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2023届高三英语二轮复习读后续写情感描写素材(比赛收获” 脱困脱险)

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2023届高三英语二轮复习读后续写情感描写素材(比赛收获” 脱困脱险)

高考英语读后续写晨背晚练情感描写之“比赛收获”+脱困脱险一、比赛收获【精彩句子】1.As the final whistle blew, a sense of triumph flooded over me as I realized that all of our hard work had paid off.当终场哨声吹响时,一种胜利的感觉涌上心头,因为我意识到我们所有的辛勤工作都得到了回报。2.The cheers from the crowd echoed through the stadium, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as I basked in the glory of our victory.人群的欢呼声回荡在体育场内,当我沉浸在胜利的荣耀中时,我不禁感到一阵兴奋。3.Despite the physical and mental exhaustion, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I reflected on the incredible memories and lessons learned from the competition.尽管身心疲惫,当我回想起了从比赛中学到的令人难以置信的回忆和教训,我还是无法抹去脸上的笑容。4.As we celebrated our win, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an amazing team and to have pushed myself to my limits.当我们庆祝胜利时,我不禁感到感激有机会成为这样一个了不起的团队的一员,并将自己推向极限。5.After months of training and hard work, I finally crossed the finish line of the marathon, my heart bursting with pride and satisfaction.经过几个月的训练和努力,我终于冲过了马拉松的终点线,心中充满了自豪和满足。6.As the final whistle blew, our team erupted into cheers and high-fives, basking in the glory of our hard-earned victory.随着终场哨声吹响,我们的团队爆发出欢呼声和击掌声,沉浸在我们来之不易的胜利的荣耀中。7.Despite the rain pouring down on us, the thrill of competing in the championship game kept our spirits soaring, and we emerged triumphant in the end.尽管下着倾盆大雨,但参加冠军赛的快感让我们精神振奋,最终我们取得了胜利。8.With beads of sweat running down my face and my heart pounding in my chest, I knew that the grueling hours of practice had paid off as I claimed the top spot on the podium.汗珠顺着我的脸流下来,我的心在胸腔里砰砰直跳,我知道艰苦的练习时间得到了回报,因为我在领奖台上占据了头把交椅。9.Even in defeat, I felt a sense of accomplishment and growth, knowing that every moment on the field had taught me something new and valuable.即使失败,我也感到成就感和成长感,知道球场上的每一刻都教会了我一些新的和有价值的东西。10.When my turn came, I mustered up courage and stepped onto the platform.轮到我的时候,我鼓足勇气走上了讲台。11.I spoke in a nervous voice and even stuttered a few times as I forgot parts of the story. My legs trembled and so did my voice .我说话声音紧张,甚至结巴了几次,因为我忘记了故事的一部分。我的腿在颤抖,我的声音也在颤抖12.Then, along with the first note of music, Emily began to sing her heart out. Her voice was like a nightingale ringing in the auditorium. 接着,随着音乐的第一个音符,爱米丽开始放声歌唱。她的声音像夜莺在礼堂里鸣叫。13.So dynamic was he that he swam swifter than ever. With his arm waving, he cut through the water smoothly like a flying fish. 他活力四射,游得比以前更快了。他挥动着手臂,像飞鱼一样平稳地划水。14.It takes me a while to notice the roar of the audiences cheers thundering all around the landscape.过了一段时间,我才注意到观众的欢呼声响彻了整个舞台。15.After I finished, the audience burst into thunderous applause. 我说完后,全场爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。16.Upon finishing the talk, I trotted towards Mareya and gave her a bear hug. Meanwhile, thunderous applause rang through the classroom.演讲结束后,我快步走向玛瑞娅,给了她一个大大的拥抱。与此同时,教室里响起了雷鸣般的掌声。17.When the curtain opened up, the eyes of the whole audience fell upon Emily. "Emily White!" Someone whispered .幕布拉开时,所有观众的目光都落在了埃米莉身上。“艾米丽白!”有人小声说。18.One woman got up and began to animatedly dance about the room. Some of the people swayed in their chairs to the beat of the music while others tapped theirs toes. The performance ended up with a storm of applause from the crowd.一个女人站了起来,开始在房间里活跃地跳舞。有些人随着音乐的节拍在椅子上摇摆,而另一些人则用脚尖敲击。演出在观众暴风雨般的掌声中结束。18.No cheers filled the air when I finished my show. The end of our run was met with surprised silence. 当我结束我的节目时,没有欢呼声。我们的表演遭遇到了令人不可思议的沉默。19.I could feel that all the eyes were fixed on us. A strong sense of nervousness surged through me. 我能感觉到所有的眼睛都盯着我们。一种强烈的紧张感涌上我的全身。20.Then the next few minutes witnessed fierce competition between other groups. 接下来的几分钟里,其他组之间展开了激烈的竞争。21. Standing in front of the line, Emily felt her throat tight and her palms sweating. 站在队伍前面,埃米莉感到喉咙发紧,手心冒汗。22.With that and all the high fives and the cheers of the day, the best prize that I walked away with was my confidence.有了这些和今天所有的击掌和欢呼,我带走的最好的奖品就是我的信心。23.With heart pounding quickly, Mike was nervous that his legs and arms began to lose power.随着心跳的加快,迈克很紧张,他的腿和胳膊开始失去力量。24.Then they were all clapping, yelping their praises, telling me how proud I'd made them all.然后他们都鼓掌,大声赞扬,告诉我我让他们感到多么自豪。25.It is not the lucky charm brought by ice-cream but his own diligence, persistence and confidence that contributes to his success in swim meet. 不是冰激凌带来的幸运魅力,而是他自己的勤奋、坚持和信心,使他在游泳比赛中获得成功。【创意语段】After warming up, I was ready for the 1,500­meter race, waiting to be guided to the starting line. I was watching girls of my age lining up at the starting line when I heard a gunshot. My heart dropped, because I was afraid all the training that I had done was wasted. Yet there was something inside me pushing me to win the competition. My heart beating wildly, I tried my best and got closer to the other runners. Eventually, with people cheering excitedly around, I crossed the finishing line! I made it!热身后,我准备好了参加1 500米赛跑,等着被带领到起跑线。我正看着和我年龄相仿的女孩在起跑线上排队时,这时我突然听到一声枪响。我的心沉了下去,因为我担心我所做的训练都白费了。我内心深处有一种力量促使我赢得比赛。我的心怦怦直跳,我尽最大的努力,与其他跑步


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