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Unit 2The United KingdomLoLondon Tower ndon Tower B BridgeridgeGreenwich ObservatoryBig BenCambridgeUniversityOxford University Westminster AbbeyBuckingham PalaceWindsor CastleBritish MuseumHow many countries does the UK consist of ? What are they?A. two B. three C. fourD. fiveScotlandEnglandWalesNorthern IrelandRead Paragraph1-3 quickly and find out the answers to the following questions in three minutes.true or falseEngland and Wales were joined to Scotland because they were defeated by Scotland.False. England and Wales were joined to Scotland. Happily this was accomplished without conflict when king James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.In the 17th centuryWales EnglandScotlandEnglandIn the 13th century Great BritainHow many countries does Great Britain consist of?In what ways are the four countries different? educational legal football teamsThey have different _ and _ systems as well as different _.NorthMidlandsSouthHow many zones is England divided into? What is the part in the middle called?England is divided into _ zones.Part 2Most population settled in _ of England.Most of the large industrial cities are in _of England. the South the North and the Midlands3In the England history, there have been four sets of invaders. They are: _, _, _, _.the Romans the Anglo-Saxonsthe Vikingsthe NormansportcastleLondon has the oldest _ by Romans, the oldest building by the Anglo-Saxons and the oldest _ constructed by Norman rulers.The RomansThe Anglo-SaxonThe VikingsThe Normanstowns and roadslanguage and governmentvocabulary and place-names of the Northcastles and words for foodMatch the invaders and what they left in London.The full name of England is the _ _ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .It consists of four parts ,they are _,_,_ and _. The flag of the UK is called the _ _.The four countries have different _and legal systems as well as different _ _.United KingdomEnglandScotlandWales Northern Ireland UnionJack educational football teamsPractice :Who knows more about the United Kingdom?What is the full name of the UK?UK The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Which is the national emblem (国徽) of the UK?A. B.C. D.What is the population of the UK?A. about 6.2 millionB. about 62 million C. about 620 millionWhich is the bank note of the UK ? A. U.S. Dollar$B. Euros C. Pounds£ What are the provinces called in England ?A. departments B. states C. counties Which is the national flower of the UK?A. B. Cherry Rose C. Maple Redbreast(知更鸟)Bald eagle(秃鹰)Which is the national animal of the UK?A. B. Beaver (海狸) C. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?A. About 6 hoursB. about 10 hoursC. about 16 hoursBeijingLondon5. Which is the longest river in England? A. B. The River Avon The River ThamesC. BThe River Severn(4km)(338km )(290km)What is the land area of the UK?A. about 244,000 km2 B. about 2,440,000 km2 C. about 24,400,000 km2Who rules the country?A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. bothElizabeth David CameronThe Queens position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads from other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain. VS The Prime Minister together with his most important ministers (called Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament make important political decision and the laws.Part 1-the UKEnglandthe UKGreat BritainEngland Part 1About the UKParagraph 1-3 The UK consists of four countries. England can be divided into three main areas. The southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. London has museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. It has the oldest port built by the Romans and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers. You can clarify the question if you study British history.What is the meaning of some new wordsF. build, set up, establishE. a group of objects that have been collected ;D. cause sth. to become clear or easier to understandA. escape suddenly B. separate C. be made up of


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