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高考题型·组合规范练7模块三Unit1阅读理解题组练速度(35mins).阅读理解ABrokenWings1-4 Aug:Musical adaptation of the poet Kahlil Gibrans 1912 masterpiece.Set in New York in 1923,it transports you to turn-of-the-century Beirut.7:30pm (& 2:30pm 4 Aug).Tickets:10-96.50.Theatre Royal Haymarket,Haymarket,SWIY 4HT.T:020-7930 8800.E7.Station:Piccadilly Circus.ChicagotheMusicalMartin Kemp stars as Billy in this jazz musical based on real murder cases which shocked Chicago in the 1920s.Mon-Sat 7:30pm;Wed & Sat 2:30pm.Tickets:25-150.Phoenix Theatre,110 Charing Cross Rd,WC2HOJP.T:0843-316 1082.E7.Station:Tottenham Court Road.DreamgirlsMusical about a female singing group from Chicago.Classic songs include IAmTellingYouImNotGoing,IAmChanging,and ListenandOneNightOnly.Join these friends as they go on a musical rollercoaster ride through a world of fame,fortune and the ruthless realities of show business,testing their friendships to the very limit.Mon-Sat 7:30pm;Wed & Sat 2:30pm.Tickets:15-75.Strand WC2R OET.T:0844-871 7687.E8.Station:Covent Garden.EverybodysTalkingaboutJamieThis feel-good musical is set on a council estate in Sheffield,northern England,and tells the story of 16-year-old Jamie and how he overcomes bullies and prejudice.This is inspired by a true bully story.Mon-Sat 7:30pm;Wed & Sat 2:30pm. Tickets:20-85.www.everybodystalkingaboutjamie.co.uk.Apollo Theatre,31 Shaftesbury Ava WID 7ES.T:0330-333 4809.E7.Station:Piccaddly Circus.1.Which number can one call to get more information on the musical about a murder story?A.020-7930 8800.B.0843-316 1082.C.0844-871 7687.D.0330-333 4809.2.Which of the musicals isnt set in the U.S.?A.Dreamgirls.B.Chicago the Musical.C.Broken Wings.D.Everybodys Talking about Jamie.3.If one wants to enjoy classic songs,which website should he visit to book tickets?A.B.www.phoenixtheatrelondon.co.uk.C.www.savoytheatre.org.savoy.D.www.everybodystalkingaboutjamie.co.uk.BUPS(联合包裹) driver Ryan Arens was making his rounds near a pond in Bozeman,Montana,when he heard an unearthly sound.“Like a cry for help,” he told the Dodo.It was December 2019,and about 15 feet from the frozen banks was the source of that crya half-submerged brown-and-white wirehaired hound(猎犬),struggling to hold to a thin layer of ice.How she got there no one knows,but an elderly man was already on the scene.Hed entered the pond in a rowboat and was trying hard to cut the ice with a rock to create a path to the dog.It was slow going,and Arens,44,thought he stood a better chance.“Animals are my weakness,” he told the GreatFallsTribune,explaining why he took off his clothes without hesitation,even though the temperature was very low,and took over the rowboat.His heart thumping,Arens slid closer to the dog and used the other mans rock to smash away at the ice.He gave one strong hit and slipped off the boat,falling into 16 feet of freezing water.He resurfaced in time to see the dog going under.Using nervous energy to keep warm,he swam about five feet toward her,took hold of her collar,and pulled her to the ice.He then lifted the dog into the boat and slid it back to the shore,where anxious bystanders carried the dog to the home of the elderly man,a retired veterinarian.Once in the house himself,Arens jumped into a warm shower with the dog until they both felt warm.A few more minutes in the pond,the vet told Arens,and she would have likely suffered cardiac arrest(心脏骤停).The next day,Arens was back working the same neighbourhood when the dogs owner came over to thank him for saving Sadie.“Would you like to meet her?” he asked.He opened the door to his pickup(皮卡),and Sadie rushed out.She made a beeline for Arens,leaping on him and bathing him in wet kisses.“That special delivery,”says Arens,“was the highlight of my UPS career.”4.What does the underlined word “unearthly” most probably mean?A.Terrifying.B.Strange.C.Interesting.D.Pleasant.5.What was an elderly man doing when Ryan Arens arrived on the scene?A.He was skating on the ice.B.He was rowing in the pond.C.He was trying to save the dog.D.He was walking on the path.6.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A.How Arens fell into the water.B.How Arens rescued the dog.C.How dangerous it was in freezing water.D.Who the dog belonged to.7.What did Sadie do when its owner opened the door of the pickup?A.She jumped on him.B.She kissed him.C.She ran directly to Arens.D.She remained still.CWhen people think about British music,for the most part they think about the 60s or 70s with the likes of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones or more modern artists like Adele or Ed Sheeran.However,stuck between these two ages was,in my opinion,British musics best period.The 90s were an optimistic time for Britain and indeed Europe,with the economy recovering from the lows of the 80s and the Cold War ending.One of the defining features of 90s music was the bi


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