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华师 18 年 9 月课程考试语用与交际作业考核试题 1、C 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、A 一、单选题共 30 题,60 分1、 () is very attractive because it is about how people make sense of each other through analyzing what they say. ASemantics BSyntactics CPragmatics Dsemiotics正确答案是:C2、When introducing yourself to someone you don't know at a party, what would you say?() AHi, I'm* BMay I introduce myself to you and at the same time I make your acquaintance? CHi, I'd like to meet you. DHi, I'm . Do you know many people here?正确答案是:A3、 ()refers to the language that surrounds or accompanies a piece of utterance or discourse under analysis. Alinguistic context BIndirect CPragmatics DInference正确答案是:A4、At a bus stop Man: Excuse me, do you know which bus to catch for London Road, please?Woman:()(He then went to another person.) AIt doesn't matter. BOh. CNever mind. DThank you正确答案是:B5、When someone compliments the watch you are wearing, you would Asay, “Thanks“ and smile. Bgive it to him. Csay, “Would you like to have it?“ Dsay, “Oh, this cheap thing? It's not worth much.“正确答案是:A6、 () means that people should say the right thing to the right person with the right manner at the right place and in the right situation.AAppropriacy BIndirect CPragmatics DSyntactics正确答案是:A7、If someone offers you some food that you really don't like, you might say:() AI'm fed up. BI don't care for that. CSure, I'd love some more. DThanks, but I'm really full.正确答案是:D8、Inference means that we often infer or make guesses as to what the speaker intends to mean when he says something Aimplicature BDeixis CPragmatics DInference正确答案是:D9、When someone compliments the watch you are wearing, you would Agive it to him. Bsay, “Thanks“ and smile. Csay, “Would you like to have it?“ Dsay, “Oh, this cheap thing? It's not worth much.“正确答案是:B10、At a party or social occasions, how would you indicate that it was time for you to leave someone's house? AI would say, “It's getting late and I'd better be going.“ BI would say, “I'm sorry. I have to leave now.“ CI would wait until the host said something. DI would make up an excuse (e.g. I have to get up early tomorrow, etc.) and thank the hosts.正确答案是:A11、Stylistic meaning may be defined as the feature of () of words. Aformality Baffectiveness Cappropriateness Dpart of speech正确答案是:A12、 () are not in contradiction.Acontext BDeixis CPragmatics DDirections正确答案是:D13、Because language is basically culture specific, () implicature of the same expression may vary under different cultural background. Aconventional Bconversational Cconventional and conversational Dall the above正确答案是:A14、Mr Green's secretary, Pat Kent, went to the airport to meet Mr Barnes for her boss.Miss Kent:() AExcuse me, would you be Mr Barnes? BAre you Mr Barnes? CExcuse me, would you please tell me if you are Mr Barnes? DYou are Mr Barnes, aren't you?正确答案是:A15、In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says: ACome here! BThis way, please. CFollow me! DMove on!正确答案是:B16、An () is something that is implied. Aimplicature BDeixis CPragmatics Dimplication正确答案是:A17、Grammatical meaning does not include (). Apart of speech Bplural forms of nouns Ctenses Dappropriateness正确答案是:D18、 () is the study of “the relation of signs to interpreters“ (interpreters of signs being used). ASemantics BSyntactics CPragmatics Dsemiotics正确答案是:C19、Your friend's mother, Mrs Keeler, asked if you would like something to eat. What would you say to refuse politely? ANot for the moment, thank you, Mrs Keeler, I'm full. BNo, thanks. I've just had lunch. COh, no, Mrs Keeler, I haven't long had lunch. DI'm full and have no room for any more.正确答案是:B20、When introduced to an older professor or to a friend's parents, what would you say? A“ How are you? B“ Hello“ and bow. C“ Hi! Glad to know you.“ D“Hello, it's nice to meet you“, and then shake hands.正确答案是:D21、How many aspects does face normally have? AOne BTwo CThree DFour正确答案是:B22、Wu Hua had a question to ask his foreign teacher. He went to Professor James's place. After he got the answer, he got up to leave.Wu:() AWell, that's clear, thank you very much. BWell, I've got to go now. COk. Thanks. DI'm afraid I must go now.正确答案是:A23、The () was proposed by several linguists. Apoliteness principle Bfeature of indeterminacy Cinformation presented Dnon-detachability正确答案是:A24、An implication is the logical reasoning of two propositions. Aimplicature BDeixis CPragmatics Dimplication正确答案是:D25、 () suggests that people should say the right thing to the right person with the right manner at the right place and in the right situation. ASemantics BSyntactics CPragmatics DAppropriacy正确答案是:D26、The property of ()suggests that pragmatic implicature is produced by being co-operative and by relying on utterance contexts. Anon-conventionality BCancellability Cinformation presented Dnon-detachability正确答案是:A27、In the street a man wants to smoke a cigarette, but he h


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