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【复习】那些年我们一次次擦身而过的单词1. 另一个 _ 2. 森林 _ 3. 长颈鹿 _ 4. 努力的,坚硬的 _ 5. 永远 _U5. Dr Sun Yatsen【课文】Ben: What are you reading, Xiaoling?Xiaoling: A book about Dr Sun Yatsen.Ben: Who is he?Jiamin: Hes a very famous and important person in Chinese history.Ben: Wow! Can you tell me something about him?Jiamin: Yes. He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better.Xiaoling: Yes. He loved the Chinese peple and the Chinese people love him.Jiamin: Thats right. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name.Ben: Wow, what a great man!【词汇必会】著名的 _ 领袖 _ 发明家_人 _ 自由的 _ 发明_ 历史 _ 使得 _ 灯泡_ 演员 _ 有趣的_ 电影_音乐家_ 画画_现学现卖1. 请选择1) Xiao Ming is a _ clever boy in his class.A. famous B. inventor C. person D. paint2) She is a _ musician and she is very good at playing the piano. A. leader B. person C. musician D. bulb3) Jiamin likes _ very much and she draws a lot of pictures. A. paint B. painting C. make D.making4) Feel _ to eat anything you want.A. bulb B. free C. history D. movie5) The colorful pictures make the book very _. A. free B. leader C. movie D. funny2. 请翻译1) Sun Yatsen is the famous leader in Chinese history.2) The inventor made light bulb to make our life easier.3) Who is the actor in that movie? 3. 请填空 1) 有时候演员们在电影里很搞笑,让我们大笑不止。Sometimes _ is very _ in the _. And it _us laugh a lot.2) 灯泡真是历史上著名的发明。它的发明家也很著名。_ is really a famous _ in the _. Its _is also very _.3) 一个好的领导者不一定总是一个好人。A good _ is not always a good _.4) 这个音乐家同时也擅长绘画。This _ is good at _ at the same time. 5) 计算机把我们从枯燥的工作中解放出来。这使我们有空闲时间。The computer _us from boring work. This _ us have _time. 4. 填词游戏 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 91) He leads people and tells them what to do.2) She teaches you new things.3) She writes or plays music well.4) He acts in a play or a movie.5) Her job is singing.6) He invents new things.7) Her job is writing books8) He helps sick people.9) She paints pictures well.【词组必会】告诉某人某事_ 一本关于的书_努力尝试 _ 使更好 _灯泡 _ 没错 _现学现卖1. A:灯泡让生活更好了。 _B:可不是嘛。_2. A: 我想告诉你关于珍的一些坏事。 _B: 你应该努力试着不说别人坏话。 _【知识点精讲】Ben: What are you reading, Xiaoling?Xiaoling: A book about Dr Sun Yatsen.Ben: Who is he?Jiamin: Hes a very famous and important person in Chinese history.Ben: Wow! Can you tell me something about him?Jiamin: Yes. He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better.Xiaoling: Yes. He loved the Chinese peple and the Chinese people love him.Jiamin: Thats right. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name.Ben: Wow, what a great man!1. What are you reading?1) 这是一个_时态。A 一般现在 B. 现在进行 C. 一般过去2) 请回答:我在读一本书。I _ _ a book.3) 请回答:我在读一本关于花朵的书。I _ _ a book about _.2. 请写出下列疑问词谁_ 谁的_何地_ 何时_ 什么_ 如何_练习请说出下列句子的意思1. Who are you? 2. How are you? 3. Where are you?4. What do you do?5. Whose pen is this?6. When do you usually get up? 3. tell sb. about sth.意思是:_ 介词要用_练习告诉我你的爱好。_别告诉我关于这场比赛的任何事。_3. freeadj.(形容词):_ _v. (动词):_例句: He is free. He frees her.4. make 意思:_ _练习:Dont make the homework too much! 意思:_He can make sentence by himself. 意思:_ 【滚瓜烂熟】一 翻译句子1. 他是中国历史上一个著名的领袖。_2. 她努力解放人们并让他们的生活更美好。_3. 没错,他是一个伟人。_二 填空Ben: What are you_


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