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The structure of the U.S. Federal GovernmentIndependence HallSymbol of U.S. Government Symbols of the U.S. GovernmentAbout the Federal Government The federal government consists of three partsCongress: Legislative branch.President: Executive branch.Federal Court: Judicial branch.CongressCongress has the power to make laws. It is bicameral (两院制) comprising the following two parts.Senate(参议院): 100 senators in total (each state has 2). 6-year serve term (every 2 year change 1/3).The vice president is the speaker of the Senate.House of Representative(众议院):435 members in total ( The number of every states seats based on the states population).The Powers of Congress The Constitution grants Congress “all legislative powers“ in the national government., includes: Coining money. Maintaining a military. Declaring war on other countries. Regulating interstate and foreign commerce controlling federal taxing and spending policies make all laws which shall be necessary and proper investigate and oversee the executive branch Executive BranchThe executive branch of the Government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the land. It is the largest compared with the other two branches.The president is the leader of the executive branch. Besides the president and the vice president , there are departments ,independent agencies and commissions help to enforce the policies and laws.PresidentThe President is both the head of state and government, as well as the military commander-in-chief and chief diplomat. According to the Constitution, the President must “take care that the laws be faithfully executed“, and “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution“.Vice president: President of the Senate and becomes President if the Presidentis unable to serve.Executive Office of the PresidentThe Executive Office provides the president with the support the he or she needs to govern effectively which includes: White House Office(白宫宫) National Critical Materials Council(国家重要物资资委员员会) Office of Management and Budget(行政管理和预预算局) Council on Environmental Quality(改善环环境质质量委员员会) Council of Economic Advisers(经济顾问经济顾问 委员员会) Office of Science and Technology(科技局) National Security Council(国家安全委员员会) Office of Administration(行政办办公室) Office of the U.S. Trade Representatives(美国贸贸易代表办办公室) Office of National Drug Control Policy(国家麻醉品控制政策办办公室)Executive DepartmentsDepartment heads advise the President on policy issuesand help execute those policies.Fifteen Government Departments Department of State(国务务院) Department of the Treasury(财财政部) Department of Defense(国防部) Department of Justice(司法部) Department of the Interior(内政部) Department of Agriculture(农业农业 部) Department of Commerce(商务务部) Department of Labor(劳动劳动 部) Department of Health and Human Services(卫卫生部) Department of Housing and Urban Development(住房和城市房展部) Department of Transportation(交通部) Department of Education(教育部) Department of Veterans Affairs(退伍军军人事务务部) Department of Homeland and Security(国土安全部)(2003)The President's Cabinet The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments President Obama at Cabinet meeting at the White House Federal Agencies & CommissionsThere are hundreds of federal agencies and commissions charged with handling such responsibilities as managing America's space Program, protecting its forests, and gathering intelligence. Some Agencies: Central Intelligence Agency(中情局) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国航天局)The Judicial BranchFederal Court The federal judges ,members of the Judicial Branch, are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.The Supreme Court of the United States


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