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5A 期中模拟(三)制卷人:孙素玲 2013.11.11班级_姓名_成绩_听力部分(30)一、 听录音,圈出与录音内容相符的图片(5%)二、 听录音,给图片标号(5%)三、 选择你听到的单词或词组(5%)( )1.A. my parents B. his parents C. her parents( )2.A. have an ice cream B. have a lesson C. have lunch( )3.A. listen to me B. follow me C. let me try ( )4.A. together B. friend C. sometimes( )5.A. on Sunday B. on Saturday C. on the first floor四、 根据你听到的句子,选择正确的答案(5%)( )1.A. OK. B. No, there isnt. C. Lets go. ( )2.A. All right B. Glad to see you ,too. C. Thats all right.( )3.A. Its a desk. B. Yes, I do . C. There is a book.( )4.A. I can sing a song. B. No, I cant. C. Im OK.( )5.A. On the wall. B. A map of China C. Two.五、 听录音,完成对话,每空一词(10%)Hello, Im Mike Brown . I have a sister, Helen . My father is a _ and my mother is a bus driver . They dont _ on Saturdays and Sundays . They like _ on Sundays . They like _ ,but Helen and I dont . We like _ table _ with our friends . In the evenings we watch TV . Sometimes Mike and I _ to _, but my _ dont . They like _ .笔试部分(70)一、 选择与给出单词划线部分读音相同的单词并将其序号填入括号内(5%)( )1. apple A basketball B rabbit C plate ( )2. glass A class B glad C grape ( )3. bookcase A cat B map C table ( )4. sports A students B birds C this ( )5. she A these B very C red 二、 补全单词并写出中文。(10)1. h _ _ se ( ) 2. l _ _ ge ( ) 3. st _ dy ( ) 4. d_n_e ( )5. m _ _k ( ) 6. l _sson ( ) 7. f _ m _ ly ( ) 8.ch _ ck _ n ( ) 9. _ v _ ning ( ) 10. d _ ck ( )三、 词组翻译(15)1. each other_ 2. 看一看 _ 3. good idea_ 4. 在课桌下面_ 5. live in a new house_ 6. 弹吉他 _ 7.two oclock in the afternoon_8. 骑自行车_ 9. a Halloween party_ 10.他的家庭_ 四、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。(10)1在这幢大楼里有些电脑房吗?是的,有。_ there _ computer rooms _ the building ? _, there _.2. 在你的房间里有什么? 有一个沙发在床边上和一个台灯在桌子上。_ in your _ ? Theres a _ beside the bed, and theres a _ on the desk .3这个男孩会溜冰,但这个女孩不会,她会滑雪。The _ can _ , but the _ _ . She can _ .4你喜欢什么?我喜欢花。_ do you _ ? I like _ very much .5.我会唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌。I can _ and I _ _ , too .五、 情景匹配。(10) ( )1. How many candles do you need? A. Yes, there is. ( )2. Do you like pies? B. Good idea. ( )3. How much is the pumpkin? C. I can make a cake. ( )4. Is there a sports hall? D. No, I don t. I like chips, ( )5. Shall we go and play there? E. Ten yuan, please. ( )6. Can you put a book on your head? F. Yes, I can. ( )7. What can you make? G. Yes. I do. ( )8. Do you like pigs? H. I need ten candles.( )9. What do you like ? I. We need some chocolate .( )10.What else do you need ? J. I like puppets .六、选择题(10%)( ) 1. How many reading rooms _ in the building? A. there are B. are there C. there is D. is there( ) 2. All the students are back _ school . A. to B. at C. in D. on( ) 3. Now boys and girls , _ me , please . A. make B. learn C. follow ( ) 4. The bedroom is _ the sitting room . A. at B. on C. near D. in( ) 5. It is _ of the new term. A. first day B. the first day C. a first day ( ) 6. Where _ the music room ? A. am B. are C. is D. s( ) 7. Theres a map _ China on the wall . A. of B. on C. in D. from( ) 8. Can you put a bike on your head? _ . A. Yes, there is B. Yes, I can C. Ok.( ) 9. Are there _ pictures on the wall? A. some B. a C. any D. an ( ) 10.What do you like ? _. A. I can sing B. Yes, I can C. I like skating 七、改错题(5%)( ) 1、The boy can play basketball and the girl can play violin.


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