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上海高考网www.ujiao.net上海市嘉定区2013届高三一模英语试题参考答案Keys for Reference:15: ADBCB6-10: ADAAB1113: BAB 14-16: ACC17. British18. college19. February20. architecture21. the school library22. chatting with friends23. mystery and action 24. application interview 25-34 BDDBC CADAB 35-40 BDCBA C41-49 D J B E A I C H G50-54: ABACC 55-59: CDBAC 60-64: BCDAA65-68 BDBC 69-71 C A C 72-75 CADB76-80 DECBA81. 1earn the value of money82To show them how to make a budget83Saving can help children plan future finance84 aware of the childrens allowances./have some idea how to give allowances in a proper way.Translation:1. Honesty and diligence/hard working / contribute to / success and happiness. 1 1 12. In order to show off themselves/, some middle school students change a mobile phone/ 2 1.5 every month. 0.53. All applicants /will be considered /regardless of race, sex, religion or nationality. 1 1 24. With the approach of the Spring Festival,/ many shops start to /carry out/ 1 1 1their promoting plans. 15. Pop music/ is popular among young people/ because it meets their 1 1.5 1.5 needs/demands/requirements/ to express their feelings. 1Writing:Recently, recycling textbooks has been put into practice in some provinces in China. As far as I am concerned, it is a good way which will benefit both society and us students. For one thing, it is good news to students from poor families who cant afford textbooks. For another, recycling textbooks can save natural resources. We are cutting down too many trees every day. In the long run, it helps develop the students environmental awareness. Whats more, students may learn to share and work with others through recycling textbooks. To sum up, I consider recycling textbooks useful and helpful. And I still hope students shouldnt damage their textbooks and keep them clean for the benefit of the next student to use them. Listening ScriptSection A1. M: Ill go to the cafeteria and get some lunch. Do you like to join me? W: Id like to, but I have to go home now. My mother didnt feel well this morning. Q: Where is the woman going?2. M: What did the doctor say, darling? W: Well, he said there is no need for me to take any medicine and I have to have well-balanced food. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?3. W: Good morning. May I help you? M: Good morning. Im interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. Do you have any available? Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?4. M: I bought this tie for 60 dollars. How do you like it? W: Its very nice, but last year I bought you the same thing for only half the price. Q: How much did the woman pay for a tie last year?5. M: What time is it now by your watch? I have 8:45. I guess mine is too fast. W: 8:30. I set my watch by the radio this morning. Q: What happened to the mans watch?6. W: Can you give me a driving lesson this afternoon, dad? M: Of course I can. Q: What is the girl going to do this afternoon?7. M: The lecturer is an American. He will teach us world history next term. W: Yes. It is said that he can speak Arabic, Greek, German as well as English. Q: What nationality is the lecturer?8. M: Mum, Id like you to meet Alice. She is a new comer in our class. W: How do you do, Alice. Glad to meet you. Q: Whats the relationship between the man and the woman?9. W: What do you think of Mr. Oliver? M: Well, he always shows what he is thinking and feeling clearly and directly. Q: What is the mans opinion of Mr. Oliver?10. W: I have no idea how many students will attend tonights lecture? M: Dont worry. We have enough chairs for all of them. Q: What can we infer from this conversation?Section BQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage Police are asking for help from the public with an investigation into an armed robbery at downtown earlier this year.About midnight on Monday, January 12, two men entered the hotel as it was preparing to close. Female staff members were confronted by one of the men who aimed a pistol at them and ordered them to the ground.The offenders removed money from the hotels cash registers before ordering the frightened staff to unlock the door to the office. The offenders then removed cash from the hotels safe before fleeing the hotel by a rear entrance.Police said the offenders fled the scene in a white car. Both men wearing black T-shirts and blue jeans and they have been described as to be tall and large.Police are al


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