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高一英语必修1第一单元周考 I. 词汇过关(20%) 1. 不理睬_ 2. 涉及;关系到_ 3. 在户外_ 4. 遭受,忍受_ 5. 痊愈;恢复_ 6. 不同意_ 7. 完全地;全然地_ 8. 公路;大路_ 9. 感激的_ 10. 交换 s_II. 短语过关(20%)1.合计_2. (使)平静 / 镇静下来_ 3. 关心;挂念_4. 经历/经受_5. 一连串; 一系列的_6. 记下;放下_ 7. 遭受;患病_8. 与相处;进展_ 9. 相爱;爱上_10. 故意 _III. 课文填空(30%)1. 无话不谈的朋友a friend _ you could tell everything_2. 比如最隐秘的情感和想法 .like your deepest feeling and _3. 或者是不理解你正在经受的.or would not understand _ youre going_4. 象大多数人那样记流水账_ _ a series of facts as most people_5. 躲藏了近25个月 .hid _for nearly 25 months6. 自从1942年在躲藏处后. after _(be) in the _place since 19427. 我已对与自然相关的一切变得狂热Ive grown so crazy _everything _ _with nature8. 曾经一度 there was a time_9. 从未使我痴狂 could _have kept spellbound10. 直到11点半我还故意醒着,以便亲自I stayed awake _ _till half past eleven in order to. by myself.11. 但是因月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗子。But as the moon gave_ _light, I didnt dare to open the window.12.黄昏时,我碰巧在楼上。I happened _ _upstairs _dusk.13.用它们力量全然把我镇住了The dark, rainy evening,.held me e_ in their power.14. 这是一年半以来首次面对面地It was the first time in a year and a half _ Id seen the night face _ face15. 令人伤感的是,我现在只能透过那挂在满是灰尘的的窗子前那脏兮兮的窗帘看自然。.S_, I am only able to look at nature through dirty _ hanging before every d_windows.16. 透过这些(来看自然),却乐趣不再,因为自然是必须亲身体验的。 Its no pleasure _(look) through these because nature is one thing _ must be experiencedIV. 单词拼写(15%)1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c_ down myself.2. Parents are always c_ much about their children.3. True friends always s_ their sadness and happiness with each other.4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p_. 5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l_ snow.6. A_ to the law, t_ are not allowed to smoke or drink.7. The old man went t_ many wars and s_ a lot from them.8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e_.9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_.10. By internet, we can c_ with people all over the world conveniently.11. By now, he has formed the h_ of doing some reading before going to bed.12. The r_ he gave for his c_(作弊) in the exam was simple.V. 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)通读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. They were 1 him names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face. 2 I saw that, I walked over to the group.I stepped 3 them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done worthy of 4 they were doing to him. One of the boys replied, “Hes weird.” At that, I asked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the 5 was “No.” So, I asked another boy what the word “weird” 6 , and he said, “Different.” That was my cue(暗示). I told them that everyone is 7 , and that they all looked just as different to the other boy as he did to them. They all stood _8 for a moment, and then the most amazing thing happened. One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then said sorry to him. He 9 to let him play with them.I thanked the boy for being so 10 . As I looked around, I realized that there were dozens of other people at the park 11 no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt happy that the boy was strong enough to stand up against his friends to 12 someone in need, but I felt sad that 13 else had even taken a second look.I hope that my action helped them 14 that they could have made a difference with a little _15 , and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.1. A. givingB. makingC. callingD. telling2. A. WhenB. BeforeC. IfD. Though3. A. againstB. betweenC. besideD. with4. A. howB. whyC. whomD. what5. A. guessB. signC. problemD. answer6. A. readB. provedC. meantD. wrote7. A. differentB. freeC. importantD. strong8. A. angrily B. silentlyC. carefullyD. happily9. A. refusedB. expectedC. offeredD. prepared10. A. proudB. cleverC. honestD. patient11. A. orB. soC. andD. but12. A. help B. stopC. loveD. remember13. A. someoneB. anyoneC. no oneD. everyone14. A. decideB. realizeC. suggestD. agree15. A. energyB. practiceC. knowledge D. effort


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