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初中英语人教新目标七年级下册Unit 8语法复习There be 句型讲解

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初中英语人教新目标七年级下册Unit 8语法复习There be 句型讲解

七年级英语下册Unit 8There be 句型讲解认识There be 句型表示“有”,某地/某时存在某人/某人如:There is a book in the table.桌子上有一本书。There are some apples in the basket.篮子里有一些苹果。一、There be 句型基本用法结构:There be +主语+某地肯定句:There is/are +主语+ 其他否定句:There is not/ are not+主语+其他一般疑问句:Is /Are there +主语+其他肯定回答:Yes, there is/are.否定回答:No, there isn't/aren't.特殊疑问词:How many +可数名词复数+are there+其他How much+不可数名词+is there +其他常用询问“.有多少人”,即How many people are there in your family?你家里有几口人?How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少同学?变成否定句和一般疑问句时,要注意句子中some要变成any例:There is some water on Mars.一般疑问句: Is there any water on Mars?二、have/has与there be 区别have/has:指所属关系,某人/某物拥有某物there be : 指客观存在,某地/某时存在某人/某物例:I have a new watch.我有一块新手表。She has two daughters.她有两个儿子。There is a watch on the table.餐桌上有一块手表。There are many students on the playground.操场上有许多学生。三、There be句型就近原则当there be句型中出现多个主语时, Be动词(用is 还是are)由离它最近的名词的单复数决定, 即【就近原则】。例:There is a book and three pens on the desk.( is后面是a book,一本书,表示单数,因此be动词用is)There are three pens and a book on the desk.( are后面是three pens,三支笔,表示复数,因此be动词用are)四、There be 句型与时态1.一般现在时there is/are2.一般过去时there was /were3.一般将来时there will be there is going to be there are going to be 4.现在完成时there have/has been 如:There were a lot of children in the yard last night.昨晚院子里有许多小孩。(一般过去时)There is going to be a football match tomorrow.明天将有一场足球比赛。(一般将来时)There will be a concert this weekend.这个周末将有一场音乐会。(一般将来时)There have been great changes in our town during the past 10 years.过去的十年里,我们镇发生了很大的变化。(现在完成时)五、There be 句型高频写作句型1.there is no good/use( in )doing sth.“做某事没有好处,没有用”2.there is no point (in )doing sth.“做某事无意义”3.there is no sense( in )doing sth.“做某事无理由”4.there is no doubt/question that+从句“毫无疑问.”there is no denying that+从句“不可否认.”5.there is no difficulty( in) doing sth.“做某事无困难”6.there be +主语+ doing(现在分词)7.there is no need (for sb.)to do sth.“(某人)没有必要做某事”如:There is no use in making friends with the dishonest people.和不诚实的人交朋友是没有好处的。There is no point in telling her the truth.告诉她真相毫无意义。There is no doubt that Moyan is one of the best writers in China.毫无疑问,莫言是中国最优秀的作家之一。There is no doubt that measures should be taken to prevent online crimes.毫无疑问,必须采取措施来预防网络犯罪。There is no denying that study is the most important task for students.不可否认,学习是学生最重要的任务。There is no difficulty for him in find his missing toys.对他而言找到他丢失的玩具没有任何难度。There are many students playing basketball on the playground.操场上有许多学生在打篮球。There is a river flowing through the city.有条河在这座城市里流过。There is no need for us to become a perfect man.我们没必要成为一个完美的人。There is no need for us to do things we don't want to do.我们没必要做我们不想做的事情。六、There be 句型与情态动词There +情态动词+ be+其他,情态动词may/can't/must表示推测时,表示“可能/不可能/一定”如:There may be wild pandas in the forest.在森林里可能有野生大熊猫。The door is closed .There can't be anyone in the classroom.门是关着的。教室里不可能有人。七、There be 句型其他变体1.there used to be “曾经有.”2.there happen to be “碰巧有.”3.there seem(s)/appear(s)to be“好像有.”4.there is/are likely to be “可能有.”5.有时不用be动词,用lie, stand, come, go, arrive, live, exist, remain等不及物动词如:Once upon a time , there used to be a river in the village.从前 , 村子里有一条小河。There lives a family of three in the village.村子里住着一个三口之家。There lies a bridge between the two villages.两个村子之间有一座桥。There stands a tower at the top of the mountain.在山顶有一座塔。总结there be 句型运用广泛, 小学/初中/高中/大学都会涉及, 具体的语境具体分析如何使用。3


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