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Unit 1 Success storiessuccess (do sth.) at a pricebe strict with sb.暨大附中初二英语备课组A _ is playing the piano.pianistHis performance is amazing/wonderful!暨大附中初二英语备课组Where do you watch the cartoon?On television.暨大附中初二英语备课组Prodigy: a very talented person, especially young person暨大附中初二英语备课组Before-reading From the title, what things about Lang Lang do you expect to read in the passage? (Or if you are going to write about Lang Lang according to the title, what will you write?) Maybe it is about /I may write about: How amazing he was when he was young; How well he plays the piano; How he became successful; More暨大附中初二英语备课组First reading Read the passage quickly. A Check if your guesses are right. B Write the main idea within 20 words. Use and/but/or/howeverto help. Some ideas: Lang Lang is talented and very hardworking, so he becomes a very successful pianist.(14) Lang Lang is piano prodigy, however, his success came at a price.(12) 暨大附中初二英语备课组Second reading/ listening Keys to A3 (1) 3 years old (2)5 years old (3)music school (4)1999 (5)150暨大附中初二英语备课组Third reading: read after the tape. A. Mark the important and difficult points. B. Finish A4.暨大附中初二英语备课组1. S1:Did The New York Times describe Lang Lang with a simple sentence?S2:_. It said _. 2. S1:Was he playing the piano when he first heard Western classical music?S2:_. _.3. S1:Did Lang Langs success more easily? S2:_. _.YesNoNohe was stunningHe was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon on televisionHis success came at a price暨大附中初二英语备课组4. S1:Did his father take Lang Lang to Beijing because his own job required him to? S2:_. _.5. S1:Did Lang Lang succeed on his own? S2:_.He says_.NoNo He took Lang Lang to enter the finest music schoolhe is grateful to his parentssince they have always encouraged and supported him暨大附中初二英语备课组Underline the expression and try to explain them in your own words At the age of Prodigy He is stunning.= Fall ill Lang lang was chosen to play in place of the pianist= he is grateful to his parents (for sth.)= since they have always= 暨大附中初二英语备课组Keys At the age of =When sb. was/is years old. Prodigya young and talented person He is stunning.=He is perfect/great/wonderful. Fall ill become sick/ill Lang lang was chosen to play in place of the pianist= .instead of he is grateful to his parents (for sth.)= be thankful since they have always= because暨大附中初二英语备课组1.on television2.at the age of3.at a price4.be strict with5.fall ill6.in place of7.be grateful to (sb for sth)在岁时生病代替(为某事)感激(某人 )在电视上付出代价地对严格A quiz 暨大附中初二英语备课组1. 他在四岁时就会弹钢琴了。 He could play the piano _ 2. 老师们对我们很严格。 Teachers _ . 3. 我很感激你协助我的表演。 I _ you _ my performance. 4. 他的成功是付出了代价的。 His success came _. 5. 李老师代替王老师教我们英语。 Miss Li taught us English _Miss Wang. 6. 昨晚她突然生病了。 She suddenly _ last night.at a priceat the age of fourare strict with usin place ofam grateful toforfell illinstead ofTranslate the sentences暨大附中初二英语备课组After-reading Discussion: A Why can Lang Lang become so successful? What can we learn from him? B Retell the story of Lang Lang by using the useful expressions. C Read the story of Li Yundi. 暨大附中初二英语备课组Homework 1 Read the text after the tape 3 times. Read it aloud 4 times. 2 Learn the key phrases and sentences by heart. 3 Write about a successful person. Try to use the following expressions At the age of, success, successful, at a price, be strict with, be grateful to sb. for sth., win an award/ a prize暨大附中初二英语备课组


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