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-精选文档 -Chapter OneFunctions of Financial Markets一 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Chinas banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOF is in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。此外,财政部负责银行业监管的财务会计及税收方面。2. Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business: securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension fundsand QDII businesses.目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。3. China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisis of2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment. Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home.在 2008 年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到 10% 。这一经济增长源于巨额贸易盈余和大量投资。中国现在正在寻求改变这一增长模式。中国正致力于平衡出口和国内需求。二 Translate the following sentences into English1. 中国商业银行监管的程序是市场准入监管、市场运营监管和市场退出监管。Regulatory procedures of China s commercial banks are market access regulation, market operation regulation and market exit regulation.2. 国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见。Some opinions of the State Council on promoting thereform, opening and steadygrowth of the capital market3. 只有建立合理的股权结构,才能保证公司取得好的经营业绩。Onlyestablishingreasonableownershipstructurecan guaranteeperfectcorporateperformance.4. 该公司股票暴跌,被伦敦交易所摘牌。The companys stock nosedived and it was delisted from the London exchange.可编辑-精选文档 -Chapter TwoMoney Markets一 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Either way, they have to keep paying their bills. If they default on their debt, that only makes it harder and costlier to borrow in the future.但无论选择哪种方式, 他们必须继续偿付债务。 如果他们出现债务违约, 只会使将来举债更加困难,成本也更高。2. A series of mishaps followed, as countries lurched into default or devaluation.当这些国家突然陷入违约危机和货币贬值后,一连串的灾祸便接踵而至。3. The central bank holds vast quantities of treasury securities that it sells if it believesthat the money supply should be reduced. Similarly, the central bank purchases Treasury securities if it believes that the money supply should be expanded.如果央行认为市场上货币供应量应减少,就会出售债券; 同样,如果它认为货币供应量应该增加,就会购买政府债券。二 Translate the following sentences into English1. 一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.2. 鉴于你我双方的长期贸易关系 , 我们可以做成这笔交易。In view of our longstanding business relationship, we can conclude the transaction.3. 低成本高收益是所有成功商业的根本。Low investment and high yield is the core of all successful business.可编辑-精选文档 -Chapter ThreeCapital Markets一 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. In the broad context of bank fund raising and utilization, corporate banking is dividedinto assets, liabilities and fee-based business from the accounting perspective.从会计角度出发,也就是从资金来源和资金运用的角度出发,一般将公司金融业务划分为资产、负债和收费业务三大类。2. A major credit rating agency recently reported that continued political unrest in Thailand could hurt the country's economy. In its report, Fitch Ratings noted areduction in manufacturing and sharply lower sales of goods and services. Fitch said,the trust of both Thai consumers and business is at its lowest level since the huge floods of 2011.一家大型信用评级机构最近报告称,泰国政治持续动荡可能会伤害该国的经济。在报告中,惠誉评级指出了制造业的缩减以及商品和服务的销售大幅下降。惠誉表示,泰国消费者和企业的信心都处于 2011 年大洪水以来的最低水平。3. Ireland's bank bailout and government spending have expanded this year's deficit tomore than thirty percent of gross domestic product. This is ten times the EU limit for adeficit in relation to the size of an economy, as measured by GDP.对爱尔兰银行业的援助以及政府开支使今年的财政赤字增加到超过GDP 的 30% 。这比欧盟要求的财政赤字占GDP 规模比例高出 10 倍。二 Translate the following sentences into English1. 这两轮熊市都始于投机热潮之后出现的资产价格暴跌。Both bear markets began with a collapse in asset prices following a speculative frenzy.2. 2007 年信贷市场崩溃之时,杠杆收购潮迅即结束。When the credit markets collapsed in 2007, the leveraged buyout boom abruptly ended.3. 会计改革提高我国上市公司财务报告稳健性了吗?Has accountingreformimprovedfinancialreportingconservatismof Chineselistedcompanies?4. 完善的公司治理结构对会计信息披露的影响有积极作用。The perfect corporate governance structure is positive to the accounting information可编辑-精选文档 -disclosure.Chapter FourForeign Exchange Markets一 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. In futures market, the hedgers, arbitragers, speculators make up the market pa


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