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银川银川 2017 年七年级下英语期末测试题年七年级下英语期末测试题 Name_ Score _ 一一. 单项选择单项选择 ( ) 1. Beijing is a beautiful city. _ people come here for a visit every day.A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousands ( ) 2. Did you watch the movie last night?-No, I didnt, but my mother _. She loves movies.A. does B. did C. was ( ) 3. What is the boy like? -He is very _ and some people dont quite like him.A. naughty B. well-behaved C. friendly ( ) 4. We must get there _. You know, to be late is bad manners.A. in time B. on time C. by the time ( ) 5. Its very difficult _ him _ the paper plane.A. for; mend B. of; mending C. for; to mend ( ) 6. _? -He was a computer engineer working for Microsoft.A. Who was he B. What was he like C. What did he do ( ) 7. What do you think of this new film? -_.A. Its very interesting B. I think so C. Id love to ( ) 8. What did you _ when you were a little boy? -We listened to childrens program.A. hear B. listen C. listen to ( ) 9. _ comes after October and before December.A. August B. November C. January ( ) 10. I am not able to play _ piano but I am able to play _ football.A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the ( ) 11. He decided to be an actor when he finished _ at the age of 14. A. school B. the school C. schools ( ) 12. The door was _, but the windows were _.A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened ( ) 13. _ there a band and many young people on the playground yesterday evening? A. Was B. Were C. Did ( ) 14. After that film, the actress became _.A. popular and popular B. more and more popular C. popularer and popularer ( ) 15. Jim is _ of the two boys.A. taller B. the tallest C. the taller ( ) 16. Could you help me _ this big desk to the gate? -Certainly.A. move B. make C. do ( ) 17. Can you come to the party? -Id love to, _.A. but Im too busy to go. Sorry B. and Im afraid not C. and you can go ( ) 18. Is there going to _ a sports meeting next Sunday?A. have B. is C. be ( ) 19. Changjiang River is one of _ rivers in the world.A. longer B. the longer C. the longest ( ) 20. Miss Yang, Tom broke his leg and cant come to school today. -_.A. He should come to school B. Im sorry to hear that C. He is too careless ( )21. She likes playing_ violin, but she doesnt like playing_ basketball. A. the; aB. / ; the C. the; the D. the; / ( )22 There _ five tall trees in front of my house when I was eight. A. isB. are C. wereD. was ( ) 23.Don't point _ others. It's not polite. AatBinConDfor ( ) 24.where is your mother? She is cooking lunch in the _ now.A. bedroom B. bathroom C. kitchen D. living room ( ) 25. Please _ look outside. Look at the blackboard.A. not B. dont C .arent D. cant ( ) 26. -Why are they going to do some sightseeing ? -_ they like Chinese culture. A. Because B. When C. If D. After ( )27 When _ you _ to China ? In February, 1999 Ado, come Bdo, cameCdid, comeDdid, came ( )28Shakespeare decided _ an actor when he was fourteen. A/ BtoCto beDto do ( ) 29. . Whats your best friend like? _. A. She is a studentB. Shes nice and friendly. C. She likes doing some sightseeingD. She doesnt like anything. ( ) 30.Mum, I m going to Anns party this evening. _. A. Why not B. Good idea C. Dont come back late. D. Have a good time 二二. 从方框中选择介词填空,每词只能用一次从方框中选择介词填空,每词只能用一次1. Betty was born in Quincy, a town _ the east coast of America. 2. There is a big garden _ lots of trees behind my house. 3. Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa from 1994 _ 1999. 4. Goldilocks walked _ the bedroom and found there were three beds. 5. Baby Bear cried, “Theres nothing in my bowl and my chair is _ pieces!” 6. The three Bears returned but they didnt notice Goldilocks _ first. 7. At that time, we had games _ chess, but not computer games. 8. We traveled _ train when we needed to go to the east. 9. Some _ Shakespeares most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. 10. After Zhan Tianyou died, people opened a museum _ his life in Badaling near the Great Wall. 三三. 用所给动词的正确时态填空用所给动词的正确时态填空 1. Lucy, go and see who _ in the next room. (sing) 2. Our family _ for Hainan in th


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