine of the cost of at least $400000 a year need. For these Wall Street's bosses, they have enough ability to pay for, Because they can to save time take more interests earned, and these interests far greater than private plane all the expenses. I am in a position is India. As the decades passed, the global financial crisis is still exist. Now the global economic ups and downs in the phenomenon, India particularly serious. Because most enterprise's collapse, the unemployment rate has risen sharply. Social unrest also began. Now I come to the employment building understand relevant situation. Hello, is there to find suitable work? 1:no。I am a farmer, appear multiple times in a row this year of natural disa


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