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Analysis of the development of baby supplies packaging designAbstract:The basic idea is that the product packaging design to convey to customers the first visual effects. Infants packaging design should include both sides, on the one hand of each parent to meet consumer mind, on the other hand also in accordance with the packaging design concept. The current infant supplies packaging design unified phenomenon exists in the shape, color, function, ect. are mostly reference design, originality factor is less difficult to raise foreign brand. This content, infant supplies packaging characteristics and basic principles, but on current trends infant supplies packaging design is analyzed in order to better guide the infant supplies packaging design, promote baby products to be better capture the market and win consumers.Keywords:Infant supplies;Package Design;Security;TrendsPackaging is linked to human life and an indispensable means of production materials. In the long history, the packaging accompanied human evolution and development, however, the "packaging design" of the term, but it is a new concept into the 21st century after the formation. In the fierce market competition, product research and development cycle becomes shorter, the new product is also accelerating the speed of updating and, therefore, the need for rapid prototyping of new product packaging and packaging design. According to statistics, China is currently the number of children reached 360 million, nearly 128.5 billion yuan of children's products in the huge market, investors profitable a huge cake. In recent years, with the enormous economic and social development, children's surge in the number of articles showing trends, corresponding, children's products packaging is also constantly guise, attracting curious eyes of children, not only brought huge economic benefits for enterprise development, more is to establish the children's products market brand.Status of children's products packaging design1、Product packaging design singleIn general, children's understanding of things and preferences caused mainly by visual stimuli, the attention and interest of goods mainly from factors affecting trade dress, fun, unique shape is the main way to attract their attention. Currently our children form a single product packaging, multi-purpose cassette, bag or bucket-style packaging, lack of interest in the form of structural modeling, a single structure is difficult to meet the children's curiosity consumer psychology.2、Packaging is inconsistent with colorOn the color itself, its rich expressiveness gives certain feelings and associations, this special feeling can be understood as a strong emotion and color rendering power. Color plays an important role in children's products packaging, perfect color performance is the key to children's products packaging design success. Gorgeous bright colors to meet the children's novelty, odd, restless, aggressive psychological characteristics, is an important means to attract children's attention. For example, in children's products packaging design combined with child familiar things, the use of children's favorite lively, vivid and bright colors can attract a wider range of children's attention, enhance their likeability and memorizing degree.3、Security is not strong packaging designChildren's healthy growth and development of future relations with society as a whole, especially in the growing number of one-child families, the healthy development of children will become increasingly important. However, some incidents product packaging mistake because children emerged in recent years caused endless reach of children adult medicines such as events, children's food packaging bag desiccant wounding, jelly cause choking incident, toys wounding more. Behind these tragic events, we found that most of the product packaging are unreasonable or norms related. Some children's products there are significant errors in the packaging structure, such as some time ago caused a big stir in the jelly incident, in large part to its size and shape are related to inappropriate packaging, especially small goblet jelly problem is most prominent. There are manufacturers on product promotion in children's food packaging bag into a small toy, some toys, food materials would pollute built, some children's toys will be used as food ingestion, which caused the child to physical and psychological harm.4、Lack of functionalChildren's products packaging design should be the characteristics of the child's own, more cater ages they represent, advocated by some clever packaging design sense, humane way imply full of parents and children, inspired by the unique functionality of Children curious consumer psychology, and ultimately achieve purchase. Currently most of our children's products only emphasizes the function of the product itself and ignore the functional form of packaging, shape, taste generalized lack of structure


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