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Unit 1-The Earth and the Universe

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Unit 1-The Earth and the Universe

English for GeographyEnglish for Geography地理专业英语地理专业英语Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseBackground1Fast reading2Words and Expressions3Intensive reading4Background1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the Universe宇宙河外星系银河系太阳系行星类地行星类木行星水星金星地球火星木星土星天王星海王星月球人造卫星流星体小行星彗星行星际物质冥王星Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseBackground1GalaxyExtragalactic SystemUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseBackground1The Andromeda GalaxyUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseSunBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseMercuryBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseVenusBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseEarthMoonBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseMarsBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseJupiterBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseSaturnBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUranusBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseNeptuneBackground1Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniversePluto (dwarf planet)Background1Fast reading(1/4)2Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseRead the text fleetly, then translate the words into English: 宇宙河外星系银河系太阳系行星类地行星类木行星水星金星地球火星木星土星天王星海王星月球人造卫星流星体小行星彗星行星际物质冥王星Fast reading(2/4)2Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniversemembersmemberssurfacesurfacedensitydensitysatellitesatellitetemperaturetemperatureThe The terrestrial terrestrial planetsplanetsThe The JovianJovian planetsplanetsRead the text fleetly, then fill the blanks of the table: Fast reading(3/4)2Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUniverse (Metagalaxy)Extragalactic SystemGalaxyplanetMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneMoonManmade SatellitemeteoroidasteroidcometInterplanetary mediumSolar Systemthe terrestrial planetThe Jovian planetPlutoRead the text fleetly, then translate the words into English: Fast reading(4/4)2Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the UniversemembersmemberssurfacesurfacedensitydensitysatellitesatellitetemperaturetemperatureThe The terrestrial terrestrial planetsplanetsfourfoursolidsolidhighhighlesslesshighhighThe The JovianJovian planetsplanetsfourfourgasgaslowlowmoremorelowlowRead the text fleetly, then fill the blanks of the table: 1、solar、lunar solar adj.(形容词) l Of, relating to, or proceeding from the sun.太阳的;和太阳有关的或太阳发出的;日光的solar rays 太阳光; solar system 太阳系; solar day 太阳日;solar calendar 阳历; solar battery 太阳能电池 lunar adj.(形容词) l Of, involving, caused by, or affecting the moon.月球的:属于,涉及,或影响月球的,或由月球所导致的lunar calendar 阴历;lunar month 太阴月(约29.5日)2、million 百万billion 十亿trillion 万亿Words and Expressions(1/4)3Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the Universe3、asteroid、meteoroid、meteor asteroid n.(名词) l Any of numerous small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun, with orbits lying chiefly between Mars and Jupiter and characteristic diameters between a few and several hundred kilometers,Also called minor planet. 小行星:一种围绕太阳旋转的小型天体,其运行轨道多集中在火星和木星的轨道之间, 特征是直径为几公里至几百公里,也作 minor planet meteoroid n.(名词) l A solid body, moving in space, that is smaller than an asteroid and at least as large as a speck of dust. 流星体:活动在空间的固体天体,比小行星小,至少与尘埃一样大 meteor n.(名词) l A bright trail or streak that appears in the sky when a meteoroid is heated to incandescence by friction with the earth's atmosphere. Also called falling star, shooting star. 流星:流星体与地球大气摩擦加热至白炽在天空中出现的闪光痕迹或光带也作 falling star,shooting star.Words and Expressions(2/4)3Unit 1 The Earth and the UniverseUnit 1 The Earth and the Universe4、aerolite(陨石)、aerosiderite(陨铁) aero- 航空的5、galaxy 银河系 galactic 银河系的intergalactic 星系际的 interplanetary 行星际的6、clockwise 顺时针的 counter-clockwise 逆时针的7、light year、astronomical unit light year n. (名词) l A unit of length, the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year, approximately 9.46 trillion kilometers. 光年:一种长度单位,表示光在真空中运行一年所行的距离,约为9.46万亿公里。 astronomical unit n. Abbr. A.U.(名词)缩写 A.U. l A unit of length used in measuring astronomical distances within the solar system equal to the mean distance from Earth to the sun, approximately 150 million kilometers (93 million miles). 天文单位:一种长度单位,用来测量太阳系中天体间的距离,与地球到太阳的平均距离 相等,约为15,000万公里(9,300万英里)。Words and Expres


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