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虚拟语气练习题1.I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I _ the book from which it was made.A. have read B. had readC. should have read D. are reading2.You are late. If you _ a few minutes earlier, you _ him.A. come; would meetB. had come; would have metC. come; will meet D. had come; would meet3.The two students talked as if they _ friends for years.A. should be B. would beC. have been D. had been4.It is important that I _ with Mr. Williams immediately.A. speakB. spokeC. will speak D. to speak5.He looked as if he _ ill for a long time.A. was B. wereC. has been D. had been6.If the doctor had come earlier, the poor child would not _.A. have laid there for two hours B. have been lied there for two hoursC. have lied there for two hoursD. have lain there for two hours7.I wish that I _ with you last night.A. went B. could goC. have goneD. could have gone8.Lets say you could go there again, how _ feel?A. will youB. should youC. would you D. do you9.I cant stand him. He always talks as though he _ everything.A. knew B. knowsC. has known D. had known10._ the fog, we should have reached our school.A. Because of B. In spite ofC. In case of D. But for11.If you had told me in advance, I _ him at the airport.A. would meet B. would had metC. would have met D. would have meet12.Mike can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he_ me how.A. teaches B. will teachC. has taught D. would teach13.I would have told him the answer had it been possible, but I _ so busy then.A. had beenB. wereC. was D. would be14.Hes working hard for fear that he _.A. should fall behindB. fell behindC. may fall behind D. would fallen behind15.If it _ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off.A. had rainedB. would have rainedC. have seen D. rained16.He suggested that they _ use a trick instead of fighting.A. should B. wouldC. do D. had17.My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that he _ there.A. not went B. wont goC. not go D. not to go18.I would have gone to the meeting if I _ time.A. had had B. have hadC. had D. would have had19.Would you rather I _ buying a new bike?A. decided againstB. will decide againstC. have decided D. shall decide against20.You look so tired tonight. It is time you _.A. go to sleep B. went to sleepC. go to bed D. went to bed21.Why didnt you buy a new car? I would have bought one if I _ enough money.A. had B. have hadC. would have D. had had22.If she could sew, _.A. she make a dress B. she would have made a shirtC. she will make a shirt D. she would had made a coat23._ today, he would get there by Friday.A. Would he leave B. Was he leavingC. Were he to leave D. If he leaves24.His doctor suggested that he _ a short trip abroad.A. will takeB. would takeC. takeD. took25.The Bakers arrived last night. If theyd only let us know earlier,_ at the station.A. wed meet them B. well meet themC. wed have met them D. weve met them26.If I _ you, I _ more attention to English idioms and phrases.A. was; shall pay B. am; will payC. would be; would pay D. were; would pay27.We might have failed if you _ us a helping hand.A. have not givenB. would not giveC. had not given D. did not give28.The law requires that everyone _ his car checked at least once a year.A. has B. hadC. have D. will have29.It is strange that he _ so.A. would say B. would speakC. should sayD. will speak30.Had I known her name, _A. or does she know mine?B. and where does she live?C. she would be beautiful. D. I would have invited her to lunch.31.He has just arrived, but he talks as if he _ all about that.A. know B. knowsC. known D. knew32.If I _ the money, I would have bought a much bigger car.A. possessed B. ownedC. had D. had had33.He was very busy yesterday; otherwise, he _ to the meeting.A. would come B. cameC. would have comeD. will come34.The librarian insists that John _ no more books from the library before he returns all the books he has borrowed.A. will take B. took


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