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短文改错专练(三)李仕才       假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。       增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。       删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。       修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。       注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。ADear Sandra,       Youll never guess where Im writing this email. A cave! You know were on holidays in Spain. Well, we spend a few days in Barcelona first. We had a good time there, though one day I didnt feel very good. I think I ate too much ice cream the day before. Anyway, when I left Barcelona, we came to spend a few days in Granada. However, we couldnt get a hotel too many tourists and not enough bed! Then the hotel owner said, “Why dont try the cave hotels?” We thought he were joking. Living in caves? But there we are and its wonderful. Were enjoying it much that we dont know when were going to leave. Were never going to have enough time to explore for everything.       Take care!                                                                     Ben B       My uncle buys a satellite dish, which is a large round piece of metal that receives satellite television. He decided to set up himself. He climbed up the ladder and attached the dish with the side of his houses. After he finishing, he and my aunt relaxed for the evening in front of the TV. The next day was very much hot, and they decided to stay at home and watch TV. That afternoon they heard lots of shouting outside. When they went outside, they saw that the house opposite were on fire. Fortunately, the fire was putting out. It turned out that the fire had started because my uncles satellite dish had been concentrating the suns rays on the curtains of her neighbors house but had caused the fire. C       Christmas is supposed to be a time express our love and goodwill towards others. It is supposed to be a time which we perform acts of kindness for people less fortunate to ourselves. But do we think of the other people when we sat down to our Christmas dinner? Of course not were too busy eating those delicious foods related with Christmas. We are too busy wondering that the presents we gave were as nice or better than the one we received. They forget to think of the sick and the homeless. The whole idea of Christmas has complete changed. What a shame! D       A thief broke into our house and filled his bag by our possessions when he suddenly feeling a pair of eyes on him. Looking up, he sees an eagle staring at him with cold, merciless eyes. At first the man was too frightening to move, but after ten minute he tried moving quietly towards the door. Therefore, the eyes just followed him and he couldnt move. Eventually, my parents returned to and found the thief in our house. When my father turned the light, the thief could see that the eagle was just a toy. But it was too late and she was arrested. My father said that the toy eagle were better than any watchdog.  E       Nowadays more and more students were found cheating in exams. Some copy from each other; some copy from their text books, reference books or prepared note; others use modern communication tool such as mobile phones. Cheating in exams will cause some worse effects. For one thing, it will result unfair competition and destroy the creativity of bright students. For another, students who often cheats in exams will develop bad habits and wont be able to meet the needs of society in the future. So how can cheating in exams be stopped? On my opinion, severe punishments should be put into the effect to prevent students from cheating. At the same time, great efforts should be made to make students understood what kind of person society needs or try to build up their honesty.  FDear Jack,       Im glad to learn that you will come Beijing to learn about Chinese culture as an exchange student. At the moment, I am studying English in my school but I always get better grades in my class. Im good at the spoken English, so Im sure I will communicate with you frequent. Beside, my parents are open and kind and is friends with many of my classmates. I believe you will be one of their friend too. Therefore, I invite you to live in my home during you stay in Beijing. Im willing to helping you as much as I can.       Best wishes!                                                               Yours,                                                               Li Hua G       My friend Jake is eighteen years old and lives in a small village, not far with the city of Nottingham. He grew up in this village, so he knows everyone here. But he feels boring in the village. At the moment, he travels Nottingham every day to the shop where he works. This is a bus at 7:30 in the morning and the latest bus back in the evening is at 5:30. From the September, however, hes going to stay in Nottingham with his aunt and uncle when his cousin join the Navy. He can use his cousins room. He


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