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Dragon Boat Festival¡About Dragon Boat Festival¡Legend¡Activices¡Hsiung Huang Wine¡Dragon Boat Race¡Rice Dumpling¡Chinese mugwort¡PoemsAbout Dragon Boat FestivalDragon Boat FestivalChung KueiDragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, and together with Chinese New Year and Mid- Autumn Festival forms one of the three major Chinese holidays. Since the summer is a time when diseases most easily spread, Dragon Boat Festival began as an occasion for driving off evil spirits and pestilence and for finding peace in one's life. The festival was later enriched by the legend of the patriot Chu Yuan. Story of White Snake There is a very famous traditional Chinese story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snake spirits, White Snake and Green Snake. These snakes, being magical, turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou. When they arrived at West Lake they met a man named Xu Xian. White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married. nOn the day of the Dragon Boat Festival White Snake wished to stay home so as to avoid the Ay Tsao, used for protection from spirits, hanging on the doors of people's houses. Her husband prepared, according to Fa Hai's instruction, some realgar wine, as this was a tradition during the Dragon boat festival. White Snake, thinking her magic would protect her from the effects of the realgar wine accepted a cup. After she drank the wine she became very ill and was barely able to get to her bed. When her husband came to her side, he found not his wife but a huge white snake. So great was Xu Xian's shock that he fell to the floor dead. She set off on a journey to obtain a potent medicinal herb, which could revive her husband. Returning and reviving her husband with the medicine.Standing an egg on end on the Spring Equinox At any day of the year, take a carton of eggs and try to stand each one. Usually you cannot stand a raw egg because the inside of an egg is a very viscous (thick) liquid, and the yolk sits in this liquid. Making it very difficult to balance. However, with patience, you can usually make an egg stand up. It may take a lot of patience! If you can successfully stand an egg on its end exactly at 12:00 noon, then the coming year will be a lucky one. Hsiung Huang WinepAdults drink hsiung huang wine(雄黄酒) and children are given fragrant sachets, both of which are said to possess qualities for preventing evil and bringing peace. Another custom practiced in China is “fetching noon water,“ in which people draw well water on the afternoon of the festival in the belief that it will cure illness. Dragon Boat RacenTraditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villager's valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries. Rice DumplingnA very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is Rice Dumpling. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan. These are poems about Dragon Boat Festival.端午 / (民國)洪達人 節屆端陽念屈原,孤臣千古尚含冤。 完成憲令嗟無用,賦就離騷感莫言。 身葬汨羅留氣魄,名垂青史壯乾坤。 年年角黍投江去,翦紙同招楚客魂。邊貢午日觀競渡 共駭群龍水上游,不知原是木蘭舟。雲旗獵獵翻青漢,雷鼓嘈嘈殷碧流。 屈子冤魂終古在,楚鄉遺俗至今留。 江亭暇日堪高會,醉諷離騷不解愁。


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