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Chapter11.Accounting is an information system that identifies, records, and communicates all events of an organization to interested users. A.True B. False 2. The cost principle states that assets should be recorded at their original historical cost. A.True B.False 3. Expenses are decreases in owner's equity that result from operating the business. A.True B.False 4. The receipt of cash on account will increase total assets. A.True B. False 5. The primary purpose of a cash flow statement is to provide financial information about the cash receipts and cash payments of a company for a specific period of time. A.True B.False 6. The first part of the accounting process is: A.Communicating. B.Identifying. C.Processing. D.recording. 7. Accounting systems record economic events. Which of the following events would not be recorded by the accounting system? A.Payment of salaries by a sports organization. B.Collecting admission to a theatrical event. C.Delivery of services by a telephone company. D. Death of the owner of a corner store. 8. Internal users of accounting information include all of the following except: A.company officers. B.Creditors. C.marketing managers. D.production supervisors. 9. The assumption that underlies the cost principle is the: A.monetary unit assumption. B.going concern assumption. C.economic entity assumption. D. full disclosure assumption. 10. Ethics are the standards of conduct by which one's actions are judged as: A.right or wrong. B.honest or dishonest. C.fair or unfair. D.all of these options. 11. An organization that establishes a set of accounting standards that are generally accepted and practised is the: A.Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. B.Business Development Corporation. C.Canada Revenue Agency. D.Provincial Securities and Exchange Commission. 12. Combining the activities of Kellogg's and General Mills would violate the: A.cost principle. B.economic entity assumption. C.monetary unit assumption. D.ethics principle. 13. A business organized as a separate legal entity under federal or provincial corporate law having ownership divided into transferable shares is a: A.Proprietorship. B.Partnership. C. Corporation. D. sole proprietorship. 14. The resources owned by a business are called: A.Revenues. B. owner's equity. C.Liabilities. D.assets. 15. Net income results when: A.investments exceed drawings. B. revenues exceed drawings. C.revenues exceed expenses. D. expenses exceed revenues. 16. An example of an internal transaction is the: A.purchase of an asset. B.payment of a liability.C.performance of services. D.use of office supplies. 17. The investment of cash by the owner: A.increases revenues. B.increases owner's equity. C.decreases expenses. D.decreases assets. 18. The accounting equation can be stated as: A.Assets = Liabilities - Owner's Equity. B. Assets - Liabilities = Owner's Equity. C.Assets + Owner's Equity = Liabilities. D. Owner's Equity = Assets + Liabilities. 19. The ending owner's equity amount is shown on the: A.balance sheet only. B. statement of owner's equity only. C.cash flow statement. D.both the balance sheet and the statement of owner's equity. 20. Which of the following financial statements is prepared as of a specific date? A.Balance sheet. B. Income statement. C.Statement of owner's equity. D. Cash flow statement.Chapter21. The drawings account decreases owner's equity and is an income statement account. A.True B. False 2. When revenues are earned, owner's equity is increased. A.True B.False 3.The second step in the recording process is to enter the transaction information in a journal. A.True B.False 4. The entire group of accounts maintained by a company is referred to as the ledger. A.True B.False 5. A trial balance proves that the ledger is correct. A.True B. False 6. A credit to a liability account indicates: A.a debit was made to an asset account. B.a decrease in an expense. C.an increase in the liability. D.an error. 7. A debit is not the normal balance for which of the following? A.Asset account. B. Drawing account. C.Expense account. D.Capital account. 8. A debit is: A.a positive amount. B.better than a credit. C.an entry on the left-hand side of an account. D.beneficial to the business. 9. Which of the following statements is false? A.Revenues increase owner's equity. B. Revenues have normal credit balances. C.Revenues are a positive factor in the calculation of net income. D.Revenues are invested by owners. 10. A credit to a revenue account: A.indicates an increase in revenues earned. B.indicates a decrease in owner's equity. C.must be accompanied by a debit to an expense account.


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