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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 unit 4 Love and Marriage

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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 unit 4 Love and Marriage

高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSE2Unit 4 Love and Marriage ContentStarting outReading FocusReading MorePractical TranslationFocused WritingFinal ProjectTask 1 Work in groups to list the possible relationships a normal human being will encounter in his lifetime. Also list the words and activities related to a certain relationship.Starting outTask 1Starting outTask 1e.g. Friendship, work, peer, love, parental, marriageWords for reference: Friendship: care, association, esteem, empathy, friendliness, attachment, affinity, bond, harmony, intimacy, affection; going to movies, heart-to -heart talk, playing sports togetherStarting outTask 1Starting outTask 1Work: co-worker, managers, team leaders, business talk, business lunch, team work, promotion Love: affection, attraction, romantic dating, candlelit dinner, hug, kiss, courtship Parental: unconditional love, deep careStarting outTask 1Starting outTask 1Task 2Watch a part of the American movie Sleepless in Seattle and discuss with your partner how the son feels about his father and the father about the son as well his late wife.Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Click the pictureSons feeling for his father Worried, care, love, Fathers feeling for his son Love, affection Fathers feeling for his late wife Love, memoryStarting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Task 3Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what makes a happy marriage and why. The Beatles sang, “All you need is love.” Your friends might tell you, “Good communication is all you really need.” Your parents advise you, “The key is to marry someone with the same values.” What do you think is essential for a happy marriage?Starting outTask 3Starting outTask 3Love and Loving RelationshipsReading FocusReading FocusGlobal Understanding 2Detailed Information3Critical Thinking4Language Points5Reading FocusReading FocusVocabulary in Action6Background Information1Listen to a talk on The mathematical Marriage Predictor and answer the following questions. 1) What did James Murray try to do?To explore the rocky road of romance. 2) What was the first step James Murray take in his research?Videotaped hundreds of volunteer couples in discussion.3) What did James Murray do with the videotapes?Break down behavioral responses to these high-pressure discussions into recognizable groups.Background InformationBackground InformationScript4) What prediction did James Murray try to make with his findings? Whether the marriage would last.5) How correct was James Murrays prediction? Ninety-four percent.6) What is the indicator of a divorce according to the Mathematical Marriage Predictor?“Roll your eyes and say goodbyes.” Background InformationBackground InformationReading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding1(Paras. 1-3)2(Paras. 4-7)3(Paras. 8-12)Love is essential for human survival.What is love?What brings people together? Discuss in groups to identify the missing information.Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart IMain idea: Love is essential for human survival.Arguments:A._ _B._C._The family is the earliest and most important source of love and emotional support.Children deprived of love have been known to develop a variety of problems.Research shows the quality of care infants received affects how they later get along with friends.Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart ID._ _E._F._Love for oneself, or self-love, is also essential for our social and emotional development.Social scientists describe self-love as important for self-esteem.People who dont like themselves may not be able to return love but may constantly seek love relationships to bolster their own poor self-images.Reading MoreGlobal UnderstandingPart IIMain idea: What is love?Arguments: A. Love is an _ Supporting evidence:a. _ _b. _c. _d. _ _elusive concept People give a variety of answers when asked what love is.Love has many dimensions. It can be romantic, exciting, obsessive, and irrational, platonic, calming, altruistic, and sensible.It varies in degree and intensity and across social contexts.


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