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UNIT 13 PEOPLE LESSON 1 EQ:IQ BY HERMANE GRADE ONE ZHONGSHAN OVERSEAS CHINESE MIDDLE SCHOOL Task 1:What do you know about EQ and IQ?Give us as much information as you can.Task 2:Make sure whether the following questions are related to IQ or EQ.Question 1:When I resolve to achieve something,I run into obstacles that keep me from reaching my goals.a.Regularly b.Often c.Sometimes d.Rarely e.Almost never a=0,b=0,c=1,d=3,d=5Question 2:Please enter the missing figure:3,5,8,13,21,34Question 3:Please insert the missing character to form two words:SLO IDE WQuestion 4:Please find the figure continuing the series:Question 5:What is the result of multiplying all figures from 0 to 25?Key:bKey:325Question 6:Question 6:Drinking and Driving causes many accidents.a.Man has become more industrious.b.People work faster in order to avoid unemployment.c.Chairs have a shorter life cycle.d.Workers have more spare time.e.Productivity has increased.Key:eQuestion 7:What MOST motivates you right now?a.Praise b.Challenge c.Money d.Fame e.Solving problems f.Helping others g.Threat h.Curiosity EQ:IQFive elements of EQ:nself-awareness nmotivationnself-regulationnempathynadeptness A figure used to indicate the level of a persons intelligence above or below that of an average intellect(IQ 100).Intelligence Quotients are based on responses to Intelligence Tests Task 3:DiscussionGroup 1:Which do you think is more important,IQ or EQ,on your way to success?Why?Group 2:List some signs of high EQ.Group 3:What can we do to improve our own IQ and EQ?Group 4:Do you think EQ and IQ tests should be a part of job recruitment?Why?Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing,understanding,and choosing how we think,feel,and act.It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves.It defines how and what we learn;it allows us to set priorities;it determines the majority of our daily actions.Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80%of the success in our lives.Some Quotes Intelligence quotient or IQ,is a score derived from a set of standardized tests that were developed with the purpose of measuring a persons cognitive abilities(intelligence)in relation to their age group.It is expressed as a number normalized so that the average IQ in an age group is 100 in other words an individual scoring 115 is above-average when compared to similarly aged people.It is common,but not invariable,practice to standardise so that the standard deviation Signs of High EQA person with High EQ:vExpresses his feelings clearly and directly with three word sentences beginning with I feel.vDoes not disguise thoughts as feelings by the use of I feel like.and I feel that.sentences.vIs not afraid to express her feelings.vIs not dominated by negative emotions such as:Fear,Worry,Guilt,Shame,Embarrassment,Obligation,Disappointment,Hopelessness,Powerlessness,Dependency,DiscouragementvIs able to read non-verbal communication.Signs of High EQA person with High EQ:vLets his feelings lead him to healthy choices and happiness.vBalances feelings with reason,logic,and reality.vActs out of desire,not because of duty,guilt,force or obligation.vIs independent,self-reliant and morally autonomous.vIs intrinsically motivated.vIs not motivated by power,wealth,status,fame,or approval.Signs of High EQA person with High EQ:vTends to feel optimistic,but is also realistic,and can feel pessimistic at times.vDoes not internalize failure.vIs interested in other peoples feelings.vIs comfortable talking about feelings.vIs not immobilized by fear or worry.vIs able to identify multiple concurrent feelings.Seven Powerful,Simple Techniques for Increasing EQ competence1.1.Take time every day to appreciate whatTake time every day to appreciate whats s right in the world and in your life.right in the world and in your life.2.2.Increase your feeling word vocabulary.Increase your feeling word vocabulary.3.Be your own best friend.4.4.Listen with your heart.Listen with your heart.5.5.Talk back to yourself.Talk back to yourself.6.6.Tune in to your body.Tune in to your body.7.7.Smile more.Smile more.Task 4:Match the following words with the explanations.1.Precisely2.Recruitment3.Agenda4.Quick-witted5.Geneticist6.Release7.Obstacle8.Adaptability9.Psychologista.List of things to be doneb.Specialist in the science of genesc.Expert in peoples mental processes d.Allow to be known;set freee.Sth in the way that stops progressf.Intelligent;smart;bright;cleverg.Employmenth.Exactlyi.Power of making suitable for a situationTask 5:Finish Exercise 5 on page 9.Task 6:Try to understand and learn to use the following chunks of language.1.Professor Salovey,the psychologist who invented the term EQ,said that at work it is IQ that gets you hired and EQ that gets you promoted.At work:in the state of workSimilarly,at war,at rest,at peace,at leisure,at playIt is/wasthat/who强调句型:“it iswas被强调的局部thatwho原句其它局部用来强调说话人的意愿:It was on Monday night that all this happenedGet sth done=have sth doneHe got his wrist broken wh


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