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,U16-lesson3,Life Stories,Helen Keller,Reading,Learning Objectives,In this period, you will be able to 1. Learn to use some useful reading strategies: to predict the general idea to guess unknown words from the context. 2. Find out detailed information in the text.,“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched but are felt in the heart.”这个世界上最好的和最美的事物我们无法用肉眼看到或用手触摸到,我们只能用心去感受。,Helen Keller,Lead in,What do you know about Helen Keller (1880-1968)?,Helen Keller was one of the most famous American writers in the 20th century. When she was a little child, she survived a fever but she found she could no longer see or hear. And she also found it very difficult to speak. However, she grew up and become a world-famous public speaker . While she was still at college she wrote the famous book - “The Story of My Life” .,famous American writers world-famous public speaker,A Brief Introduction,“The Story of My,Life”,Read the first TWO paragraphs and answer the following questions.,How was Helen Keller different from other children?What do we know about Ann Sullivan?,She couldnt see or hear and behaved very badly,A teacher and former student for the blind had eyesight problem relate to ,Helen Keller was a very special girl _ needed a _(出色的,卓越的) teacher. By the time she was seven years old, she still coulnd't speak, read or write. This was _ Helen couldn't see or hear. With these _(对她的交流的严重的限制),Helen's behaviour was often _(不能忍受的). She was _(倔强的,固执的) and angry, and often broke things when she wasn't _(理解).,Anne Sullivan _(被引入) to help Helen. Anne was a teacher and _(以前的) student at a school for the blind in Boston. She had had eyssight problemss early _(也) so she could _(对海伦的困难产生共鸣). Her first goal was to stop Helen's _(引起麻烦的) behaviour. Helen would need this valuable preparation _(为了) learn language. She would also need lots of love. When Anne and Helen first met, Anne gave Helen a big hug.,think,water,doll,love,love,(3),(4),(6-9),(10),(11-12),Ex. IV,Which paragraphs are the words in? doll, water, love, think,Read paragraph 3and 4, and figure out how Helen learn the words “doll and water ” and whats the significance of the process,played with,spelled the letters into her hands,a game,monkey-like imitation(模仿),put hand under the water,let the water flow over Helens hand and spelled,had a burst of understanding,gave her hope and joy,the world of words was opening up to her,took her to the well,Helen would have to learn to understand words spelled on her hand. Anns technique is simple and straightforward(直接的;坦率的),Function : a connecting link between the preceding and the following承上启下,_(既然,由于) Helen understood _(关键)language, she _(很渴望) learn more and use it as much as she could. Children _ can sse and hear learn language easily but _(对于) Helen, it was a _(逐渐的) and sometimes painful process. _, the results were amazing.,Read para6-8 and figure out how Helen learned the word “love” ( 68),Why couldn't Helen understand “love“ at first? Because she couldn't touch “love“. What did Helen think love was at first?How did Helen feel when she couldnt understand “love”?,She thought it was the sweetness of flowers and the warmth of the sun.,She felt confused and disappointed.,Anne _ her arm _ round Helen. She _ Helen _ to her and pointed to _.,.,After Helen asked again if love was _, Anne told her that love could not be _ but she could _ of love.,think,love,love,Helen made some mistakeswhen making necklace,uncertain bout how to fix she stopped to think,Touched her head and spelled,put,gently,drew,closer,her heart,How to learn,a breakthrough (突破),the sun,feel the sweetness of,touched,It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex word,Whats the difference among the four words “water; doll; think; love”,doll; water,Group 1:,sth. you can touch,think; love,Group 2:,hard to show; cant be touched,(object words),complex/abstract,What's the main ides of the text? A. how Helen Keller learned to play games. B. how Helen Keller communicated with her teacher. C. how Helen Keller learned the words.,After-reading,Helen Keller,Ex. 3 : Synonyms同义词、近义词,1 Shes been in the hospital for a week because she has a _ (serious) case of the flu. (para.1) 2 Nothing is more _ (valuable) to me than my good health. (para.4) 3 Were very _ (keen) to learn all we can about our new computer. (para.5) 4 I like to be very _ (direct) when I talk about problems but my mother doesnt like that. (para.3),severe,precious,eager,straightforward,5 We wanted to enter the contest but we couldnt because there were lots of _ (limits). (para.1) 6 Our _ (previous) secretary was friendlier than our new one. (para.2) 7 Lots of people thought the answer to the question was _ (obvious), but I didnt think so. (para.8),


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