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Unit5 There is a big bedA Lets talkGo to the living room. Watch TV.Go to the study. Read a book. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.Go to the bedroom. Have a nap.Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.Lets dostudybathroom bedroomliving room kitchenThere is a _ in my home.studyThere is a in the room.pho oto oPhoto, photo.Take a photo.Listen and tick().Whats in the room?Task 1: Listen and answer.Whats in the room?Task 2: Listen and Repeat.1.Listen carefully, pay attention to the pronunciation.(仔细听录音,注意听清语音语调)2. Point and read. (手指点,开口念。)Learning Tips: (学习指导: )注意语音语调哦!S: Your room is really nice!Z: Thanks. M: There is a big bed.Z: Yes. I like my bed.M:There is a nice photo, too.S: Wow! You look cool!Z: Thank you. Hey, my computeris here on the desk.Lets play!Task 3: Lets Challenge!比一比,谁读得准确又好听!There is a big bed.There is a nice photo, too.My computer is here on the desk.Pair work: 同桌两人选其中一句练习,要求读得正确、整齐 。Task 4: Act it out.S: Your room is really nice!Z: Thanks. M: There is a big bed.Z: Yes. I like my bed.M:There is a nice photo, too.S: Wow! You look cool!Z: Thank you. Hey, my computeris here on the desk.Lets play!Task 5: Look and say.There is a in the room.Task 6: Fill in the blanks(填空).Hello! Im Zhang Peng. I have a nice room. There is a big _ in my room. There is a nice _, too. There is a _ on the _. Lets play!bed photo computer deskMake your room. There is a in my room.There is a and a in my room.Lets share:East or west, home is best!金屋银屋,不如自己的小屋! Do love your homeand love your family !爱护你的家庭呵护你的家人 !1.Listen and read A Lets talk 5 times.2. 听录音,读课文五遍。3.2. Introduce your room to your friends, using the sentence structure There is a .4. 用“There is a .”句型向你的朋友们介绍你的房 间。Hello!Im Shao Xinchen. I have my own room now. There is a bed. Its pink. There is a light. Its blue. There is a photo on the wall. There is a chair near the bed. My computer is here on the table. I love my room.You have 60 seconds to remember the passage information. Then try to fill in the blanks.你们只有60秒时间来记住短文信息。然 后试着完成填空。Lets begin!Times up!Fill in the blanks.(填空)Hello!Im Shao Xinchen. I have my own room now. There is a _. Its pink. There is a light. Its_. There is a _ on the wall. There is a _ near the bed. My _ is here on the _. I love my room.bed blue photo chaircomputer tableWork in 4:四人小组一起完成填空后,派代表发言 。A bedroom, a bathroom.Two bedrooms, a bathroom, a study.A bedroom, a living room.A bedroom, a kitchen.A living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a study.A bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen.SLET DO


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