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阅读理解阅读理解(0分,每题分):、B篇规定阅读短文选择对的答案 (A)篇Bunwsa boy of igh. Hs fater woed in a cinema ad h mterorked i a shop lived not farfom hisscoo Healws wake thread alked o. On his wyto shool,he hadto ps a laygound. t was verywetater it aine.One day, whne t home, his clothes wral et Hs moter became angry(气愤的)and sad, “Dot play in e wate n yor way o from schl!”On the nextay Brnoa home with t addity(脏的)clohs. Hi ohebecame even anrier. “ tellyour ahr f yo ome back wt again,” said his mothr. “Hell punish(惩罚)ou,you know.” Th thid day telttleboy ws dywhen e ahm“orea oodbo tday”, hi ot saihappi. “You int layin tewr.”“No,” t bysaid apily. “Tere were oo many oder bysin the water whn got hertis aftno her snnyroom(空地方)frmeat all!”根据文章内容选择对的答案( )Bun wenochool eery ay. by bkeBy buC.by car on ( )2.he plagound atwen(在之间) 。. twoclssros B. thinma anshC.uno house a chool D. heshp n uns shool( )3 h lttl boy ike to ply n the laygund .A. hen it noweB. hen therea som wat thre C when tehldren a ooall thereD. when is fathr asbu ith his wrk( )4.Brun wa aaido the msA. hisather B i mothrC. h eherD helde bo( )5.That ateron,thbos cotheswr dy beause . body adeoo(地方)fr im i thwtB. thrwa no water on th playgoundC.h ok offhis cothesefor hplayd teeD.he plyed i hewatr carefly(B )篇on Ron ws a faous wriedurn th H Dynsty(汉朝)e waconsdrate n e as only four.onghdiv elder rohe anda on rother. O dy, ir her bouh lts of pers. me f he ears were bigandoedgod. Sme wre sall a ddtlook s go. Theboys ere aand eg choos(选择)soe Kng hoe the malles one. Kongfthrfound tis tnge nd asked, “y no chse abgr n, m so?” Kog anwer, “ I amyouer. Myelderbroters e oler andeat r They hould tae ebigernes.”“ ut you havea young brer. He shoud ake th smaest e!” “ e iyungran nesmore nritin(营养)He should get a bigger one, to.” Kngs fatwasey hppy tat ong culdbe o cnsierate. He d thnk ofwat hehimelf wante Hethu of wha othrs wte fis6. How may ids are hre inKngRons fiy?.5 B. 6 . 7 D.7 Wat des “ considera” mea?.Alwyshikingooth plewnt. . Only thiningof wh oneelf wats.C. Alays oind things. . ever ding on things. KongRong chose the smallest par becaus_.A.he culdnt t igone . H likdml on.C. e watedhis bohs toeat he bg nsDH wate tmakeherh.What ong Rong duing Han Dynsty?A. A write B Apainter C. A et D A lee0. Whc of te folloingis true ccording o thstry?. og Rong live inte Tang Dyasty.B. ng Ron was thounet boyi hs fmilyC. Kog Ros mothr died wn hewas for.D Kon ogfthe fleray bot hs condrteso.四、阅读理解(共1小题,每题2分,满分) 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 AMs ln f nexteekar pla for nxt eekondayStudy groupmeetg 3:0 p.Go ttim wthlice 7:0 p.m.TuesdyBastball match 4:30 p.m.ee adotr11:00am.WedsayGo t see se frieds :00 p.mStudy for an ex-eveninghusaArt lass 7:3-8:30 p.onert8:0 p.m.idavunee(志愿者)ok at tudncener 2:00-4:00 p.HelpnceSmth in the restaurat-ftenoonSaurdayShin0:00 .m. Ar ass 7:00-:00 p.m.Sndayetll team party 8: p.mupr wth An 7:0 pm.41. Mry s oing to te cema aten n _.A.ondy evening B.ednesday eening C Fridy veingD.unday veig4.OWednesay afteroon ikei ng to _A.eny coner B.se sm riends C. eea ctor D have anart las43 Maisgoingto _ nWnsday evenin.A. hav upper t nnB. have basketbllptyC studyfor n xamD. wach abasktball at 44Mies bsketballemrystats at_nSuna . :30 p. :0pm. C 8:30p.m. 9:0 p.45. From Mike an Marysln we know a eyot like _. . shoppin B. ones C. at D. usicBAlmosteveryone lks t aappe ppletre grow in nearlevry at thewold


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