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The skin and Skin Regenerative Medicine再生医学Lujun Yang Burns and Plastic suregery Center for Translational medicine2nd Hospital of Shantou UniversityKayi Name?Aging skinskin the largest organ in the body protect sense regulate temperature Production of Vitamin DClininiansDermatology-dermatologist Plastic and esthetic surgery-plastic surgeonKeratinocyte fibroblastOBJECTIVEMaster skinskin structure and functionepidermisepidermis-keratinization 角化作用 :proliferation增殖/differentiation分化Acquaitance Anomalies异常现象 of skin- common skin diseases Advance Skin regenerative medicine皮肤再生医学INTRODUCTIONepidermisdermishypodermisDermis真皮Papillary layer乳头层+Reticular layer网状层第二节真皮epidermishypodermisdermisskindermis 真皮papillary layer 乳头层 reticular layer 网织层appendages 附属器hair 毛 sebaceous gland 皮脂腺 sweat gland 汗腺 THE STRUCTURE OF SKINepidermis 表皮stratum corneum 角质层stratum lucidum (透明层)stratum granulosum 颗粒层stratum spinosum 棘层stratum basale 基底层nail 指(趾)甲 EPIDERMIS主要细胞组成 keratinocytekeratinocyte(角质形成细胞 ) non-non-keratinocytekeratinocyte(非角质形成细胞) differentiationstratum corneum角质层stratum granulosum颗粒层stratum lucidum(透明层)stratificationstratum basale基底层stratum spinosum棘层(一)Epidermal stratification and differentiationPSORIASIS 银屑病red and white hues of scaly patches appearing on the top first layer of the epidermis (skin). Langerhans cell (郞格汉斯细胞)Langerhans cells are dendritic cells (antigen- presenting immune cells) of the skin and mucosa, and contain large granules called Birbeck granules. They are present in all layers of the epidermis, but are most prominent in the stratum spinosum. In skin infections, the local Langerhans cells take up and process microbial antigens to become fully functional antigen-presenting cells.Langerhans cells derive from the cellular differentiation of monocytes with the marker “Gr-1“ (also known as “Ly-6G/Ly-6C“). This differentiation requires stimulation by colony stimulating factor (CSF)-1.6 They are similar in morphology and function to macrophages.Albinos lack an enzyme called tyrosinase络氨酸酶. Tyrosinase is required for melanocytes to produce melanin from the amino acid tyrosine melanocyte(黑素细胞 )Melanocytes are melanin-producing cells located in the bottom layer (the stratum basale) of the skins epidermis, the middle layer of the eye (the uvea), the inner ear, meninges,Melanin is a pigment色素 that is responsible primarily for the color of skin.No difference in melanocyte number between species. The distribution and tyrosinase activity !VitiligoMelanoma(黑色素瘤):4% of all diagnosed skin cancers, melanoma begins in the melanocytes, cells within the epidermis that give skin its color. Melanoma has been coined “the most lethal form of skin cancer” because it can rapidly spread to the lymph system and internal organs. With early detection and proper treatment, the cure rate for melanoma is about 95%. Once its spreads, the prognosis is poor. Melanoma most often develops in a pre-existing mole or looks like a new mole, which is why it is important for people to know what their moles look like and be able to detect changes to existing moles and spot new moles. The Hair Sebaceous Glands 皮 脂腺Sweat Glands The Nails The Accessary Structures of the Skin Acne vulgaris寻常痤疮 普通粉刺 (or cystic acne) is a common disease, characterized by areas of skin with scaly鳞状的 red skin, blackheads黑头粉 刺 and whiteheads, pinheads针头, pimples丘疹, nodules小瘤 and possibly scarring结疤. Acne affects mostly skin with the denset密集 population of sebaceous follicles皮脂腺; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory炎症性的, but acne can also manifest显现 in noninflammatory forms.2 The lesions损伤 are caused by changes in pilosebaceous毛囊皮脂腺 units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland, changes that require androgen雄性激素 stimulation. Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, and often continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in testosterone睾丸素, which people of both genders性别 accrue during puberty青春期.Alopecia Totalis (全頭脱毛症)Alopecia means loss of hair from the head or body. baldness, Hemidesmosomes (HD) are very small stud- or rivet-like structures on the inner basal surface of keratinocytes in the epidermis of skin. They are similar in form to desmosomes when visualized by electron microscopy. While desmosomes link two cells together, hemidesmosomes attach one cell to the extracellular matrix. Desmosomes细胞桥粒 are molecular complexes of cell adhesion黏着蛋白 proteins and linking proteins that attach the cell surface adhesion proteins to intracellular keratin 角蛋白cytoskeletal细胞支架细胞 filaments细丝. The cell adhesion proteins of the desmosome, desmoglein桥粒芯蛋白 and desmocollin桥粒胶蛋白, are members of the cadherin钙粘蛋 白 family of cell adhesion molecules. They are transmembrane proteins that bridge the space between adjacent epithelial cells by way of homophilic binding of their extracellular domains t


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