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二OO一年八月Change Enablement转变促成的基本方法Why Are You Here?q Change Enablement should be a core competency of all BC practitioners. q Change Enablement should be a part of all integrated solutions that we provide to our clients. q Our Change Enablement philosophy allows us to customize our consulting approach to meet each client's unique organizational situation. q A story Why change fails?q People refuse to change their behavior q People find ways to “get around“ the change q People accept only portions of the change q Managers operate in “fire drill“ mode q Organization remains reactive vs. proactive q Change is resisted q Business is disrupted to a greater degree than expected q Resources (time, money, people) are wasted q Market opportunities are lost q Workforce morale declines Whats the impact on future change?q People lose confidence in leadership q Levels of change resistance increase q Old ways of doing things become entrenched q Future change efforts require more time and money to change behavior Charles Darwin“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change.”Evolution TheoryThe human side of change“There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than to initiate a new order of things. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old system, and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one.”Niccolo Machiavelli“The only person who likes change is a wet baby”In many instances there are alternate views.qThe change is the same for everybodyqChange is different for every individual, we may all perceive it in different waysqIt wont, people will adapt the new system/process to their current behaviourqPeople will first want to know what they are losing, until they have clarity around this they will not focus on the future stateqMost organisations rate very poorly in terms of effective communicationqProvide evidenceqWere already dealing with the people issuesqWere excellent at communicationqMotivate people by informing them what the future will look like (how good it will be)qGetting the technology in is the key. That will change behaviour推动企业转变的动力因素电子商务虚拟组织互联网“知识经济”“Information Superhighway”兼并和收购私有化ERP结构精简电子商务成本管理全球化外包战略采购业务转型什么是转变流程重组不是很成功非常成功一般成功尚未产生结果不确定33%27%27%9%4%转变的成功率安达信的经验q “除非被激励,人们是不会自动改变的,在企业变革中的最大挑战是如何激励人们停止使用他们坚信是起作用的做法而去尝试一种新的做法”q “理转变的过程可能是顾问所面临的最大的挑战 使得转变发生是我们的客户投入越来越多的时间和金钱与我们一起工作的原因,因此,转变是我们真正的工作重点”q “成功 来自于高层管理有效的沟通和全员参与,这样每个人都清楚什么事情正在发生 我们发现对于我们正在致力于哪些问题的开诚布公的沟通是取得成功的至关重要的条件”主要的阻碍因素转变的阻力20%40%60%80%100%Source: Information Week, June 20, 1994现有体制的限制领导层的承诺不足缺乏领导不现实的期望缺乏跨功能的团队不充分的团队和个人技能技术类用户没有参与项目范围太窄转变的阻力阻力的来源q不明白是什么业务问题需要通过转变来解决q不相信自己的工作会由此变得容易q不具备在新环境下工作的技能q担心自己的工作会被取代q害怕看起来很笨q对变化的恐惧q以前曾有过不成功的软件实施不能够不知道不愿意阻力的金字塔绩效考核文化统一领导力个人和团队能力沟通员工参与转变促成策略没有能力没有能力不知道不知道不愿意不愿意是什么阻碍成功的转变“The most daunting problems with technology implementation have nothing to do with technology. You can get all the technical issues right, and you will still die.” 在实施新技术时,最麻烦的问题其实和技术本身无关,你可能正确地处理好了所有的 技术问题,但是你可能还是失败。“The No. 1 error in SAP installations is failure to invest adequately in change management.” “在SAP的实施中,第一号错误就是没有充分关注转变管理” Michael Hammer麦克尔 哈默博士Computerworld, “ Secrets to SAP Success (SAP成功的秘密) ,” September 8, 1997.技术的因素人的因素影响转变促成成败的主要因素持久的转变没有行动相应的组织架 构和工作流程转变 的需 要清晰的 愿景共识管理层的支 持和行动员工参与绩效评估没有方向没有归属感没有系统的 解决方案没有结果持久的转变没有带头人未来 状况目前 状况设计实现探讨领导能力个人和团队能力转变架构沟通与交流绩效管理企业文化实现 - 进行所期望的转变, 评 估结果并确定转变计划的调整设计 - 制定转变计划来缩短差距。 确定在转变过程中的主要任务和活 动。决定所需的架构和管理机制导入 - 设计和推行明 确的、符合企业愿景 的成果结束 - 理解转变对个人造成的影 响,总结过去的经验,为潜在的 损失作好准备探索 - 克服恐惧和抗拒心理,尝 试转变并确认新的角色开始 - 建立新的价值 观、态度和识别标 志,并了解转变实 施所带来的切实益 处织 组转变人个转变 结束入导开始转变促成框架8 Best Practices for Change1.Determine organizational readiness & business case for change2.Articulate a compelling vision for change3.Design a tailored change architecture4.Deploy a two-way, multi-audience communication strategy5.Build leadership capacity & stakeholder commitment6.Align organizational design & performance management systems7.Build individual & team capacity to change8.Align culture and change processDetermine Organizational Readiness & the Business Case for ChangeArticulate the need for changeEstablish a business case for changeIdentify groups impacted by the changeAssess change readinessEvaluate history of change Identify key stakeholdersAssess situational factors impacting the magnitude and readiness for change Articulate a Compelling Vision for ChangeDetermine visioning process Articulate vision of future stateArticulate business and organizational implications of the future stateArticulate personal implications of the future stateAlign change effort with strategic goals and objectivesLink change process to business and performance goalsDesign a Tailored Change ArchitectureIf the organization has other change efforts underway, define overarching change arch


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