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求职信Job application letters

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求职信Job application letters

Job application lettersLearning Objectives¬To master the format and skills of job application letters. ¬To learn some useful expressions.A .Basic content and skill¬Body 1.Brief introduction 2.Stating reasons for applying for the job 3.Acknowlegements and wishes.¬a. Illuminate the intention of writing and the position you are applying for.¬Eg:“ seeking a new challenge, I was pleased to notice your advertisement for a Senior Product Manager” “my training in marketing research should qualify me for the position you advertised” etc.1.Brief introductionb. Tell the employee where you got the Recruitment information. Eg: “in the May 17th New York Times ” “in the New York Times (April 11,2003) ec2.Stating reasonsChoose the skills closely related to the job you are applying for to demonstrate that you are qualified to that position and you are the most appropriate candidate.This part should be clear , elaborate, and reliable.Eg: a.Applying for the Marketing or Public Relations Intern position My current work as Advertising Coordinate for our monthly student newspapers has given me firsthand experience in the challenges associated with the development and implementation of a successful marketing /advertising campaign. In addition, I have excellent creative writing and communication skills, as demonstrated by my successful experience in the publication of a weekly in-house newsletter while at Guarantee Mutual.b. Applying for the position of Customer Service Manager.As an example of my most recent accomplishments, I designed and implemented an incentive program that significantly increased productivity among customer service employees which, in turn, significantly raised the level of customer satisfaction with the service provided. Because employee productivity and customer satisfaction are key components of a successful customer service operation, I believe that my expertise in these areas would be of particular value in meeting the challenge of this position.3.Acknowlegements and wishesGenerally, a wish to be given a chance of job interview is expressed in the end of the application letter. Besides , inform the employees your contact information and thanks for their reading your application letters.¬For example: a. if you think I am a promising candidate for the position, please call me at 010- 22524136, or you can reach me at sssong public. Bta. Please contact me if you need more information.¬b. I would appreciate the opportunity for a personal interview to discuss this position and my qualifications in more detail and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.写作范例分析Dear Mr. Berger,I am applying for the position of client account coordinator, you advertised Aug.4 with the career services center at The Pennsylvania State University. The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interests.According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent communication skills, computer literacy, and a B.S. degree in business, economics, or finance. I will be graduating from Pennsylvania State University this month with a B.S. degree in Finance. My studies have included courses in computer science, management information systems, speech communications, and business writing.I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team-and detail oriented, works well under pressure, and is able to deal with people in departments throughout the film. These are skills I developed both in my course work and in my recent internship at Hunter Katchur Finance Inc. in Boalsburg, Pa.My background knowledge and goals seem to math your requirements quite well. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively, and I am excited about the idea of working for a dynamic, nationally recognized investment management firm.If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in this position, please call me at 027-87889925 or send an e-mail to me at the new era yahoo.com. I will be available at your convenience.thank you for your consideration.¬这封求职信有五段,求职者是一位即将大学 毕业的大学生。三部分的结构非常清楚。 ¬第一段是introduction 部分,只有两句话,作 者开门见山地指出所要谋求的是客户账务协 调员的职位,并说明了招聘信息来源。第二 句为接下来的写作做了很好的铺垫,表明作 者将从教育背景和工作经历等方面证明自己 是该职位的合适人选。¬第二、三段为整个求职信的重心部分,作者从招聘 广告的要求着手excellent communication skills (交流 沟通技巧),computer literacy(电脑技能),and a B.S. degree in Finance.(商务理学学士),将自己即 将取得的学历 “a B.S. degree in Finance”, 还有,与 应聘要求有关的所学课程一一进行了描述,同时指 出在校的专业学习和实习阶段的工作已经使自己具 备了所要求的素质。然后在第三段,作者用两句话 总结了自己的实力,既表明了愿意为该公司效力的 信心和决心,也起到说服招聘者的效果。¬最后两段是求职信的结尾部分, 作者 很有礼貌地向招聘方要求面试的机会 ,并提供了联系方式。B. Useful expressions ¬1.Introduction ¬Through ,I noticed your advertisement for/ I have learned that you are hiring(通过,我注意贵公司关于的 广告/我了解到贵公司正招聘b. It has come to my attention that the positionis now open .(我注意到贵公司现有一个职位的空缺。 )c. I would like to apply/ be considered as a candidate for the job/


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