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大工 18 春专业英语(计算机英语) 在线测试 11 判断题1 The first generation computers were huge,slow,expensive,and often undependable. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:22 The transistor computer did not last as long as the vacuum tube computer lasted, but it was less important in the advancement of computer technology. T、对 F、错选择:F 满分:23 Transistors were a tremendous breakthrough in advancing the computer. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:24 However what really triggered the tremendous growth of computers and its significant impact on our lives is the invention of the microprocessor. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:25 It wasn't until the 1980's that people began buying computer for personal use. T、对 F、错选择:F 满分:26 A computer can be broken down into three distinct categories, namely output,input and CPU. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:27 The term 'output' consists of all components that display words and graphics so that a person can see them. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:28 The keyboard is classified as a form of output. T、对 F、错选择:F 满分:29 Mouse belongs to input. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:210 CPU is the soul of a computer. T、对 F、错选择:T 满分:22 51 解析答案网 www.51x.cc1 The ENIAC used thousands of( ),which took up a lot of space and gave off a great deal of heat just like light bulbs do. A、vacuum tubes B、integrated circuits C、chips D、switches选择:A 满分:42 In 1947 three scientists, John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain working at( )invented the transistor computer. A、Baidu B、Microsoft C、AT&T's Bell Labs D、Yahoo选择:C 满分:43 Most electronic devices today use some form of( )placed on printed circuit boards. A、trigger B、kit C、microprocessor D、integrated circuits选择:D 满分:44 The fourth generation computers can be characterized by both the jump to monolithic integrated circuits and the invention of( ). A、microprocessor B、transistor C、chip D、circuit选择:A 满分:45 The( )led to the invention of personal computers,or microcomputers. A、microprocessor B、transistor C、chip D、circuit选择:A 满分:46 The software and hardware components of a computer( ). A、function independently B、can never be coordinated C、rely on each other and support each other D、none of the above选择:C 满分:47 Accessing data from a floppy disk is called( )data. A、printing B、reading C、writing D、listening选择:B 满分:48 A location in RAM memory is accessed by its( ) A、contentsB、address C、storage unit D、storage capacity选择:B 满分:49 RAM is a( )storage. A、permanent B、flash C、temporary D、expansion选择:C 满分:410 Computers can only recognize( )signals. A、analog B、infrared ray C、light D、digital选择:D 满分:411 Most RAM is( ). A、Read-only B、volatile C、nonvolatile D、both A and C选择:B 满分:412 A light-sensing input device that reads printed text and graphics and then translates the results into a form the computer can use is called a ( ). A、bar code reader B、scanner C、camera D、microphone选择:B 满分:413 A(n) ( ) mouse emits and senses light to detect movement. A、cordless B、optical C、camera D、microphone选择:B 满分:414 The two most common optical disks are CD and ( ). A、CD-R B、CD-ROM C、CD-RW D、DVD选择:D 满分:415 A printer produces ( ). A、soft copy B、hard copy C、color depth D、both A and B选择:B 满分:416 A ( ) can be written to once. After that they can be read many times without deterioration but cannot be written on or erased. A、CD-R B、CD-ROM C、CD-RW D、DVD选择:A 满分:417 ( ) holds data and program instructions for processing data. A、Memory B、Primary memory C、RAM D、All the above选择:D 满分:418 The common input devices are the ( ) and the ( ). A、keyboard,printerB、keyboard,microphone C、mouse,monitor D、mouse,keyboard选择:D 满分:419 A computer must include three of following.Which one is not necessary? A、input system B、output system C、processing system D、networking system选择:D 满分:420 Modern operating systems usually come with a ( ). A、application software B、GUI C、memory D、printer选择:B 满分:4


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