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七年级英语(下册)人教版第 页 1 Unit1 Can you play the guitar? (Section A)自主预习:自主预习: 预习效果检测:英汉互译。 1.下国际象棋_ _ _ 2.说英语_ _ _ _ 3.弹吉他_ 4.跟说_ 5.进行体育运动_ 6.敲鼓_ 7.弹钢琴_ 8.拉小提琴_ 9.help sb. with sth._ 10.be good at _ _ _ 11.make friends _ 12.在周末_ 合作探究:合作探究: 一、根据句意及所给的首字母提示完成单词。 1. What club do you want to j_? 2. Kate likes music and she wants to be a m_. 3. Can you come and s_ them your Chinese kung fu? 4. I want to know your e-mail a_? 5. What can you do for the school music f_. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Do you want to join the _ (swim) club? 2. Can Mary and Alice _ (play) computer games? 3. Come and _(join) the art club. 4. She wants _ (dance) with her friends. 5. Thanks for _ (help) me. 训练巩固:训练巩固: 根据句意完成下列句子。 1. Helen can_(play) the drums. 2. Does your father _(go) to work by car? 3. He likes _(drink) milk, but he doesnt like_(drink) milk now. 4. I just want _(have) a look at these new pictures. 5. Can his grandfather _(walk) so long to our school? 6. -_ you dance? - Yes, I can. 7. What club _she want to join? 8. My friend can speak French, but she _ speak it very well. 9. We want to _(交朋友) with you. 10.They can _the kids_ (在帮助) drawing this term.拓展延伸:拓展延伸: ( )1. Cindy wants _the music club.A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join ( )2. - _ you play volleyball? - Yes, I am a good player.A. Are B. Must C. Can D. May ( )3. Can you help us with the _?A. cleaning B. clean C. to clean D. cleans ( )4. Dont play _ piano at deep night. Its so noisy(吵闹的).A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )5. - Can you play the guitar or the drums? - _.A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant. C. I can play the guitar. D. I can play the guitar or the drums. 6. The children can play chess. (否定句) _ 7. Can your teacher speak Japanese?(否定回答) _ 8. Her sister can sing and dance.(一般疑问句) _ 9. I want to join the art club.(划线提问) _ 10. He cant sing, and he cant dance, either. (同义句)_ 作业布置:作业布置: 一、写出所给动词的单三形式。 1.do_ 2.have_ 3.swim_ 4.play_ 5.say_ 6.stop_ 7.carry_ 8.watch_ 9.wash_ 10.fax(传真)_ 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 【 do join can want cant walk have 】 1. What club does Dick _ to join? 2. _ you dance? 3. Those kids want to _the guitar club. 4. What can they _? 5. Gina and her friend _ sing English songs. 6. Dont _ too fast, we are all tired. 7. Jenny _ lunch at school. 三、 阅读并根据意思补全短文。 Jack and Tom _ students in No. 4 Middle School. Theyre good friends. They want to join some _ this term. There are _ clubs this year. They are reading club, math club, music club, sports club and _ club. Jack likes drawing and he draws very _, so he joins the drawing club. Tom wants to be strong and healthy, so he wants to join the swimming club.七年级英语(下册)人教版第 页 2 Unit1 Can you play the guitar?(SectionB)主备人: 审核人: 总第 3-4 课时 自主预习:自主预习: 预习效果检测: 英汉互译。 1.一位伟大的音乐家_ 2.那时,然后_ 3.摇滚音乐_ 4.乐队_ 5.演出,表演_ 6.在星期天_ 7.在下午_ 8.表演中国功夫_ 9.结交朋友_ 10.跟说_ 合作探究:合作探究: 一、根据句意和首字母完成句子。 1.Can you play the v_? 2.He can d_ and sing. 3.There are two _(piano) in the music club. 4.Does he play the p_ every day? 5.She's a m _,she can play the guitar. 6.Can he play the guitar _(good)? 二、翻译句子。 1.你会说英语吗?Can yo


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