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牛津上海版英语六年级上学期Module 4 Unit 11 同步练习

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牛津上海版英语六年级上学期Module 4 Unit 11 同步练习

牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级上学期Module 4 Unit 11 同步练习一、单选题1Shh! Boys and girls, we must keep _ here. AcleanBquietCcool2Come and _ the dishes with me. AwashBto washCwashing3_ old turtle swam to _ beach and saw _ rabbit under a tree. AAn; an; aBA; the; anCAn; the; a4The workers cut the tree wood AintoBtoCin5See youI miss you! AwillBshallCwell二、排序题6根据句意,排列顺序。 I flew to the factory. They used Mr Tree to make matches. Grass said, "Some workers cut Mr Tree down and took him to a factory." I flew to the village. I saw a girl beside a fire. Spring came, I missed Mr Tree. I flew back to the forest. I saw no trees. She used the last match to make the fire. Then they took the matches to a village. 三、选词填空(词汇运用)7选择句子进行搭配A. more beautifulB. to keep the air freshC. from trees and plantsD. make beds and pencilsE. with the wood(1)We should plant more trees (2)The trees make our city (3)We use wood to (4)What can you do (5)We get fruit 四、连词成句8next see year you ( . ) (连词成句) 9important life trees are in our ( . )(连词成句) 10trees we get fruit from ( . ) (连词成句) 11sad to bird a sings a song the fire ( . ) (连词成句) 12any are your matches there home in ( ? ) (连词成句) 五、阅读理解13读一读,根据短文内容回答问题 Once upon a time, there was a fir tree (杉树) in a forest. It was short and thin. Children and animals liked to play under it. But it was not happy. "I want to be tall and strong," it thought. Workers came to the forest and cut down some tall trees. "Where do they go?" asked the fir tree. "People take them away. They use the wood to make paper," a bird said "Tall trees are useful, but not me," thought the fir tree. Then December came. A family came and took the fir tree home. They planted it in their garden. They put some small lights on it. They put a star on the top of it and some presents under it. The fir tree became a Christmas tree! "Thank you, little fir tree," said the children. "You make our garden beautiful!"(1)What did the fir tree want to be? (2)What did the tall trees become? (3)What did the fir tree become? (4)What did the family put under the fir tree? (5)Was the fir tree useful? 六、书面表达14请试着用英语写写树有哪些作用,我们应该如何保护树木。(要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话)Trees答案解析部分1【答案】B2【答案】A3【答案】C4【答案】A5【答案】A6【答案】3;2;5;1;6;47【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)D(4)E(5)C8【答案】See you next year. 9【答案】Trees are important in our life. 10【答案】We get fruit from trees. 11【答案】A bird sings a sad song to the fire. 12【答案】Are there any matches in your home? 13【答案】(1)It wanted to be tall and strong. (2)They became paper. (3)It became a Christmas tree. (4)They put some presents under the fir tree. (5)Yes, it was. 14【答案】TreesTrees are important. They make our city beautiful. They keep the air clean and cool. We can get wood from trees. We can get fruit from trees too. We can use wood to make desks and chairs. We should plant more trees and stop cutting down so many trees.


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