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九年级英语上册 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla单元训练 人教新目标版

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九年级英语上册 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla单元训练 人教新目标版

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A重要词组 belong to, because of, use up重点句型 Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.一、单项选择( )1. The bicycle _ be Lius. His has been stolen.A. must B. mustnt C. cant答案: C( )2. The Japanese book _ Marys. She is the only one who is studying Japanese.A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belonged to答案: B( )3. I was in such a hurry that I _ my keys during the movie.A. dropped B. fell C. had答案: A( )4. The final exams are to each of us, we must study hard and get ready for them.A. crucial B. easy C. unimportant答案: A( )5. It was late at night,but they were _ at work.A. already B. still C. only答案: B二、看图完成对话6. A:Whose photo is this? B:_ _ _ Wu Dong s. The people in the picture are his parents.答案: It must be7. A:Oh,I _ find my _. Where is it? B: Its over there,behind the door.答案: cant, guitar三、句型转换8. Shakespeare is my favorite author. (改为同义句)I like Shakespeare _ _. (改为同义句)答案: the best9. This bus is more crowed than that one.That bus is _ crowed than this one.答案: less10. He was interviewed by the local newspaper yesterday. (改为主动语态)The local newspaper _ _ yesterday.答案: interviewed him11. Mary and Susan are both sixteen years old. (改反意疑问句)Mary and Susan are both sixteen years old, _ _ ?答案: arent they12. I know a man. He is afraid of flying. (用定语从句把两句话连起来)_.答案: I know the man who is afraid of flying.四、用must,might,could,cant 填空13. The textbook _ be his. It has his name on it.答案: must14. The beautiful trousers _ be Jims. They are too long.答案: cant15. The large shoes _ be Marys. She has small feet.答案: might16. The guitar _ belong to Sam. He plays the guitar.答案: must17. The football _ be Wei Huas or Tian Hais. They both play football.答案: couldSection B重要词组 have fun,escape from,an ocean of,be careful of,be late for, use up重点句型 He could be running for exercise. He might be late for work.一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1. She cant practice playing the piano today, for she cut one of her f_ yesterday.答案: fingers2. We were all w_ about you when you were in hospital.答案: worried3. Our next door n_ is one lady. She keeps a little dog.答案: neighbor4. She wasnt really crying;She was only p_.答案: pretending5. He is always here;Its s_ youve never met him.答案: strange二、单句改错6. The T-shirt mustnt be Johns. _ A B C D答案: C cant7. The novel must belong to hers. _ A B C D答案: D her8. The police cant find strange anything. _ A B C D答案: D any strange thing9. Shes worried because her test. _ A B C D答案: C about10. Everyone in our neighborhood are worried. _ A B C D答案: C is三、从方框中选出适当的词填空during, appointment, anxious, attempt, might, too many, symphony, crucial11. The prisoners _ to escape,but failed.答案: attempted12. I have an _ at 3 p.m.答案: appointment13. There are extra trains to the seaside _ the summer.答案: during14. Im very _ about my sons health.答案: anxious15. There would be _ people in the _ hall.答案: too many, symphony16. Getting this contract is _ to the future of our company.答案: crucial17. If you have any idea where it _ be,please call me.答案: might四、根据汉语提示完成句子18. Whose football is that? It _ _ _ _ (肯定是保罗的),he loves football.答案: must belong to Paul19.他害怕坐飞机,他可能乘飞机。He is _ _ _ a plane,he _ take a train答案: afraid of taking, might20两个囚犯越狱了。Two prisoners _ _ prison答案: escaped from21.孩子们在公园里嬉戏。The childten are _ _ in the park答案: enjoying themselves22因为他的粗心大意,他经常犯错。He often made mistakes _答案: carelesslySelf Check (时间90分钟,满分100分)一、选择填空(每题1分,共15分)( )1. I dont think we have met before. Yes, once at a party, but we _.A. werent introduced B. didnt introducedC. havent introduced D. werent introducing答案: A( )2. She spends too much _ clothes.A. in B. for C. on


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