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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上able能干的【参见】名词abilityThe wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their citizens.比较富裕的国家把他们邻国最能干的公民挖走。absolute绝对的It is hard to come to an absolute conclusion.很难得出一个绝对的结论.absurd 荒谬的【参见】名词absurdityThe whole thing becomes utterly absurd when you think that no matter what problems man overcomes, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to travel even to the nearest star.但是不管人类征服了多少困难,他也不可能去最近的星球上旅行。想想这个,你就会觉得整个这件事情荒谬绝伦了。abundant 丰富的Most of them have received formal education in university, where they acquired abundant knowledge and experience, which are quite essential to their future career.他们大多数都受到大学的正规教育,在大学里他们获得了知识和经验,那些知识和经验对他们未来的生涯是十分必要的。academic 学术的It is not difficult to see that what our teachers have done is for the purpose of students academic success.不难看出,老师们所做的是为了学生在学业上有所成就。acceptable 可接受的【参见】动词acceptThey believe the violence they see is normal and acceptable.他们相信他们所看到的暴力是正常的和可接受的。accurate 准确的,正确的Nevertheless, machines cannot tell which one is the most accurate and suitable in the situation.机器无法确定在那种情况下哪种方式最精确合适。acquisitive 贪婪的We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.我们生活在一个追求物质享受的时代,自幼就受到训练要不断索取。active 积极的【参见】形容词passive 名词activityEuropean countries are now making an active effort to reuse materials more than they used do.欧洲国家现在正在更积极努力地重复使用比过去更多的旧材料。adequate 足够的 On the other hand, for those people who still cannot solve the problem of adequate food and clothing, taking animals as the source of food and clothes appears much more practical.但对于生活的温饱问题尚未解决的人们而言,把动物当作食物和衣服的来源似乎更为切合实际。adverse 相反的【参见】形容词negativeGood intention may sometimes lead to the adverse result.好心可能办坏事。affluent 丰富的,富裕的It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money.不仅只有在富裕的社会里,人们才这么着魔似的想挣更多的钱。alive 活着的When we see them, the landscapes of Guilin remind us of Chinas past, but we know they are alive, and we are grateful for their preservation.当看到桂林的优美风景时,我们想到了中国的过去,但我们知道它们至今仍存留于世,对它们被保存得如此之完美我们表示感谢。all-round 全方面的Secondly, because I knew a college education would provide me with opportunities for all-round development.其次,因为我知道大学教育会为我们提供全方位发展的机会。another 另一个Another one is that those who smoke in public places are of loose morals.另一点是在公共场所吸烟的烟民道德素质不高。appropriate 适当的It call tell me why I am wrong as soon as an error is made, and it can even provide an appropriate hint as to how to figure out what the correct answer is.一旦出现错误,它会马上告诉我为什么错了,甚至还会就如何找到正确答案给出适当的提示。artificial 人工的While food has substitutes in the form of natural medicines or artificial foods, there are no substitutes for sleep and rest.尽管食物可用天然药物和人工食物来代替,睡眠和休息却没有替代物。artistic 艺术的Artistic projects, which are symbols of the city, can boost local tourism.作为城市的象征,艺术项目能促进当地的旅游业。attractive 吸引人的【参见】动词attract 名词attractionThere is, however, a risk that we will wreck the environment so effectively that the world will no longer be an attractive place to live.然而,我们也存在这样的危险:我们彻底毁坏了环境,以致于地球不再是一个吸引人居住的地方。available 可得到的As we know, our textbooks remain unchanged for ages while the up-to-date software on various subjects is easily available anywhere,say,on the internet,thus stirring up my curiosity about more knowledge.众所周知,我们的教材是多年不变,而各学科的新软件任何地方都垂手可得,例如从因特网上下载。这样一来,就可以激起我对更多知识的好奇心。aware 意识到的,知道的Finally, I was aware that in todays world many professions require years of specialized training.最后,我很清楚,在今天的社会上,许多职业都要求多年的专业培训。beneficial 有益处的【参见】名词benefit 动词benefitBy contrast, intellectual development can be beneficial to us in this respect.相比较而言,智力的开发在这方面则为我们带来很多益处。careful 仔细的,小心的After careful consideration, however, I finally decided it was worthwhile to attend college.经过仔细考虑后,我最后认为上大学还是值得的。cheap 便宜Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheaper.结果货物卖得越多,价格也就越便宜。chemical 化学的But this chemical rain gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes.但是这种“化学雨”逐渐摧毁森林里的树木,杀死湖泊中的鱼。chief 主要的The chief obstacles to bridging the gap remain objective and subjective.消除代沟的主要障碍有客观原因,也有主观原因。civilized 文明的We used to enjoy civilized pleasure.那时,我们享受着种种高雅的乐趣。clear 清楚的It is well known that there is a clear link between smoking and some kinds of serious diseases.众所周知的是,在吸烟和一些严重的疾病之间有着明确的联系。clean 干净的In the countryside, the air is clean, the food is fresh and the houses are usually spacious with large yards around them.乡村的空气是干净的,食物是新鲜的,房子通常是宽敞的,四周还绕宽大的庭院。comfortable 舒适的【参见】名词 comfort 动词comfort 副词 comfortablyIn a car are protected from the weather, and have comfortable seats and plenty of room to carry people and luggage.在小轿车里,你可以躲避风吹雨淋日晒,你有舒适的座位和充足的空间载人带物。commercial 商业的We live in a commercial society.我们生活在商业社会。common 共同的,普遍的More and more common people, even pupils, can use computers in their daily life.越来越多的普遍人,甚至小学生也能在日常生活中使用计算机了。competitive 竞争的【参见】名词competition 动词 competeWhat we look f


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