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Yes, science is a threat.I strongly agree. Our lives are in danger because bombs are made to blast thousands or millions of people. New guns are made for robbery. People are rebelling against their own blood, and it's not fair. This all is done by the cruel advancement of science. Can you believe science has increased the capability of men to kill each other?是的,科学是一种威胁。我强烈同意。我们的生命有危险了因为炸弹爆炸数千或数百万人。新的枪支进行抢劫。人民反抗自己的血,这是不公平的。这都是由科技进步所做的残忍。你能相信科学已经增加了人的能力杀死对方?Where will it stop?Although I understand the view that science has brought us many benefits, I think people often forget its consequences. It has enabled countries to create terrifying Weapons of Mass Destruction, has caused numerous ethical questions to be raised and is a constant threat to humanity with the danger that it may never stop, and we will become our own worst enemy. Even some of science's greatest achievements like the discovery of antibiotics has caused massive implications through the uncontrollable population increase. For these reasons and many more I think scientists should be very careful about how far they go to improve society as it could in fact turn into a serious threat to humanity.它会在哪里停止?虽然我理解的观点,科学给我们带来了很多好处,我认为人们常常忘记它的后果。它使国家创造可怕的大规模杀伤性武器,造成了许多道德问题被提出,是一个不断威胁人类的危险,它可能永远不会停止,我们会成为自己最大的敌人。甚至一些科学最伟大的成就,如抗生素的发现引起了巨大的影响,通过控制人口增长。由于这些原因,我认为更多的科学家应该非常小心他们走多远去改善社会,它其实可以变成一种严重威胁人类。Science makes human beings lazier in life.Yes, I agree that science did made our life easier but we cant deny the impact that bring to human beings, that we become lazier nowadays. People nowadays are too dependent on the invention of science. Thanks to science that we cannot even do simple jobs like wash our own clothes. Washing machine has taken over the job for us. My dear opponent, can you imagine if electricity cut down, who's going to do the job for you? Only you, yourself! So stop rely too much on science to do your job and make your life meaningless. Moreover, nowadays people tends to drive to the gym just to walk on the treadmills! How ironic!科学使人类懒惰的生活。是的,我同意,科学也使我们的生活更容易但是我们不能否认,带给人类的影响,现在,我们变得越来越。现在人们对科学发明太依赖。由于科学,我们甚至不能做简单的工作如洗自己的衣服。洗衣机已经接管了我们的工作。我亲爱的对手,你可以想象如果停电了,谁会为你做这项工作?只有你,你自己!所以不要太依赖科学来做你的工作,让你的生活毫无意义。此外,现在人们倾向于开车去健身房刚刚走上跑步机!多么讽刺!science is always a threat to humanity.we may be living in a modern world with the influence of science however does it makes any difference? many people are still suffering the effect of science. The floods, global warming and etc. Science may help us, but the total destruction it causes us is just one-fourth of the benefits it give us科学始终是一个对人类的威胁。我们可能生活在一个现代世界科学的影响却有什么不同?许多人仍然受科学的影响。洪水,全球变暖等科学可以帮助我们,但它使我们彻底的毁灭,只是它的四分之一给我们带来的好处Yes, I think science is a threat to humanityIt's true we owe a lot to science, all the convenience and creature comforts we enjoy on earth wouldn't have been possible without advances in science. The downside is that all this technology can and will be used against us. Look at the atomic bomb, with the destruction it caused and that was almost seventy years ago. The weapons we have now, would make the atomic bomb look like a firecracker. Then you have people who get greedy for profits and use technology for their own benefit; not worrying about the welfare of anyone or anything else. As much as I would like to say no, as long as we have a world full of greedy people in power, who are only thinking about the next big payday; science will always be a threat.是的,我认为科学是对人类的威胁这是我们真的很感激科学,所有的便利性和舒适,我们享受地球上就没有科学的进步是可能的。缺点是,这种技术可能会被用来对付我们。看看原子弹,它造成的破坏,这几乎是七十年前。我们现在拥有的武器,将使原子弹像鞭炮。然后有人把贪婪的利润和使用技术,为自己的利益;不担心任何人或任何其他福利。正如我想说不,只要我们有一个充满力量的贪婪的人,世界上的人,只有下一个大的发薪日思维;科学永远是一个威胁。People need to take care of themselvesPeople focus to much on one science problem and don't worry about their self, so science is too much of a distraction for people which leads to no time with family and they cannot take care of their personal needs. In this case we should spend more time with family.人们需要照顾自己人们只集中在一个科学的问题,不要担心自己,所以科学是太多的人导致家庭没有时间分心,他们不能照顾自己的个人需要。在这种情况下,我们应该花更多的时间与家人Yes.Science is a threat to humanity.The advancement in technology has really been positive for our society, but this has also played a major role in destroying environment. The cities of Japan Nagasaki and Herosheema were destroyed with a strong bomb blast. What is a bomb? Type of technology! Several people were killed in this and those who just heard it became deaf! The kids born there are without legs or arms because of this. Target killing, shooting e.T.C. Some of the small problems are like we cannot live without fans an air conditioners. How did the old people in ancient times live ? They, I'm certain, lived a better life then us. They didn't had these things but they lived a peaceful live.America uses science to gain powerWe humans abuse the Mother Nature by our scientist looking for ways to control weather and the rotation of the plates and time and people yeas people, sounds stupid but that's our government now they are trying to control everything by


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