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六年级下册英语期中阶段测试一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. He _ (bring) some water and poured it into the hole.2. You _ (see) the Great Wall in China next week.3. The lion _ (bite) the net with his teeth, but it didnt help.4. Mr Green is tall, so he can reach the apples on the tree _ (easy).5. They will _ (go) to the library.6. How many _ (potato) are there in the fridge?7. To keep _, we should remember some rules of the road _. (safe)8. Look! The little boy _ (cross) the busy road by himself.9. Bobby and Tina are going to visit _ (they) grandparents.二、单项选择。10. The mouse helped the lion _. ( )A. get outB. got outC. get up11. Dont be _. Let me help you. ( )A. sadB. sadlyC. happy12. Mike is waiting _ a taxi _ the road. ( )A. for; onB. on; forC. for; for13. First they met at the station last year. _, they became good friends. ( )A. One dayB. Just thenC. From then on14. Liu Tao sometimes _ his homework before dinner. ( )A. finishesB. finishC. finished15. _ there any juice in the fridge? ( ) Yes, but only _.A. Are; a fewB. Is; a fewC. Is; a little.16. _ ball is this? ( ) Its my cousins.A. WhoB. WhosC. Whose17. Everybody _ very _ now. ( )A. are; excitedB. are; excitingC. is; excited18. How many _do you want? ( )A. glass of apple juice B. glass of apple juices C. glasses of apple juice19. There _ a concert in Huaian next month. ( )A. was B. is going to be C. are20. _ we wait when the man is red? ( )A. canB. DoC. Must21. Hello, _ Yang Ling. Is that Su Hai? ( )A. I amB. you areC. this is22. Who visited Saras room? ( )_.A. BeckysB. LottieC. Miss Minchins23. The weather is sometimes _ in the UK. ( )A. rainsB. rainC. rainy24. In Hong Kong, people drive on the _ of the road. ( )A. right sideB. betweenC. left side三、选择恰当的句子A. I went to Washington. F. The mouse did.B. Because its interesting. G. Because I wanted to play with you.C. I went there in winter. D. They became classmates.E. No, it was cloudy. H. I lost my football.I. No, he was in the hospital. J. I often go skating.25. Why does he like football? ( )26. Who woke the lion up? ( )27. When did you go there? ( )28. What did they become? ( )29. Where did you go in the USA? ( )30. Whats the matter? ( )31. Was your dad at home yesterday? ( )32. How do you spend your weekend? ( )33. Was it rainy yesterday? ( )34. Why did you call me? ( )四、按要求改写句子。35. They caught the lion with a large net. (对划线部分提问)_ did they _ the lion?36. Liu Tao does well at school. (改成否定句) Liu Tao _ _ well at school.37. The lion let the mouse go. (改为一般疑问句)_ the lion _ the mouse go?38. I always go to school on foot. (改为同义句)I always _ to school.39. I'll read a book about the king. (用now改写)_ a book about the king now.五、完形填空。Riding A BikeRiding a bike is really 40 . You can go to places far away from your house. You 41 go out to play with your friends, you can ride bikes with your friends. But 42 you go, learn some things 43 bikes.You need a bike just 44 for you. Riding a too big bike is not 45 . Bikes can break down. You need to learn to 46 your bike. Bikes use the roads. You need to learn the 47 of the road. You should wear bright colours over your clothes, so the drivers can see you 48 . Bikes can be dangerous. You must wear a helmet to protect your head. You need to keep yourself safe when youre riding a bike. You need to be _49_ all the time. Maybe you will feel _50_ after riding. So _51_ are necessary.40. A. excitingB. excitedC. excitedly41. A. shouldB. canC. must42. A. afterB. beforeC. when43. A. aboveB. aboutC. under44. A. rightB. bigC. small45. A. safeB. safetyC. safely46. A. look atB. look afterC. look for47. A. rulersB. rulesC. roles48. A. easyB. hardC. easily49. A. carefulB. careC. carefully50. A. sad and tiredB. tired but happyC. hungry and thirsty51. A. some food and drinksB. some coffee and teaC. some ice creams and drinks六、阅读(一)阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。Maria has a brother and a sister. After school they often share the chores (杂务).One day, they saw this note on the table: Maria, please sweep the floor and weed (除草) the garden. Matilde, please wash the dishes and feed the dog. Daniel, please mow (修剪) the lawn (草坪) and make your bed. All of you, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! We are at the grocery store (杂货店). Mother and Father.


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