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World Bank Funded & UK Government DonatedSichuan Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project Executive AbstractsE1491v.3of Evaluation on Environmental Impacts Southwest Jiaotong University December 2006CONTENTS1. PREFACE12. A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE PROJECT AND THE PROJECT AREA32.1 A brief introduction to the project32.1.1 The construction location32.1.2 The project investment32.1.3 The project content and scope42.2 A brief introduction to the environment of the project area52.2.1 The general situation of the natural conditions in the project counties (districts)52.2.2 The general status of socioeconomy and society of the project counties (districts)72.2.3 The present situation of the project areas environmental quality in the typical counties83. EVALUATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS143.1 The analysis of the environmental impacts during the construction period143.1.1The environmental impacts during the construction period143.1.2 The measures of environmental protection during the construction period173.2 The analysis of environmental impacts during the project service period193.2.1 The environmental impacts during the project service period193.2.2 The measures of environmental protection during the project service period233.3 The evaluation of the environmental sensitivity of the project243.4 The evaluation of the water quality in the project area243.4.1 The present situation and problems of the drinking water quality in the typical project counties (the 20% project)243.4.2 Monitoring and analysis on quality of drinking water sources in typical project counties273.5 Evaluation on drinking water treatment and sanitization program in typical project counties283.5.1 Current methods of drinking water treatment and sanitization program in typical project counties283.5.2 Drinking water treatment and sanitization program for proposed project in typical counties283.6 Impact of schistosome in project area and prevention and cure measures303.6.1 Distribution of schistosome in project areas303.6.2 Analysis of schistosome impact303.6.3 Prevention measures against schistosome313.7 Volume evaluation of drinking water sources in typical project counties323.7.1 Status and problems about volume of drinking water source in typical project counties (the 20% project)323.7.2 Prediction on water volume requirement353.7.3 Water source selection in typical project counties373.8 The effects brought by getting water through engineering to local water environment of typical counties involved in projects383.9 Assessment of drinking water management393.10 Sanitary assessment of environment of farm households403.10.1 Environmental and sanitary problems of places with projects403.10.2 Individuals sanitary status and the requirement for health scheme413.10.3 Measures for improving health423.11 Sanitation health evaluation423.11.1 Major problems of the rural sanitation health and the project of reconstructing washrooms423.11.2 Reconstruction of the washrooms in rural areas433.11.3 The disposal of rubbish in rural areas433.11.4 Plan for the sanitation of schools443.11.5 Analysing the environmental influence during the operation of the sanitation facilities444. SAFETY OF DAMS464.1 Brief introduction of the project464.2 Basic information of the dams in 20% project areas464.3 Description of dam safety504.3.1 Safety of the dams already appraised504.3.2 Analysis of the safety appraisal results of the dams524.4 The counter-measures for safety problems of the dams534.5 Proposals concerning the safety management of the dams584.5.1 Requirements for the dams yet to be appraised584.5.2 Requirements for dams already appraised604.5.3 Monitoring of dam safety634.5.4 Fund sources for dam safety management644.6 Conclusion and suggestions645. ENVIORNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SCHEME655.1 Environmental administrative institution655.1.1 Setting of environmental administration institute655.1.2 Responsibilities and managerial authority675.2 Scheme for environmental management685.2.1 Scheme for environmental management during the feasibility study of the projects685.2.2 Scheme for environmental management during design of the projects685.2.3 Environmental protection management plan on the stage of project construction705.2.4 Environmental protection management plan on the stage of project operation735.2.5 Training personnel for environmental protection765.2.6 Information exchange775.2.7 Record taking775.3 Supervision plan for environmental protection785.4 Monitoring plan for environmental protection805.4.1 Goal of monitoring805.4.2 Execution of monitoring816. MASS PARTICIPATION AND INFORMATION PUBLICITY856.1 Mass participation856.2 Information pu


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