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Unit 2 Healthy eating

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Unit 2 Healthy eating

Unit 2 Healthy eating1策划:学生双语报Come and read some idioms(1). An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,医生远离我. (2). He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.有健康即有希望,有希望即有一切. (3). Good medicine is bitter in the mouth.良药苦口利于病. (4). A sound mind is a sound body.有健全的身体才有健全的精神.2策划:学生双语报What is a healthy diet? A healthy diet is defined as one that is balanced and neither too rich in fat, sugar and salt or too poor and lacking in essential nutrients.3策划:学生双语报What are the three essential elements for us human beings to survive on the earth?waterairfoodWarming up I ( 3ms ) Answer the following questions:4策划:学生双语报Which one would you prefer? Western food or Chinese food?Western food Chinese food5策划:学生双语报foods to give you energyfoods foods to grow bones andmusclefoods that give fibre fordigestion and healthTask 1 : Classify the foods we usually eat in the following way:Warming up II ( 5ms ) Finish the following tasks:6策划:学生双语报Foods that give fibre for digestion and health (e.g. protective foods)Slow energy foods meat cheese milk eggs tofuall vegetables (e.g. cabbage, cucum- bers,mushrooms)All fruit (e.g. apples, peaches, pears, oranges, lemonsFoods to give you energyFoods to grow bones and muscle(e.g. body- building foods)Fast energy foodsrice sugarnoodlespotatoesspaghettibreadbuttercreamoilsnuts7策划:学生双语报Task 2: DiscussionWhich group of food do you like best?Do you eat them often?What will happen if you do not eat a balanced diet?8策划:学生双语报peachgrapeTask 3: The food is rich in.fat / fibre / sugar /vitamin / proteinbeanlettucecarrotmushroomricecorndumplingsHealthy food9策划:学生双语报baconmeatTask 3: The food is rich infat /fibre /calcium(钙) / sugar /vitamin / proteinfishyoghurtdairyeggsbonesHealthy food10策划:学生双语报Task 3: The food is rich in fat / fibre / sugar/vitamin / proteinsaladFrench frieschocolateIce creamhamburgerJunk food11策划:学生双语报which food contains more?Examples of food answerchocolate or grapes cakes or bananasfatpotato crisps or ham eggs or creamsugarchocolate cakescream or rice chocolate or chickencream chocolatefibrepeas or nuts pork or cabbageproteinham eggsPre-reading ( 3ms ) complete the table (discuss in pairs)nutscabbage12策划:学生双语报peachesricechickeneggsice creamFood Pyramid waterprotein 蛋白质fatsugarvitamins 维生素minerals 矿物质fibresIngredient13策划:学生双语报Reading: Come and eat here14策划:学生双语报True or False?1. Usually Wang Pengweis restaurant was full of people. 2. He provided a balanced diet in his menu. 3. Yong Hui served a balanced diet. 4. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. 5.Wang Pengweis customers often became fat after eating in his restaurant. 6.Yong Huis menu gave them energy foods. 7.Wang Pengweis menu gave them food containing fibre. 8.Wang Pengwei admired Yong Huis restaurant when hesaw the menu. 9.Wang Pengwei decided to copy Yong Huis menu. × ××× × ××15策划:学生双语报Questions:1.The weakness of the diet in Wang Pengweis restaurant was _.2. The strength of the diet in Wang Pengweis restaurant was _.3. The weakness of the diet at Yong Huis restaurant was _.4. The strength of the diet at Yong Huis restaurant was_.that it did not give enough foods containing fibrethat it provided plenty of energy foodsthat it did not give enough energy foodsthat it provided plenty of fibre foods16策划:学生双语报What is wrong with the diet of both Wang and Yong hui?Neither of them offers a balanced diet.17策划:学生双语报Wangs dietYonghuis diet18策划:学生双语报Reading III ( 12ms )Intensive reading. Divide the whole passage into three parts, and give the general idea of each part, then retell the text.19策划:学生双语报Part 1Part 2Part 3Wang Peng wei felt frustrated because he found his customers had come to other places to eat.Wang Pengwei found the reason why YongHuis restaurant was more attractive.Wang Pengwei thought out a good idea to have a competition with YongHuis restaurant.20策划:学生双语报Speaking ( 8ms ) Decide which food is junk food or healthy food and give reasons. I think is junk food because I think is healthy food because (be rich in; be low in)21策划:学生双语报Assignment 1.Finish the exercises in the workbook . 2.Complete the “learning about language” part in the text book. 3.Try to make a recipe(食谱)by yourself to provide a balanced diet.22策划:学生双语报Language points1. Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.feeling very frustrated是现在分词短语在句中做伴随 状语,另外还可以作原因,时间,结果状语等。“We cant go out in this weather.” said Bob, _ out of the window.A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked 2. ought to (表示一种道义上的责任)应该You ought to be ashamed of yourself.ought to have done 本应该(却没有)You ought to have come yesterday.= You should have come yesterday.23策划:学生双语报3. be fu


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