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北大附中中学初一年级第一学期入学摸底试卷姓名 _ 班级 _ I. 基本常识 ( 单项选择 )10% 1.英语是 _ 等国的民族语言. A. 英国 , 新西兰 , 巴西B. 南非 , 美国 , 加拿大C. 澳大利亚 , 英国 , 加拿大D. 美国 , 新加坡 , 澳大利亚2. VIP和 NBA分别是 _ 和_ 的缩略形式 . A. 大人物 ; 全美篮球协会B.飞碟 ; 全美篮球协会C.胜利 ; 中国篮球协会3. 英语字母中有两个可以独立成词, 它们分别是 _和_. A. I; A B. I; O C. V; W D. A; E 4. 我们学过许多英文缩略词: BC 表示 _, ID 表示 _, TM 表示 _. A. 公元 ; 警察 ; 下午B. 公元前 ; 身份证 ; 商标C. 洗手间 ; 集成电路 ; 上午D. 基础知识 ; 通用 ; 电话号码5. 在医学中我们常看到英语字母构成的汉语. 如:_ 超检查 , _ 透视 ,_ 敌敌畏药品 . A. Q; R; DTV B. D; H; BPB C. B; X; DDV D. U; Y; DDT 6. > 是鲁迅的y 一本小说 .英语中的 ” 音乐电视 ”栏目是在TV前加 _表示 . A. Q; Y B. M; C C. Q; M D. G; W 7.We don t know him. He is a yes-no man. A. 坚强的人B. 总有理的人C. 唯唯诺诺的人D. 说一不二的人8. China joined the WTO on_. A. September 17th,2001 B. November 10th,2001 C. December 11th, 2001 D. February 20th, 2002 9. Ronaldo is a _ player. A. Brazilian football B. Brazilian basketball C. American football D. American basketball 10. Beijing won Olympic Games on _ and will host the _ Olympic Games in 2008. A. July 13, 2001; 28th B. April 10th 2002; 29th C. July 13th, 2001; 29th D. June 13th, 2001; 28thII.按要求选出相应的单词,并把它们填在所给的括弧内.(10%) A. 表示 球类 的单词( 1. ) ( 2. ) backpack, baseball bat, basketball, T-shirt, television, soccer ball B. 表示 蔬菜 的单词( 3. ) (4. ) hamburger, chicken, hot dog, tomato, Chinese cabbage, meat C. 表示 颜色 的单词(5. ) ( 6. ) blue, week, month, green, table sport, D. 表示 运动 的单词( 7. ) ( 8. ) play the piano, swim, sing, run, exciting, birthday. E. 表示 学习科目 的单词(9. ) ( 10. ) science, difficult, Chinese, lunch, Thursday, September, III. 情景交际根据下列对话,选择最佳答案. (5%) 1.-Whats your name?-My name is Linda. -_? -Yes, L-I-N-D-A. A. Are you Linda? B. Can you spell it? C. I see Linda. D. Do you know? 2. -Hi, Mary. - Hi, Kate. Whos that?- _ - The one behind the door. - Oh, its Jim. A. Whose is it? B. Where is it? C. What? D. Which one? 3. - Can you find China from this map? - Yes. _. Its here.A. China is a good country. B. Let me see. C. Its on the wall. D. I have a new map of China.4. - _ - Yes, speaking. A. Dick! Nice to meet you. B. Dick! How are you? C. Hello! Is that Dick? D. Hi! What are you doing? 5. - Are you Mrs. Green? - No, I m Miss Green.- _ I thought you were Mrs. Green. A. OK. B. Err, sorry. C. Excuse me. D. Oh, yes. IV. 选择答案填空, 完成下面的对话. (10%) Sam: Tomorrow is Saturday. What _1_? John: Lets have a picnic.Mike: _2_! Sam: _3_ can we go? John: The big park. Mike: The beach( 海滩 ). Sam: There _4_ going to be a lot of people at the beach. Lets go to _5_.Mike: You always like _6_ . OK! How do we _7_ there? Sam: By bus. _8_ is one at nine oclock.John: _9_ do we meet? Sam: Eight thirty at the bus stop. And I want to bring some _10_. John and Mike: We can bring something to drink. 1. A. day is it B. do you think of it C. are you doing D. are you going to do 2. A. Great B. Thank goodness C. Well D. Oh dear 3. A. Where B. How C. When D. Why 4. A. / B. are C. was D. were 5. A .the beach B. the zoo C. the park D. the picnic. 6. A. my picnic B. his idea C. his park D. many people 7. A. know B. walk C. come D. get 8. A. The bus B. He C. It D. There 9. A. How B. When C. Where D. When and where 10. A. chicken and dumpling B. desks and chairs C. books and pens D. water and porridge ( 粥) V. 阅读理解 (15%) ( A). Mr. Green asked a lot of questions about the buses. But Sam couldn t answer them. Heres a timetable( 时间表 ). Friends, after you read it, can you answer Mr. Greens questions? Timetable STOP( 站) BUS 1 BUS 2 BUS 3 BUS4 Ferry Old Street Park New Street Hotel Playground Hospital Market 6:00 6:10 6:25 6:30 6:35 6:40 7:00 7:10 6:30 6:40 6:55 7:00 7:05 7:10 _ 7:30 7:00 7:10 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:40 7:55 8:10 7:30 7:40 7:55 8:00 _ 8:05 8:25 8:35 根据图表内容,选择正确答案. 1.How many stops are there between the Ferry and the market? A. Five B. Six. C. Seven D. Eight 2. How often does the bus get to the Old Street? A. Every half an hour B. Every twenty minutes C. Every ten minutes D. No answer 3. At what time does Bus Four leave the Hotel? A. Seven fifty- five B. Eight oclock C. Five minutes past eight D. No answer 4. I work in the hospital. It is quite near the bus stop. Only three minutes walk. I must reach the hospital at eight oclock. Which bus should I take? A. The first bus B. The second bus C. The third bus D. The fourth bus 5. Every Sunday I take the first bus to the Park. There I can play some sports. After that, I must go to the Market. I want to do some shopping there. The market opens from seven thirty to eight thirty. At most(最多 )how long can I stay in the park? A. Half an hour B. An hour C. An hour and a half D. No answer (B) Look at this diagram( 表格 ).The nine numbers are placed according to a certain rule(按一定的规律排列在其中).Now please put the number 10 into it. Into which column(栏) should the number 10 be put? 6. A. COLU


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