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七年级英语下册 M8U3写作指导一、知识点【语法】一般过去时(二)(一)无be动词的过去时结构:主语 + 动词过去式 + 其它变各种句式时用助动词didEg: 肯定句:We picked lots of flowers yesterday.我们昨天摘了许多花。否定句:We didnt pick lots of flowers yesterday.我们昨天没有摘许多花。一般疑问句:Did you pick lots of flowers yesterday? 你们昨天摘了许多花吗?肯定回答:Yes, I did. 否定回答:No, I didnt.特殊疑问句:What did you do yesterday? 你们昨天做什么了?(二)动词过去式规则变化:1.一般情况下直接加ed:want wanted; play played2.不发音e结尾,加d:hope hoped; live lived3.在重读闭音节中,双写结尾字母加ed:stop stopped ; shop shopped4.以辅音加y结尾,变y为i加ed:study studied; worry worried5.不规则变化(注意书后不规则动词表)【讲解】1.a boy called Tom 叫汤姆的小男孩.called 名字 被叫.的.Eg: a girl called Lily 叫丽丽的女孩2.tell fairy tales 讲童话故事3.exciting (形容词) 令人兴奋的(修饰物)excited(形容词) 兴奋的(修饰人)be excited about 对感到兴奋be excited to do sth. 做某事而感到兴奋Eg: We are excited about this exciting news.我们对这个令人兴奋的消息感到兴奋。4.Again and again 一次次Eg: My mum told me to be careful again and again. 我妈妈一次次告诉我要当心。5.Begin with . 以.开始Eg: Lots of stories usually begin with “ Once upon a time.” 许多故事通常以“很久很久以前.”开始6.die (动词) “死”为短暂性动词dead(形容词) “死的” 作表语或定语dying(形容词) “垂死的;临死的”作表语或定语death (名词) “死;死亡” die of 死于内因(疾病等)die from 死于外因(事故等)Die for. 为.而牺牲Eg: The old woman died at the age of 90.这位老妇人90岁去世。The old woman has been dead for ten years.这位老妇人已经去世十年了。We feel sad about his death.我们为他的死感到悲伤。Tom died of cancer.汤姆死于癌症。Tom died from a car accident.汤姆死于车祸。The emperor died for his people.这位帝王为他的人民而牺牲。7.change into 变成change into 将变成Eg: The man changed the paper into a bird.那位男士把纸变成一只鸟。Can you change iron into gold? 你能把铁变成金吗?【写作】本模块写作主题为“讲故事”常见步骤为:第一步:介绍故事的名字和主要人物第二步:介绍故事的主要情节第三步:总结,感想:希望大家喜欢这个故事范文:续写金凤花姑娘和三只小熊的故事A girl named Goldilocks lived in the village.She discovered the Bears house and went inside without asking.She sat in a chair.“The first and the second chairs werent comfortable, so she tried the third one, the third one was just right.Then she saw the three bowls of food.The big bowl was too hot! she tried the middle one, that bowl was cool.At last, she picked the small one up.It was just right and it was good.The three bears came back, they found the girl.She said “ Sorry, please forgive me.” At last the Bears forgave her.二、练习题一、单项选择( )1.I noticed a boy _ with a kite under the tree.A.play B.to playC.playing D.plays( )2.Do you know a place _ Yucun?A.calling B.calledC.call D.to call( )3.Remember to return the book to me when you finish _ it.A.read B.to readC.reading D.reads( )4.- Did Lucy work in Beijing last year ?- _.She worked in Shanghai.A.Yes, she did B.No, she didnt.C.Yes, she does D.No, she doesnt( )5.- I have seen this film, its interesting.What about you?- Oh, I _ it last week.A.have seen B.seeC.saw D.will see( )6.Its so noisy outside.I cant _.A.go to bed B.fall sleepingC.go to asleep D.fall asleep( )7.There _ many books on my desk just now, but now there _ nothing on it.A.have; had B.were; isC.had; has D.were; was( )8.We _ an English meeting two days ago.A.had B.haveC.has D.are having( )9.- When will we go to Beijing, Saturday or Sunday?- _ is OK.Im free the whole weekend.A.Neither B.AllC.Both D.Either( )10.- Do you enjoy _ a volunteer (志愿者)?- If you want _ this, youd better join us.A.being; knowing B.to be; knowingC.being; to know D.to be; to know二、阅读理解Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nuwa.Her father was Emperor Yan and he loved his daughter very much.They often stayed together and played games.But one day, Nuwa played in the sea by boat and died in the sea.After the girl died, she changed into a beautiful bird called Jingwei.Jingwei missed her father and her father missed her, too.Then they watched each other sadly.Jingwei hated the sea very much, so she decided to fill (填满) the sea.Then she carried stones from far away and put them into the sea.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)( )11.This is a fairy tale.( )12.Emperor Yan didnt love Nuwa.( )13.After Nuwa died, she changed into a beautiful bird.( )14.Jingwei decided to fill the sea with stones.( )15.At last, Jingwei filled the sea and changed into Nuwa again.三、词语运用(用所给词的适当形式填空)Last week, Tony 16._ (have) a very busy weekend.On Saturday morning, he 17._ (clean) his room.In the afternoon, he 18._ (do) his homework.It 19._ (be) very easy, so it 20._ (take) him only half an hour 21._ (finish) it.In the evening, he 22._ (visit) his friends and they had a good supper.On Sunday morning, he 23._ (get) up very late.Then he 24._ (read) a book about Chinese history.In the afternoon, he 25._ (go) to see an interesting movie.四、写作守株待兔的故事家喻户晓,请根据下面的提示词,用英语写出这个故事提示词:hare野兔;hole洞;knock against撞上;no longer


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