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emc ecc 安装过程

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emc ecc 安装过程

ECC6.1 Update 5安装过程软件安装准备系统环境: DEll2950服务器,Windows 2003 SP1 English, Standard version, 2* Qlogic (QLE2460) 4Gbps PCI-E FC HBA单端口光纤卡,主机名不能是ecc。 VM环境:ESX 3.5.0, Windows 2003 SP1 English, Standard version,4 CPU,4GB 内存,40GB系统盘,由模板布署而来,离线将C盘扩充至40GB,主机名不能 是ecc。软件安装准备1. Log in as a user that is part of the local Administrators group. 2. From the Start menu, select Settings>Control Panel. 3. From the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, and then open Computer Management. The Computer Management dialog box appears. 4. From the tree, under System Tools, select Local Users and Groups. 5. Under Local Users and Groups, select Users. 6. From the Action menu, select New User. The New User dialog box appears. 7. In the New User dialog box, enter the following information:User name: eccadminFull Name: Description: Password: Confirm Password: 8. Clear the User Must Change Password at Next Logon checkbox. EMC recommends that you select Password Never Expires for the eccadmin account. If you do not select this option and the password expires, the user will not be able to log in and will seethe following error message:User authentication failed, your password has expired. 为服务器建立eccadmin用户帐号软件安装准备安装之前要在Service里disable掉Terminal Services、Distributed Transaction Coordinator 和 Com+ System Application关掉所有应用软件关掉防病毒软件安装过程使用Local administrator登陆 安装Solution Enabler 7.2 +, NaviCLI 7.26, JRE 6.20+ 插入Disk# 1 安装ControCenter Server、ControlCenter Repository、StorageScope Repository、Performance Manager、Web Console、ECCAPI和ControlCenter Store等模块 在客户端安装Console https:/:30002/webinstall 使用eccadmin登陆ControCenter 加入需要的license, ECC admnistration->install->Edit license安装过程在ecc服务器上安装Agent安装过程在ECC服务器上备份并编辑ECCRepositoryadminemccsts_scripts以下文件emcsts_export_db.bat / emcsts_coldback.bat / emcsts_getversion.bat将 set PATH=%PATH%;%EMCSTSOH%adminemcsts_scripts;%EMCSTSOH%toolsjrentlatestbin 改为 set PATH= %EMCSTSOH%toolsjrentlatestbin;%PATH%;%EMCSTSOH%adminemcsts_scripts安装过程下载并安装CC_46431.On the StorageScope Repository infrastructure host, extract the contents of CC_4643.zip to %ECC_INSTALL_ROOT%Repositoryadminemcsts_scripts directory.After extracting the contents, make sure the directory has all listed files above. 2.Open a DOS prompt 3.Change the directory to %ECC_INSTALL_ROOT%Repositoryadminemcsts_scripts> cd /d %ECC_INSTALL_ROOT%Repositoryadminemcsts_scripts 4. Run SQL_PATCH_HF4643.bat to re-create database package: METRICSPARTITION to the schema EMCSTS. For example,> SQL_PATCH_HF4643.batThe output of the execution will look like this:-C:ECCRepositoryadminemcsts_scripts>SQL_PATCH_HF4643.batPatch is starting . . .1). Run sql patch scripts . . .Success!2). Update HotFix table . . .Success!Success!3). Recompiling invalid objects . . .Success!Success!Success!Success!Invalid Objects Re-compiled Successfully, please see emcsts_recomp_invalid.log for detailsPatch SQL_PATCH_HF4643 is successfully applied, please see C:ECCRepositoryadminemcsts_scriptsSQL_PATCH_HF4643.log for details . . .All done!C:ECCRepositoryadminemcsts_scripts> 5. Check the log file SQL_PATCH_HF4643.log at%ECC_INSTALL_ROOT%Repositoryadminemcsts_scripts directory. 6. All done!安装过程安装最新Update bundle 5(CC_4621)1、在server上运行set,看看PATH%是否包括eccreposioryadminRamb_scripts2、在service中停掉以下service3、unzip CC_4621.zip 文件4、运行 5、安装以后要更新Console,https:/:30002/webinstall,Click Installation, and then click Console Patch to apply Update Bundle5. EMC ControlCenter Key Management Server EMC ControlCenter Repository EMC ControlCenter Server EMC ControlCenter Store EMC ControlCenter API Server EMC ControlCenter Web Server EMC StorageScope Server EMC ControlCenter Master AgentPatch6103262_4540.exe安装过程登陆Server,Apply Patch,只需要apply Master Agent,其他的都Apply了 安装各个Agent并启动 在Apply Patch时发错,不能打开master agent,需要先安装Solutions Enabler 7.0 MRLK(CC_4614 )1. Stop the ControlCenter Server and Store services Important: Do not stop the following services, a connection to the Repository is required to install the hotfix: OracleECCREP_HOMETNSListner OracleServiceRAMBDB2. Do the following to stop the ControlCenter servicesa) Stop the ControlCenter Store service on all hosts running a storeb) Stop the ControlCenter Server servicec) Wait until the Server and Store services are completely stopped. This can take 3-5 minutes.3. Verify that they have stopped in the Windows Task Manager (in the Processes tab, look forECCService_Stor and ECCService_Serv.4.Execute Ecc_se70.exe(Wait for the install wizard to start)Restart all of the stopped ControlCenter Services.a) Start the ControlCenter Server serviceb) Start all of the ControlCenter store services5. To push out the new Solutions Enabler 7.0 to hosts, follow the instructions below:安装过程6. Using the ControlCenter Console Agent Administration Wizard, stop all agents that are running on the agent hosts where Solutions Enabler 7


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