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初一寒假英语综合练习(四) - 笔试部分(共80分)I. 单词拼写?(10分)在下列句中填入适当的单词,使句子完整?词首字母已给出?1.  What's this in E        ? 2.  May I ask you a q        ?3.  Two and five is s         .  4.  His t        number is 3932889. 5.  If you don't know the word, you can look it up in a d        .  II. 同音词填空?(10分)找出一个与划线单词读音相同的单词,用其适当形式填空?1. Nice to meet you,        . 2. For example, one and three is        . 3. The boys aren't at home, but their        is in. 4. Where is Jane? Is she        a red T-shirt?5. Do you know the girl?            , I don't.  6. I can't see clearly.  There is something wrong with my left        . 7. This is our classroom.  There are sixty minutes in an        . 8. I can see the        is blue. 9. I'm        .  Can you hear me? 10. My son is reading in the        . III.  单项选择?(10分)1. What's your name, please?           name is Jim.        A. My B. Me  C. I   D. Mine2. Is this your pencil?   Yes,        .    A. it's  B. this is  C. this's  D. it is3. Where is your mom?   She is        .    A. a nurse B. kind C. at home D. cooking4.        your brother        up early? A. Does;gets B. Does;get C. Do;get D. Do;gets5.         are these socks?   Ten yuan a pair.        A.How many B. How much  C. Whose D. Where6. Can you play        , boys?       A. basketballs  B. the football C. a volleyball   D. the guitar7. What's your favorite subject?           . A. Red  B. Math  C. China D. England8. What language does Mary        ?   A. talk    B. say    C. speak D. tell9.         is your birthday?   A. When B. Where C. Which D. What10. What's this        English?   A. on  B. for C. to  D. inIV. 句型转换?(10分)1. His name is Peter.  (对划线部分提问)                                                              2. This is my eraser.  (对划线部分提问)                                                              3. My key is in the drawer. (对划线部分提问)                                                              4. Jack does his homework every day.  (改为否定句)                                                              5. Tony likes playing computer games.  (改为否定句)                                                              6. He wants to be a doctor.  (改为一般疑问句)                                                                 7. What's nine and five? (回答问题)                                       8. My bike is black.  (对划线部分提问)                                                              9. I go home at four o'clock.  (对划线部分提问)                                                              10. His favorite subject is P. E. . (对划线部分提问)                                                              V.  情景反应?(10分)从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的答语?       I栏                               II栏1. Nice to meet you.                  A. No, he doesn't. 2. What does your mom do?             B. In the pencil case. 3. Where is my pen?                   C. Yes, I am. 4. Do you like music?                 D. She is a nurse. 5. Does your brother like football?   E. Yes, he is. 6. Are you tired?                     F.Nice to meet you, too.7. Who is your pen pal?               G. Yes, I do. 8. Is he playing football with his friends?    H. Three. 9. Whose shirt is that?               I. Lucy is. 10. How many people are there in your family?  J. Ann's. VI. 补全对话?(10分)Salesman: Good morning, Madam.  Can I (1)              you?Mrs Black: I'm looking (2)              a T-shirt for my daughter. Salesman: What (3)           does your daughter need?Mrs Black: (4)           .  My daughter is very tall. Salesman: (5)           about this one? Mrs Black: Let me have a look. How(6)           is it?Salesman: 280 yuan.  It's popular with young people. Mrs Black: I'm afraid it's too (7)           and I don't like the (8)_. Salesman: Do you like this black one? It's only 108 yuan. Mrs Black: Yes, that's better.  I'll (9)           it.  Salesman: OK. Here you are. Mrs Black: Thank (10)           . VII.  单句改错?(10分)1. That is a eraser. 2. Whose that man?3. He likes playing the soccer.4. Physics are very hard.5. This's a tree. 6. Are you a nurse? Yes, I'm. 7. Does he his homework?8. There are some milk in the bottle. 9. The pencil is a red. 10. The shoes is black. VIII.  阅读理解?(10分)    People are so busy these days that many have no time to cook.  This is a problem, because many families love home cooking!A family meal brings everyone together.  In some families, meals are often the only time everyone sees one another at the same time.     Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love.  A parent who makes some cookies (小甜饼) is not just satisfying (满足) a child's sweet tooth.  She or he is sending a message.  The message says,"I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies


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