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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 Unit 7 Exploring Human Nature

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高等院校研究生英语系列教材课件 Unit 7 Exploring Human Nature

高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 7 Exploring Human Nature ContentStarting outReading FocusReading MorePractical TranslationFocused WritingFinal ProjectTask 1What distinguishes human beings from other animals? Work with your partner to list the behavior that is unique to human beings, that is unique to other animals and that they have in common. (P191)Starting outStarting outØ Based on what youve listed above, discuss with your partner the differences between human beings and other animals in terms of their nature and instincts. (P191)Starting out- Task 1Starting out- Task 1Reference: Animal instinct is ruled by desires, emotions and needs that have to be fulfilled regardless of the time and place. While human nature, which is also driven by those needs, emotions and desires, is mostly controlled by brain, which is related to logic, morals, backgrounds, religions, etc. When control is not present, our nature is basically nothing but animal instinct.Task 2 The following viewpoints concerning human nature were contended by three prominent philosophers in ancient China. Who do you agree with? Do you agree completely or partly? Give specific examples to support your opinion. (P191)Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Confucius: humans (or at least male humans) possess the capacity for perfection, although they must consciously strive to actualize it.Mencius: human nature is good, and people are naturally inclined toward virtue. Unfortunately, the negative elements of society tend to corrupt many people, and only a few are able to overcome them.Laozi: humans at birth are like uncarved blocks of wood (pu) and as they get older, society molds and shapes them. Education brutalizes people and creates the seeds of social turmoil and negative behavior.Starting outTask 2Starting outTask 2Task 3Read the following story about Jimmy and discuss with your partner the questions that follow the story. (P192)Starting out-Task 3Starting out-Task 3Questions for discussion: 1. What made Jimmy become a thief before his arrest? 2. Was it his destiny, his nature, his life experience, living environment or something else that shaped his behavior? Sad MoviesListen to “Sad Movies”, a song which tells a sentimental story, and do the following tasks:Starting outStarting out1. Complete the lyrics by filling in the blanks with missing words; 2. Describe the characters of “I”, “my darling” and “my best friend”; 3. Tell which of these characters are universal to human beings, or in other words, are in the nature of all human beings.Sad MoviesSad movies always make me cry He said he had to work so I went to the _ alone They turned down the _ and turned the projector on And just as the news of the world started to beginI saw my darlin' and my best friend _ in _ I was sittin' there they didn't seeAnd so they sat right down in front of meWhen he kissed her lips I almost _And in the middle of the color _ I started to cryOh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cryOh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cryshow lightswalk Thoughdied cartoonStarting outStarting outAnd so I _ up and slowly walked on homeAnd mama saw the _ and said, What's wrong?And so to keep from telling her a _I just said sa-a-a-d movies make me cryOh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cryOh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cryOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohOoh, ooh, ooh, oohSa-a-a-d movies make me crygot tears lieStarting outStarting outOn Human NatureReading FocusReading FocusGlobal Understanding 2Detailed Information3Critical Thinking4Language Points5Reading FocusReading FocusVocabulary in Action6Background Information1Watch a video clip from the American hit TV drama series Prison Break, and discuss with the group: Michael Scofield said at the end of the clip: “The man youre talking about died the moment I stepped into these walls.” Do you think Sara, the prison doctor, would take his word for it?Background InformationBackground InformationReading FocusReading Focus Global Understanding1Introduction2Body3Conclusion(Para. 1)(Paras. 2-9)(Para. 10)Introduction_ _ _ _Reading FocusReading Focus Global UnderstandingHuman nature is the basis of character, thetemperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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